Translation of "superiors" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I'm consulting my superiors.
真下 上の人達に 色々おうかがいをたててたんだ
He has his superiors' confidence.
And I have no superiors.
He behaves respectfully toward his superiors.
Our superiors are even more unhappy.
What if your superiors are wrong?
I needed to ask my superiors
He is in favor with his superiors.
He is in disfavour with his superiors.
I'll need to consult with my superiors.
Whatever your, uh, your superiors told you,
上に何を言われたか 知らないが
Details I can pass on to my superiors.
Don't forget it when you call your superiors.
上司に伝える時 忘れるなよ
Contact your superiors. Have them transferred to another vessel.
上官に連絡を取り 我々を他の船で送らせろ
Gu, you can report any issues to your superiors.
谷 貴方はどんな問題も 上司に報告できます
First rule of war, listen and obey your superiors.
戦争の第一規則 上司に聞いて 従う
When speaking about your superiors' actions, you use respectful language.
目上の人のすることについて話す時 尊敬語を使います
I convinced my superiors to give it one more chance.
I will be speaking with your superiors to assure myself...
君の上司と話して 君たちが この捜査に最も適した人材なのか
From now on, I would need the support of my superiors,
これからは 上司の支援が 必要だった
Perhaps you should ask your superiors to steal a genome sequencer?
And I'm going to be taking this up with your superiors.
私はこれから 君の上司と話してこよう
I doubt my superiors will allow me to remain in my position.
上官は今の地位に留まることを 許すとは思わない
Boys, I think it's time we teach WeasleBee how to respect his superiors.
おい あいつに教えてやれ 目上に対する敬意の払い方をな
My superiors believe it may be... helpful if Enterprise were to join us.
上官は エンタープライズが我々側に 付けば助けになると確信している
Arthur, you remember marshall phillips, amos denninger, my superiors in everything but shortness and baldness.
Or I can report your incompetence... and disregard for my nation's laws to your superiors.
あるいは 君の上司に 君の無能さや 我が国での法律侵犯を 報告することもできる
You can take this up with your superiors. Clear the room! You guys move out.
私はエージェントのペレスよ 上司に話します
Recently there are a lot of young people who don't use respectful language to their superiors.
最近 目上の人に敬語を使わない若者が多い
I can't get go to my superiors with a bunch of rocks. I need something definitive,
これが落ちてきて 放射能を振りまいた理由とか
It's super hot in the fire, hard to breathe, and it's not easy. With help from my superiors,
先輩に引っ張ってもらって やっとやれてる感じで
The obsequious waiter is usually assigned the best table because he always curries favor with his manager and superiors.
こびへつらうウェイターは最上のテーブルをあてがわれる なぜなら そうしたウェイターは いつもマネージャーや上役のきげんをとるから
I have to answer to my own superiors, and if I don't catch him, I'll be obliged to resign.
それが無理なら 上司の手前 辞職せねば
And they will say, Lord, we have obeyed our superiors and our dignitaries, but they led us away from the way.
またかれらは言うだろう 主よ わたしたちは 本当に頭や権力者たちに従っていました かれらがわたしたちを 道に迷わせたのです
If you mean I respect my superiors, no matter who they are, and I I obey orders blindly and unquestionably... yes!
どんな命令にも 黙って従うという意味か
The chief clerk is not a hardworking man, but gets ahead rapidly because he knows how to curry favor with his superiors.
その係長は勤勉な男ではないが 上役にとり入る術を心得ているから 早く昇進するのだ
One of the reasons some workers hesitate to use their paid holidays is that they fear unfavorable reactions from their colleagues or superiors.
従業員の中には有給休暇を使いたがらないものもあるが その理由の一つには 同僚や上役からの冷たい反応に対する恐れがある
It would be best if you made no mention of this to your superiors... or you might find yourself commanding a garbage scow.
これについて上官に報告しないのが最善だろう さもなくばお前はゴミ運搬船にいることになるぞ