Translation of "stylistic consistency" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Consistency! | 一致すること |
Consistency is key | 粘り強さが鍵です |
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. | 原子性とは一部のトランザクションだけが 成功または失敗することはないという性質です |
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, or Durability? | レプリケーションラグが起こる状況を 思い出してみましょう |
You know what consistency is? | 一貫性ってのが どういうものか知ってるか |
What is the consistency? Open. | 思い当たるのは何? |
Except the consistency of squirrel droppings. | どうせリスの糞の話だろう |
Oh, well, let me check the consistency. | そう 調べてみるわ |
The main thing that dreams lack is consistency. | 夢に欠けている主な事は首尾一貫性である |
Has a little bit of consistency to it. | カン博士はこのプロジェクトで働いている |
You know, reputations are built on trust, consistency, transparency. | 一貫性と透明性に 基づいています あるブランドを信頼すると決めたら |
So we can at least have some consistency there. | これまでにも説明してきた 一種の包括的なSQLデータベースにも |
There is no longer any consistency in the surface signals. | 一貫した解釈はできないのです 私達は この問題の解決のため |
Human beings have a need for maintaining consistency of the apperceptive mass. | 一貫性を保つ必要があります どういうことかと言うと |
Consistency refers to the notion that the database will always be consistent. | Redditを例にこの概念について考えてみましょう |
And if the correlation is high, that demonstrates some internal consistency or reliability. | 示している これか項目間法で 心理学で信頼性を求める |
Gengo has full term glossary support to maintain your brand voice and consistency across translations. | 以前発注し お気に入りの翻訳者がいる場合は |
And this has some interesting notions with regard to consistency in the App Engine database. | Redditの子は一貫性に関して 興味深い考え方をします 深く理解する必要はありません |
For commitment, courage and consistency this group blows away all the teams I've ever had. | チーム ダイダロスはまさに 最高のチームと言える |
I believe in consistency, when possible, real world equivalents, trash can folder, when possible, label things, mostly. | 可能な限り ゴミ箱のような実世界のメタファを使い 多くのものにラベルを付けておくことです しかしデザイナの皆さんには 知的にするという |
Y3 is equal to 315 and so on, and only y1 through y4 are defined consistency 4 dimensional vector. | 315と等しい などなど そしてy1からy4までだけが 4次元ベクトルではちゃんと定義出来る |
The best lie, the one that's easiest to remember with consistency is the one that's based on the truth. | 最高の嘘って言うのは 本当のことを混ぜておくもんだ |
And in the last paragraph of the book, it's a kind of stylistic mark, because normally Charles Darwin stored, in the last paragraph of a book, the most important message. | 最も重要なポイントを 最後の段落に記すのが ダーウィンのやり方で |
This statement of purpose essay has no consistency in how the points are laid out and gives a distracted impression. | この志望理由書は 論旨の展開に一貫性が無く 散漫な印象です |
Postgres the documentation was better, they would sacrifice functionality over stability and consistency and adherence to kind of the SQL standard. | SQLのスタンダートに比べ 犠牲にしている部分がありました Redditで行ったクエリは データベースの限界に挑戦しましたが |
So the sentences are locally consistent at the level of one or two words, but that consistency doesn't go very far. | それ以上になると意味を成しません |
No matter what the consistency is, a tissue is a group of the same cells, working together to perform a similar function. | 組織は同じ細胞のグループで 似たような役割を果たす為 一緒に機能します 別の組織が一緒に働く時 |
It's random anybody can sue for almost anything and take it to a jury, not even an effort at consistency and it's also too detailed. | 法廷に持ち込むことができます そしてまた全てが細かすぎるのです 規制された領域では実に多くの規則があり |
And the measurement probability here is nothing else but the consistency of the sonar range measurements with the map of the environment given the particle place. | 地図上での環境と距離計の出力との 整合性に他なりません もう一度再生します |
And we might have to think about consistency, which is why I talked a little bit about replication lag so much before in an Intro Class. | それで以前 入門講義で レプリケーションラグについて少し触れました データベースは分割され |
So the database consistency issue, that's a great question, and it's been lurking in the back of my mind ever since I started teaching you guys about Datastore. | データベースの講義を始めてから 私も常に考えています 2つの問題へのアプローチがあります |
But something that's important is that if you give your entities a parent, you can get around some limitations on consistency, which is one of the things I'll talk about. | 一貫性におけるいくつかの制約を 回避できることが重要です 詳しくは次回お話します |
When the Prestige sank off the coast of Spain, there were big, floating cushions the size of sofa cushions of emulsified oil, with the consistency, or the viscosity, of chewing gum. | 石油が乳化して クッション大の物質になり チューインガムと同程度の堅さ 粘性を持ち 水上を漂っていました |
To simulate the insurgents who were behind the wall, Reichert uses a block of ballistic gelatin, that has the same consistency human tissue we simulate that the insurgents are hiding behind the walls of buildings | それは 同じ整合性ヒト組織を持っている 私たちは 反政府勢力は 建物の壁の後ろに隠れていることをシミュレート 私は 壁と射撃戦位置として前進 |
If for every single operation on a large data structure, you're to traverse the anti tree in order to check it for consistency, these operations will be no longer logarithmic time but at least linear time. | anti treeを走査する必要があるからです この作業はもはや対数時間ではなく線形時間です 膨大なデータ構造を走査する必要がある場合 |
If you are moaning when nothing is happening to you and they are not even doing anything consistent and the biggest thing, too, is girls need consistency you can't just feel like doing all of this you'd have to have like a specific motion | 動きに一貫性と継続性がないわ 繰り返しがないとダメなのよ こんなのはダメ 一定の動きじゃないと 私はいつも円の動きをイメージするわ |
Now, when looked at this, it changed the way I see things, because this thing, this network that's changing across time, it has a memory, it moves, things flow within it, it has a kind of consistency people can die, but it doesn't die it still persists and it has a kind of resilience that allows it to persist across time. | 私のものの見方が変わりました なぜならこのネットワークは 時がたつにつれて変化していて |
Are you not afraid with all these technologies that are going to track down any statement the politicians are going to make on certain issues, are you not afraid that this is going to be a very strong signal to politicians to repeat their positions, even the very wrong positions, because consistency is going to be more important than common sense? | 政治家の発言を一言一句 追跡できるとしたら怖くありませんか このような事態が政治家に 常識よりも一貫性を重視させ |
If we have this notion that a link has a score that gets updated periodically, and the author or the submitter of that link also has a karma score that also gets updated at the same time, consistency refers to the notion that both the score and the karma will be consistent with one another so that we don't update the score without also updating the karma. | 定期的に更新が必要です 投稿者のリンクにあるカルマスコアも 同時に更新されます 一貫性の考え方ではスコアもカルマも お互いに関連があるので |
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