Translation of "tablets" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Tablets - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

What are these tablets?
Take two aspirin tablets.
And speaking of tablets... Laughter
Hugo がお話したい事があるようです
On stone or wooden tablets.
ヘブライ聖書を 授かった
An image viewer for touch tablets
The tablets took away my pain.
A web browser reader for touch tablets
A news feed reader for touch tablets
People with clay tablets, which have writing on them, would sometimes have cross references to other clay tablets.
It says on the label to take two tablets.
So take two stone tablets, and carve on them.
2つのうち1つには 問題は解決可能 と刻みます
Laptops, computers, tablets you name it, they have it.
アニメーションのソフト 映画作成のソフト これらも全て用意しました
A tool to setup visual and audio alarms for tablets
I can't swallow these tablets without a drink of water.
水を一口飲まないと 私にはこの錠剤は飲み込めません
I can't swallow these tablets without a drink of water.
Indeed, the whole container. Thirty two tablets of Calms Forte.
Calms Forte 32 錠です
I took three tablets of a cold medicine before going to bed.
He took two tablets of aspirin to get rid of his cold.
If you have capsules, they're more effective than tablets in any form.
どんな錠剤よりも効果的だそうです 色つきのカプセル 片方が黄色でもう片方が赤色
Evernote works on all platforms Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, tablets and the Web.
They then discovered that two dimensional engravings on clay tablets were even simpler.
もっと容易だと彼らは気づきました たとえばこの記号は 山 を意味し
As well might those tablets stand in the cave of Elephanta as here.
生き物のどのような人口調査では 人類の死者は含まれていますが それはなぜ
E books, tablets, set top boxes and the list goes on and on and on.
ここで見せたい事としては コンピュータアーキテクチャはとても豊かな歴史を持っている という事です
gt gt Hugo Barra Now, Android was always meant to go beyond phones and tablets.
去年のI Oで 新しい形のメディアデバイスを ちょっとお見せしました
He says, When the Sumerian tablets were first translated, they were thought to be business records.
業務記録だと思われていた もしそれが 詩や詩篇だったら
Google provide services for a wide range of devices from desktop computers to mobile devices including tablets.
多くのデバイスに対応してきました 次は もっとも売れた家庭用コンピューターです
Momentum, accelerating of Android across the world. Mobile, everything we're doing to innovate on smartphones and tablets.
Written records from around 3300 BC show that Babylonians inscribed amounts on clay tablets with a reed.
バビロニア人が大量に 粘土板に葦で文字を 刻み付けていたことを示している 彼らは 1を楔の形で
Especially as we democratize publishing in parts of the world where laptops or tablets aren't something that people use.
世界中の地域でもパブリッシングを民主化していけば なおのことです
All those improvements that you just saw for tablets are coming to the Android smartphone today in Android Play.
Android Playに今日 追加されます 携帯用もありますので 使ってください
There's also companies like Google that are using the technology to create interfaces between mobile phones, tablets and the real world.
このテクノロジーを使って 携帯電話やタブレットと 現実世界の間の インタフェースを作っています
Here we find clay accounting tablets, which are some of the oldest written documents ever found some dating before 3,000 BC.
紀元前 3,000 年以上前に描かれた 発見された中で最も古い書物の1つです 長方形の板に 家畜に関する帳簿が書かれています
When his anger subsided Moses picked up the tablets. Inscribed on them was guidance and grace for those who fear their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
When his anger abated, Moses took up the Tablets upon which was inscribed guidance and mercy to those who fear their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
The rectangular tablets record the payments in cattle, shipments of cattle to shepherds for fattening, and gifts of cattle as an offering.
羊飼いに家畜を出して太らせたり ささげ物として家畜を贈ったことの記録です 注意すべきは 羊の絵を10回 描く代わりに
But then also you know everything I've heard or read in the news about Android tablets is that they're dead on arrival.
Android タブレットについて耳にした噂や ニュースで聞いた話によると 全然使われていないということらしかったので
So be sure to try to game, not only on your computer but also in the browser of your mobile phone or tablets.
携帯やタブレットでも試してみて下さい 見てくれてありがとう ぜひゲームでお会いしましょう
When Moses indignation abated, he picked up the tablets whose inscriptions contained guidance and mercy for those who are in awe of their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
When the anger abated in Moses, he took up the tablets. In their transcript is guidance and mercy for those in awe of their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
So right around, right around there where there were stone tablets where it looks like people were exploring some of the fundamental ideas of Algebra.
石版に 基礎的な代数の考えを 書いた物が見つかっています
When his anger had subsided, Moses took up the Tablets upon which was inscribed a pledge of guidance and mercy for those who fear their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
When the anger of Moses was appeased, he took up the tablets in the writing thereon was guidance and Mercy for such as fear their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
I regarded those marble tablets, and by the murky light of that darkened, doleful day read the fate of the whalemen who had gone before me.
私の前に行っていたwhalemanの複数形の運命をお読みください はい イシュマエル 同じ運命はthineの可能性があります しかしどういうわけか 私は再び陽気の増加となりました
And when the anger of Moosa abated, he picked up the stone tablets and in their texts are guidance and mercy for those who fear their Lord.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた
When Moses' anger calmed down, he collected the Tablets. On one of them was written, God's mercy and guidance are for those who have fear of Him.
ムーサーは怒りが静まると 板碑を取り上げた その上には 主を畏れる者への導きと慈悲が記されていた


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