Translation of "supportive for" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Supportive? | 喜ぶ |
Intelligent, supportive, funny. | 知的 優しい ユーモア |
He's intelligent, supportive, funny.... | 知的でで優しくて ユーモアがある |
We were too supportive. | 甘やかしてしまった |
He's been really supportive. | 彼は本当に良くしてくれたわ |
The women are very supportive. | その女性は非常に協力的である |
So if you wanna be supportive, you could be supportive without prying. That would be really great... | サポートしてくれるなら 余計な詮索はしないと |
He has been very supportive of me. | 拍手 |
Hank, he just wants to be supportive. | この子は ただ励まそうと... |
People in my office were not supportive either. | ということを言われました |
I also had a very supportive school management. | イベントの資金を出してくれたので |
The data isn't terribly supportive of money buying happiness. | 関係ないとはいえません |
She's supportive when other people talk about their mistakes. | 他人の失敗も指摘します |
He was raised by very supportive and interested parents. | ダーウィンは20代の頃 |
There are people who are supportive of your sexual orientation. | 必ずよくなる! |
What kind of guard would you be? Sadistic or supportive? | 囚人なら 耐え切れるだろうか |
Third, I work at an enormously supportive workplace at USC Law School. | 第三に 私は南カリフォルニア大学ロースクールの 非常に協力的な職場で働いています ここは 私のニーズを許容してくれるだけでなく |
There's a lot of people and it's all a very supportive area. | あなたが見ることができるように 私は労働者階級の家族からです |
Even with all that excellent treatment, wonderful family and friends, supportive work environment | 協力的な職場環境にも関わらず 私は 人生の比較的晩年まで 病気を公表しませんでした |
In the meantime, Larry, I need you to be supportive... of our efforts. | 私たちも全力を尽くすけど 原告団の支えも必要なの |
And I've been very supportive until this picture shows up on my Facebook page. | 私のページに この写真が 載った時には 参りました (笑) あわてて自分のタグを外すと |
What Lily needs right now is a safe, supportive environment with someone she trusts. | リリーに今必要なのは 安全な環境です 彼女が信頼する誰かによる 支えなのです |
The platforms will, of course, be completely self supportive receiving their energy from sun, currents and waves. | 動力は 太陽光と海流と 波のエネルギーを使います アゾレス諸島に潜りに行って 思いついたアイデアです |
They've really been tremendously supportive of me through this last year, and they continue to be so. | 行ってくれました さらにこれからも支援を続けてくれます どうもありがとう |
Why do women's personalities on television always have to be beautiful, sweet, innocent and, you know, supportive? | 常に美しく かわいく 純真で 素直でなければならないのでしょう 自分の意見を持って |
You have Democrats overwhelmingly supportive of raising the income tax on people who make 250,000 dollars a year, | 民主党は年収25万ドルを超える 富裕層への増税に積極的です 共和党はこれに反対しています もっとも共和党員の中でも |
Mayor Bloomberg came in office, he was very supportive, but we still had to make the economic case. | 経済的な数値上の説得が必要でした 当時は9 11テロの直後だったので |
Obviously I'm from a very working class family and they are very supportive towards my sort of people. | 彼らは人々の私のソートに向け非常に支持している |
And one thing that I've seen is there are a lot of supportive communities that already exist in the world. | 支援グループがたくさんあります 社会ネットワークの助けによって |
And they realize that democracy is something that is compatible with Islam, compatible with their values, and they've been supportive of democracy. | 矛盾なく共存していることに気が付いたのです そしてトルコ人達は民主主義を支持するようになりました それは中東の他の国のイスラム教徒が |
I wanna try to be straightforward with you and tell you I think you might want to be a little more supportive. | マトモだよ 理解ないな |
And she points out other people's mistakes, not in a gotcha way, but in a loving, supportive way so that everybody can benefit. | 見逃さない ということではなく 誠実な支援の想いがあれば 誰にとってもメリットが生じます |
With social networks, it's an amazing way, growing the number of people that we all have around us in our own supportive communities, rapidly. | 身の回りで応援してくれる人たちが 驚くほど急速に増えるのです そこで こんな助け合いのネットワークを |
Instead of just scoffing at this heresy that a kid wanted to get published, or saying wait until you're older, my parents were really supportive. | 突拍子もないと笑ったり 大きくなるまで待ちなさいなんて言いません とても力になってくれました |
And I said these are all arm wrestles, but they're affectionate and I said, My father was loving and supportive, which is why I'm not funny. | 私は言いました 父は優しくて面倒見のよい人でした だから私の話は面白くないのです (笑) |
And if we can catalyze a supportive community to come around these individuals and to participate in their story by lending a little bit of money, | コミュニティー作りを Kiva が助け 少額の融資によって 彼らの人生の一部となれば |
In fact, if you look at the evidence worldwide, the evidence is more supportive of the view that the infrastructure are actually the result of economic growth. | インフラは実は経済成長の結果だという 考え方がより正しいとわかります 経済が成長すると |
I've been wondering how can we engage these supportive communities to catalyze even more entrepreneurial ideas and to catalyze all of us to make tomorrow better than today? | みんなに変化をもたらし より良い明日を作るための 方法はないかと考えていました |
I want to assure everybody, and particularly the automotive industry who's been very supportive of us that I don't think this in any way competes with airplanes, or cars. | 確認しておきたいことがあります それはこの乗り物が飛行機や自動車と 競合しないということです ただ今日の世界の状勢を 考えてみてください |
Outside the jail, the whole country went into a frenzy, some attacking me badly, and others supportive and even collecting signatures in a petition to be sent to the king to release me. | とことん私を責め立てる人もいれば 支援者もいて 署名活動までしてくれていました 私の釈放を求めて国王へ嘆願書を提出しようというのです |
The long term affectionate supportive bonds that develop throughout this long childhood with the mother, with the brothers and sisters, and which can last through a lifetime, which may be up to 60 years. | 母や兄弟姉妹との 愛情深い絆は 一生続いていきます |
I discovered this bar on Manhattan's Lower East Side that hosted a weekly poetry open Mic, and my bewildered, but supportive, parents took me to soak in every ounce of spoken word that I could. | 毎週 詩のオープンマイクが あるのを知り 戸惑いながらも理解のあった両親が 連れて行ってくれ スポークンワードの世界に すっかり浸れました |
I'm just wondering whether you can see that changing over time, whether you see in Britain that there are changing attitudes, and that people are actually more supportive of the kind of global ethic that you talk about. | イギリスで 人々の態度の変化を目にしているのでしょうか あなたが仰るようなグローバル倫理に |
In fact, on Twitter, there were a number of people who were supportive of the revolution who said, Well actually, we do want democracy and free expression, but there is some kinds of speech that need to be off bounds because it's too violent and it might be destabilizing for our democracy. | 革命を支持していた人々の中には こういう意見もありました まあ本当は民主主義も表現の自由も欲しいけど |
Dotti For, for, for | サンディエゴ |
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