Translation of "strips" to Japanese language:

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Comic Strips
コミック ストリップComment
Online comic strips
オンライン コミック ストリップName
Create strips in thumbnail
Create strips around thumbnails
Cut into long thin strips.
It strips away the scalps.
which strips away the scalp.
More striker strips. You understand?
Nontoxic glue strips. Yeah, baby.
View comic strips from the Internet
インターネット上のコミック ストリップを表示しますName
It strips that gas cloud apart.
It strips away the hide of man.
人の皮膚を 黒く焦がす
I'm going to read a few strips.
Shred the yuzu peel into thin strips.
The organization strips Muntz of his membership.
組織はマンツから 会員資格をはく奪
Cut the quartered Chinese cabbage into wide strips.
1 4カットの白菜を太めの千切りにザクザク切る
Stack the slices and shred into thin strips.
Not you were modeling strips for the catalog?
それでも 儲けがあるのよ あなた モデルやってたでしょ
Cut the quartered pak choi into, slightly wide, strips.
1 4カットの白菜を太めの千切りにザクザク切る
It strips it away of its strongest weapon fear.
この構造的基盤は きわめて保守的な
This is what I love about comic strips, you know.
読者の不信感がつのる事を それほど心配しなくてもいいでしょ
Unfortunately, our web page IDE strips away all leading blanks.
しかし実行された行の前だけに 星印がついているのを
Will you help me? Tie those strips of bandage to the nuts.
ナットをリボンに 結びつけて下さい
Red phosphorous is found in the striker strips not the matches themselves.
摩擦マッチではなく 赤リンのマッチが必要だ
Stack the slices on top of each other and shred into very thin strips.
Remove the seeds, if there are any, and chop the persimmon into fine strips.
So you cut off the extra and end up with all these strips of paper.
で 数学の時間の暇つぶしに
She's colored in the same number, but the size of each of her strips is different.
それぞれの部分の大きさは違います ですから 7 分の 4 は 6 分の 4 とは確実に違います
The lexer strips them out, so we're not going to see them at the interpreter level.
If I had some strips of ferrous metal, uh, a 9volt battery clip and some... wiring.
鉄の切れ端なんかがあれば 9ボルトのバッテリークリップと 配線も
And the next day, as soon as you get to your math class you pull out your paper strips.
キミは紙束を取り出す キミは紙をこういうふうにひねっていた
Plants have evolved to create little landing strips here and there for bees that might have lost their way.
あちこちに小さな着地場所を作るよう 進化してきました 多くの植物には
I do three or four strips after that where we explore the finning issue and the shark fin soup issue.
問題について 漫画をかきました シャーマンは天国にいます
That strips all the physical mass out of information, so now it's almost zero cost to copy and share information.
活版印刷機はインターネットに コーヒー ハウスはソーシャルネットワークになり
Whether you love suburbia's leafy privacy or you hate its soulless commercial strips, there are reasons why it's important to retrofit.
その寒々しい商業的な街路を嫌っているにせよ それらは郊外の改造にとって重要な理由です しかしそれは実行可能でしょうか
And when Bell actually strips the patient, begins to examine the patient, you can only imagine how much more he would discern.
診察を始める前に なんと多くの情報を得ていたことか 医学の教師であり また生徒でもある私は
In this particular work, she actually strips out the images and leaves the actual text to reveal something previously unseen, and provocative.
文章だけを残すことで 革新的で挑発的なものに仕上がっています ラキブ ショーはコルカタ出身の
This is strips of Velcro, this is my drawing slate, and this is my drawing pen, which is basically a film box.
こちらがお絵かき用のペンです これはフィルムの箱です これは基本的には釣りのリールと
So when I thought about compassion, my mind immediately went to one of the cartoon strips, where he's lying there and he says,
すぐに漫画のひとコマを思い出しました 犬小屋に横になったスヌーピーが言います 己れを愛するがごとく 汝の隣人を愛せよ っていうけれど
They reveal a beautiful range of colors glossy, dark plumage, reminiscent of crows, alternating strips of black and white, or splashes of bright red.
例えば カラスを思わせる艶やかな黒い羽や 黒と白のストライプ 鮮やかな赤いまだら模様など がありました
luminosity, which is, again what you expect, because it's the x ray gas that strips away the neutral hydrogen in those galaxies around through it.
銀河の周辺の中性の水素をはぎとるのだから そしてもっと注意深く見ていくと 個々の渦巻き銀河の中で
There's One World, which presents the spinning globe, and Many Voices, which splits the data out into film strips and lets you sift through them one by one.
Many Voicesでは データをフィルム上に分割し 一つ一つ調べる事が可能です
And then if I were to group the blue strips into groups of 2, then I would have 1, 2 of them that have actually been colored blue.
それらの 1, 2 個が 青に塗られています つまり分子と分母の両方を 2 で割ったら
This is what it looks like in reality you have this irregular ring around it, with strips of 100 meters wide, with sugar palms that can provide income for 648 families.
100メーター幅の土地を 円状に砂糖椰子で囲むことによって 648世帯に収入をもたらしています
There are a few parks in the city that are still connected to each other with strips of forest, so the mice can run back and forth and spread their genes, so they don't become different.
そこでは ネズミたちが自由に移動ができます するとネズミの遺伝子には あまり違いが生まれません しかし 市内全域を見渡すと公園ごとに 遺伝子にかなりの違いが見られました