Translation of "to be criticized" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
To be criticized - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
His grounds are ordinary, mundane can be criticized, have been criticized. | 普通だ ありきたりだ 批判されてしかるべきであり |
The reporter criticized the politician. | 記者はその政治家を非難した |
Most writers hate being criticized. | たいていの作家は批評されるのを嫌う |
He criticized his rival severely. | 彼は自分のライバルをひどくこきおろした |
He severely criticized the mayor. | 彼は厳しく市長を講評した |
Now we have been criticized. | もちろんこの手の研究を嫌う人や |
She criticized him for being late. | 彼女は彼が遅刻したといって責めた |
They criticized me for coming late. | 彼らは私が遅れて来たことを責めた |
The teacher criticized his students' compositions. | 先生は学生たちの作文を批評した |
We criticized her for her behavior. | 私たちは行いが悪いといって彼女を非難した |
We criticized them for being quite slow to return refugees. | 批判しました しかし そうした 遅さ 慎重さ |
He criticized me for neglecting my duty. | 彼は私が義務を怠った事を非難した |
Arabic He criticized how my characters looked. | その時 兄にどう答えたかをここで説明して |
It is inevitable even if he is criticized. | 彼を非難しても仕方のないことだ |
Now, some people have criticized us for this. | 生徒が初めて見る問題で |
If you care enough about your work to be willing to be criticized for it then you have done a good day's work. | いい仕事をしたと 言えるでしょう それではいったい何を |
The mayor is sensitive to the way his programs have been criticized. | その市長は自分の計画がどう批判されるかに敏感である |
I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong. | 私は間違っている時に非難されても構わない |
Hinata criticized her teacher unfairly and the teacher became sick. | 陽菜は先生を不当に非難して 先生が病気になった |
We criticized the photographer for not rescuing the child first. | 私たちは写真家が子供をまず助け出さなかったといって非難した |
Hinata criticized her teacher unfairly and the teacher became sick. | ヒナタが先生を不当に非難し 先生は体調をくずした |
The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party. | 政府の政策は野党から非難された |
Some people criticized me saying I was making my wife work. | あいつ女房を働かせて 上手いことやってやがる なんて 陰口も聞かれましたけれど たった1つ守ったのは |
We can all get criticized and we can all get cheers. | しかし 私が考える最後のとても重要な話は |
The educational system is validly criticized as being broken and dysfunctional. | うまく機能していないと 妥当な批判がなされています まず達成すべきなのは |
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers. | この雑誌の編集者兼出版社が一部の読者から批判された |
Green Revolution. That is something that a lot of people have criticized. | その人たちは |
We criticized people a lot in Bosnia for being quite slow to take on war criminals. | 戦犯者の処分や難民帰還に対する 取り組みが遅い事を |
When Kate played a minor part in a movie, her acting was criticized. | ケイトがある映画で脇役を演じた時 彼女の演技は批判されました |
Some people criticized, others praised me for writing about the Turkish Armenian conflict. | どちらの側にも これはフィクションなのだと 伝えたかった時期がありました |
The radiologists were, in turn, criticized for protecting their own financial self interest. | 反対に非難されました でも 私が思うには |
On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it. | 一方で彼は私の報告書を賞賛したが 他方ではそれを批判した |
The Japanese are often criticized for being inward looking and insufficiently international in their outlook. | 日本人はものの見方が内向的であるとか 国際性が不十分であると言って非難されることが多い |
He became bad tempered, continually criticized his wife's cooking and complained of a pain in his stomach. | 怒りっぽくなり 妻の料理にいつもけちを付け胃の痛みを訴えた |
U.S. aid, helping people is not easy, and there have been books that have criticized U.S. aid. | その援助のあり方を批判する本がたくさん出ています ビル イースタリーの本があります |
I've been criticized for showing you a too positive image of the world, but I don't think it's like this. | しかし 私はそうは思わないのです 世界は かなり乱雑なところなのです |
That will happen because women in Cairo made a decision to stand up and put themselves on the line, and talk about the degree of violence that is happening in Egypt, and were willing to be attacked and criticized. | 議論をしようとカイロで女性達が 立ち上がったことで実現を果たしました 更に ここ数年の非難や中傷をも恐れぬ |
And we added three quotations, because with the first genome we were criticized for not trying to say something more profound than just signing the work. | なぜなら 最初のゲノムの時には 意味深げなことを言わずに 作品にサインをしただけだと 批判されたからです |
And first I was praised for it, then criticized for it, but the fact of the matter was, I had become solemn. | 私は まじめになってしまったのです それ以降 14年位は |
I was criticized by a scientist, who said, You could never publish a study with an n of 4, meaning those four crashes. | 4回の実験だけで研究成果を公表すべきではない と 彼に45004回のテストであれば どうでしょうか と返信しました |
Scientists have sometimes criticized economists who believe ideas and concepts are more important than empirical data, because a foundational guideline in science is | 経済学者が データよりも思想や 概念を重視する点です 科学の基本方針は |
To be is to inter be. | 左と右のようなものです |
To be awake is to be alive. | 目が覚めているということは 生きているということである |
Right, To be or not to be. | シュメール人が問題を解決したのも同じ方法です |
To be angry is to be human. | 怒りは人間的な感情よ |
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