Translation of "titanium ore" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Titanium - translation : Titanium ore - translation :
Keywords : チタン 合金 T600

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Titanium lacquer on this.
Stress Fractures in Titanium.
Ore flight Bravo. Delta, Wilco.
鉱石船B D 了解 Wilco willcomply了解 B ravo D elta  フォネティックコード
Ore flight Nebula, Delta initiated.
鉱石船N Dを開始 N ebula D elta  フォネティックコード
Iron ore occurs there in abundance.
Until you find some tylium ore.
チリュウム鉱石を 見つけるまでよ
Kojien uses a paper that contains titanium.
Madam President, tylium ore is extremely rare.
大統領閣下 チリュウム鉱石はきわめて希少です
A strand of hair that has titanium dioxide.
Two 600 models had a titanium alloy endoskeleton.
Without harming the tylium ore under the surface.
地表下の チリュウム鉱石を傷つけずに
This handmade Italian made titanium bicycle is terribly light.
この手作りのイタリア製チタン自転車は 恐ろしく軽い
Don't worry about dropping it, it's tougher than titanium.
実はトム フリードマンがこれを 大きなハンマーで力いっぱい叩きましたが
Treat the men well and the ore will come.
But the radiation would render the ore inert, unusable.
だが 放射線は鉱石を 不活性にし 使えなくなる
I don't now if they are black block ore not...
ブラックブロックって言ったじゃないですか バカ
little titanium tanks, very lightweight and we're not carrying much else.
他にはほとんど何も携行していません これだけです 頂上稜線では無防備なのです
Mountain ranges, plate tectonics, moves the continents around, forms ore deposits.
大陸を移動させ 鉱床を形成し 火山を噴火させます
They hit some iron ore here. Slowed them down a little.
鉄鉱石にぶつかって 速度を落としています
It's titanium...pretty funny, huh? It's not like he's Iron Man or anything...
わぁ  チャンディお姉さんの連れの方ってハンサムなんですね
Titanium alloy, plastic, and also, to reduce weight, wood of the hinoki cypress.
チタン合金と プラスティック それと軽量化のため 檜も使われています
Whether it's the abode of a spirit or a pile of ore is irrelevant.
興味深いのは 個人と自然界の関係を
Australia, for example, is heavily dependent on exporting iron ore and natural gas to China.
輸出先をほとんど中国に頼っています 貧困国に対しては 中国は関税を低くして
Guinea has got a huge new exploitation of iron ore coming out of the ground.
Today, we can produce virgin metal from ore at a cost of less than 50 cents a pound.
1キロ当たり1ドル弱のコストでできます これは現代の電気冶金における
You wouldn't look at this and call this a designer bike a designer bike is made of titanium or molybdenum.
デザイナーバイクはチタニウムとか モリブデンでできています しかし アムステルダムのような場所の デザインはどこか目新しく
I had lots of titanium put in me cadaver bones, to try to get my feet moving the right way.
死んだ人の骨を移植したりもしました 最終的には プラスティックの鼻や義歯などを
We're making huge discoveries of large commercial grade ore along this mountain range, but it was dwarfed by what we discovered.
それでさえ我々の発見に比べれば小さいものです おびただしい種類の生命体が
This must be some kind of conveyor belt to get the ore from the mine here into this cracking plant here.
これは コンベアベルト みたいな物だろうな この鉱山から鉱石を取って この砕石プラントへ送る
And things that where there isn't an extra barrier of a piece of glass or machined titanium, and it all looks fantastic, OK?
ガラスや機械の仕切りがある 幻想的なものからではないのです サンフランシスコの科学博物館はそれを非常に上手くやっています
But anyway, I got my suitcase of iron ore and dragged it back to London on the train, and then was faced with the problem
ロンドンの鉄道経由で運んだものの ある問題に直面しました この石からトースターの材料に
This is not unlike c ore, or say, Virgo cluster of galaxies or comma cluster of galaxies, except, of course, the ANSls are the dark matter particles.
だがこれらはダークマターの粒子だ という所は違うが このシミュレーションでの色の違いは異なる密度を表す
We've been able to engineer viruses to pick up carbon nanotubes and then grow titanium dioxide around them, and use it as a way of getting electrons through the device.
カーボンナノチューブの周りに 電子を輸送するための二酸化チタンを 成長させることが可能となりました
And then I had a 15 hour surgery in which my surgeon, Dr. John Healey at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York, took out my left femur and replaced it with titanium.
NYのスローン ケタリング記念病院の ジョン ヒーリー先生が ぼくの左大腿骨を取り除き
He came up with this Bowden wedge heel that has to be made out of steel or titanium if you make it from some sort of cheaper material, it'll actually crack in two.
ウェッジヒールのボウデンを生み出しました 現にこれを安価な材料で作ると 二つに割れてしまいます
And you can see, they're ranging from shoes, rings that were made out of stainless steal, phone covers out of plastic, all the way through to spinal implants, for example, that were created out of medical grade titanium, and engine parts.
靴を初め ステンレスの指輪 プラスチックの携帯カバー
And if i drew parallel lines, maybe I'll draw it straight left and right, it might be a little bit ore obvious so if I assume that these two lines are parallel and I have a transversal here what I'm saying is this angle is going to be the exact same measure as that angle there.
この2つの直線を平行だと仮定し ここに横断線をかくと この角はこの角と全く同じ大きさになります ここから予想できるのは この線よりも傾いた直線でもこのことが成り立つことです
He sends down water from the sky that fills riverbeds to overflowing, each according to its measure. The torrent carries along swelling foam, akin to what rises from smelted ore from which man makes ornaments and tools. God thus depicts truth and falsehood. The scum is cast away, but whatever is of use to man remains behind. God thus speaks in parables.
かれが天から雨を降らせられれば その量に応じて谷を流れ 奔流は浮ぶ泡を乗せて運び去る また装飾品や道具を造るために 金属 を火にかけても それと同じ(泡?) が出来る このようにアッラーは 真実と虚偽とを提示なされる (泡?)は塵のように消え去る だが人類を益するものは 地上に残る アッラーはこのように 種々の譬えで説き明かされる
Certainly, from a medical standpoint, my legs, laser surgery for vision impairment, titanium knees and hip replacements for aging bodies that are allowing people to more fully engage with their abilities, and move beyond the limits that nature has imposed on them not to mention social networking platforms allow people to self identify, to claim their own descriptions of themselves, so they can go align with global groups of their own choosing.
私の足や視覚障害のためのレーザー手術 人工膝関節や人工股関節などは 人間本来の力に近づくことを可能にし
So for example you're making silk and whose going to be your silk and weaver supplier in the value chain or your making still, where are we going to get the iron ore or are you going to need a thousands of square feet of warehouse space if you're going to setup a distribution center and what's really interesting is this kindly obviously a fact where you going to put your company facility.
鉄鉱石が欲しい場合は どこに行けば手に入るでしょう? 配送センターを作る予定があるなら 倉庫のスペースは必要ですか?
He sends down from the sky, rain, and valleys flow according to their capacity, and the torrent carries a rising foam. And from that ore which they heat in the fire, desiring adornments and utensils, is a foam like it. Thus Allah presents the example of truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it vanishes, being cast off but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present examples.
かれが天から雨を降らせられれば その量に応じて谷を流れ 奔流は浮ぶ泡を乗せて運び去る また装飾品や道具を造るために 金属 を火にかけても それと同じ(泡?) が出来る このようにアッラーは 真実と虚偽とを提示なされる (泡?)は塵のように消え去る だが人類を益するものは 地上に残る アッラーはこのように 種々の譬えで説き明かされる
He sends down water from the skies, and the channels flow, each according to its measure But the torrent bears away to foam that mounts up to the surface. Even so, from that (ore) which they heat in the fire, to make ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum likewise. Thus doth Allah (by parables) show forth Truth and Vanity. For the scum disappears like forth cast out while that which is for the good of mankind remains on the earth. Thus doth Allah set forth parables.
かれが天から雨を降らせられれば その量に応じて谷を流れ 奔流は浮ぶ泡を乗せて運び去る また装飾品や道具を造るために 金属 を火にかけても それと同じ(泡?) が出来る このようにアッラーは 真実と虚偽とを提示なされる (泡?)は塵のように消え去る だが人類を益するものは 地上に残る アッラーはこのように 種々の譬えで説き明かされる


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