Translation of "urine excretion" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Excretion - translation : Urine - translation :

Urine excretion - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Dark urine. Dark.
何のためでしたっけ なんでそんなことをするのでしたっけ
My urine is clear.
My urine is cloudy.
My urine is pink.
Let's do a urine analysis.
They are actually making urine.
My urine is a little red.
I had blood in my urine.
Rub his nose in his urine.
Albumin was found in my urine before.
Please leave a urine sample in this cup.
You do not need to test my urine.
あのさ 小便検査とか しなくていいから
This happens when the urine you are white.
Something like pus comes out when I pass urine.
A pinch of worm fat, urine of the horsefly,
ワームの脂肪が少々... アブの小便...
The brown color indicates the amount of glucose in the urine, the blue color indicates the amount of protein in the urine.
タンパク質の量を青色で示します これらの組み合わせが
I thought that urine might be getting a little stale.
They darken your urine. They almost never do more than that.
It's okay, you want to pay 28 billion dollars for dark urine?
We test her urine every day. We know precisely when it happened.
尿検査で いつのことか わかるんだ
Perhaps you could convince him to part with urine and blood samples.
説得して血液と尿を 採取してくれ
Actually if you eat beets your urine may turn a light pink colour.
実はビートを食べると 尿がうっすらピンク色をすることがあります
And you put a drop, in this case, of urine at the bottom.
While you are walking through a tunnel under a railroad track, you smell urine.
小便の匂いがしました 非常に不快になる 全くならない
Whenever you use the bathroom, it will provide urine check and body fat measurement.
トイレを使うたびに 自分の健康データを取ってくれて
Boy, you're going to be drinking your own urine before you get any of this.
おい お前には自分のおしっこしかないぞ
And the men who actually apply atrazine have even more atrazine in their urine, up to levels that are 24,000 times what we know to be active are present in the urine of these men.
肌に付く男性の尿は アトラジンのレベルが 普通の人の24,000倍にもなります
What's the technical terminology for assisting someone to go to the toilet with a urine bottle?
In other words, he's saying to use the flower vase in place of the urine bottle?
つまり この花瓶を尿瓶の代わりに使えってことか
Until now sugar had been detected in my urine once, however this time there is only albumin.
今まで 一度 糖が出たことがありますが 今回は蛋白のみでした
Their hunters could smell animal urine at 40 paces and tell you what species left it behind.
どの種が残したかが分かります 80年代初め ハーバード大学の私の教授から
He will urinate and spin his tail to spread the urine around and make him more attractive.
魅力的に見せるそうです 何故かは分かりませんがラクダの習性です
There are also dipsticks, but if you look at the dipsticks, they're for another kind of urine analysis.
このディップスティックは 別の尿検査のためのものです いろんな色がたくさんありますね
The fly is printed in thermosensitive ink so you can make it vanish by spraying hot urine on it.
笑 拍手
They'll be uploading readings to us over the next 24 hours after which you'll pass them through your urine.
彼らは 次の24時間にわたって_私たちに読みをアップロードすることがあります... ...その後 あなたはあなたの尿を通じて_それらを通過します
And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from what is in their bellies between excretion and blood pure milk, palatable to drinkers.
また家畜にもあなたがたへの教訓がある われはその腹の中の雑物と血液の間から あなたがたに飲料を与える その 乳は飲む者にとり 清らかであり 喉に 快適である
Other dogs will smell his urine and will know that this tree is not free, not available, somebody possesses it.
そうするとわかる この木は空いていないと 使えないんだ 誰かのものなのだと
In that particular test, urine either, containing a hormone called HCG, does or does not flow across a piece of paper.
ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン というホルモンが尿中にあるかどうかを この紙に流して調べます
There was this guy on the Discovery Channel who broke his leg mountain biking and he had to drink urine for....
山でケガをして 遭難した男の番組があった
And indeed in cattle is a lesson for you We provide you drink from what is in their bellies pure milk from between the excretion and the blood, palatable for the drinkers.
また家畜にもあなたがたへの教訓がある われはその腹の中の雑物と血液の間から あなたがたに飲料を与える その 乳は飲む者にとり 清らかであり 喉に 快適である
So, in this device the idea is that you drip the bottom end of it in a drop of, in this case, urine.
一番下のところに 一滴 尿をたらします 液体は 上の方にある小部屋まで染みて行きます
Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it.
尿をマシンに入れるだけで 具合が悪いとこを診断して 対処法を教えてくれるんだ
I can tell you about some of the other things that have been shown sort of across the world to make people disgusted, things like feces, urine, blood, rotten flesh.
さらに幾つか挙げてみます 排泄物 尿 血 腐った肉など これらを避けたいと思うのも当然です
You'll be able to describe the purpose of metabolism and the processes that are involved in drug metabolism. You'll be able to describe the determinants of rates of drug metabolism. You'll be able to define the process of drug excretion from the body.
そもそも 薬(Drug)とは何でしょうか
Another quick protocol and I'm going to go through these quickly, but just to give you the material sense of what we're doing here instead of asking you for urine samples,
具体的にイメージしていただける かと思います 尿サンプルの代わりに ネズミのサンプルを出してもらうんです


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