Translation of "vine" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Vine - translation :
Keywords : ツル 逆戻り 植物

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Lower the vine.
This vine winds around trees.
But don't touch the vine
I am a liana vine craftsman.
商売の方が振るわないときは つる草を集めて籠を作ります
We can build a better vine.
A weedlike vine found only on lego,
雑草らしいつる植物 アイエゴでしか見つからない
You don't get eggplants from a gourd vine.
I make crafts with liana vine and timber,
私が使う木は 自然に地面に倒れたものです
Vine and yucca they're all going to cross there.
And We caused to grow over him a gourd vine.
われはかれの上に 1本のヒサゴ木を繁らせ 影を作った
If business is bad, I get some liana vine and make 10 baskets.
1日で10個作れます それが100レアルになります
Who brings forth fruit from the vine. Take this and share it among yourselves.
The cancer has rooted in her bowel and grown through her body like Russian vine.
腸にできたガンが 全身に広がってる
Then he entered his vine yard and said, wronging himself Surely, I do not believe that all this will ever perish.
そしてかれは 邪 な心 を抱いて 自分の園に入った かれは言った わたしはこれが 何時かは荒廃するとは思いません
For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.
ブドウで作ったものを 二度と飲むことはない
And in fruits of the date palm and the vine, from which you obtain inebriating drinks and excellent food. In this indeed are signs for those who understand.
またナツメヤシやブドウの果実を実らせて あなたがたはそれから強い飲物や 良い食料を得る 本当にその中には 理解ある民への一つの印がある
And the fruits of the palm and of the vine, from which you derive intoxicants and wholesome provisions. Surely, in this there is a sign for nation who understand.
またナツメヤシやブドウの果実を実らせて あなたがたはそれから強い飲物や 良い食料を得る 本当にその中には 理解ある民への一つの印がある
And from the fruit of the date palm and the vine, ye get out wholesome drink and food behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise.
またナツメヤシやブドウの果実を実らせて あなたがたはそれから強い飲物や 良い食料を得る 本当にその中には 理解ある民への一つの印がある
The world's ambitious innovators and influencers now could get their ideas to spread far and wide, and so the art of the spoken word pretty much withered on the vine.
印刷で自らのアイデアをより遠くへ広められるようになり 一方で 話し言葉の技法は 大きく衰えました
By the way, just so you know you get stressed out about genetically modified organisms there is not one single vine in this valley or anywhere that is not genetically modified.
遺伝子組換え生物に不安を感じる皆さん この場所でも他のどこでも あらゆるブドウは 既に遺伝子改良されています
And cite for them the parable of two men. To one of them We gave two gardens of vine, and We surrounded them with palms trees, and We placed between them crops.
かれらのために2人の者の比(輪?)を上げなさい 1人に対し われは2つのブドウの園を与え ナツメヤシの木でそれらを囲み 両園の間に畑地を設けた
Propound thou unto them the similitude of two men. We appointed to one of them two gardens of vine and hedged both with date palms, and We placed in between the twain tillage.
かれらのために2人の者の比(輪?)を上げなさい 1人に対し われは2つのブドウの園を与え ナツメヤシの木でそれらを囲み 両園の間に畑地を設けた
What is it that will punch you and make you do something and bring it to another level, and when you've had it all, sometimes, guys, they die on the vine with all of that talent, and one of the things we've had, all of us, is fame
そして全てを手に入れて 時には才能を残したまま 去っていく奴等もいる みんな共通して得た物は知名度だ
It's made really of two different sources on the one hand, this woody liana which has in it a series of beta carbolines, harmine, harmaline, mildly hallucinogenic to take the vine alone is rather to have sort of blue hazy smoke drift across your consciousness but it's mixed with the leaves of a shrub in the coffee family called Psychotria viridis.
ひとつは リアナの木のツル β カルボリン類 ハルミン ハルマリンなど 軽い幻覚を起こす成分が含まれています
And He it is Who produces gardens (of vine), trellised and untrellised, and palms and seed produce of which the fruits are of various sorts, and olives and pomegranates, like and unlike eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and pay the due of it on the day of its reaping, and do not act extravagantly surely He does not love the extravagant.
かれこそは棚を備えた果樹園 また棚のない果樹園を創られる御方であり またナツメヤシや様々な味の異なった農作物 とオリーブ ザクロその外同類異種のものをも 創られた御方である 実が熟したならば食べなさい 収穫の日には 定めの喜捨を供出し 浪費してはならない 本当にかれは 浪費の徒を御愛でになられない
In these days of fatted cattle and waving grain fields this humble root, which was once the totem of an Indian tribe, is quite forgotten, or known only by its flowering vine but let wild Nature reign here once more, and the tender and luxurious English grains will probably disappear before a myriad of foes, and without the care of man the crow may carry back even the last seed of corn to the great cornfield of the
かつてインディアン部族のトーテムは かなり忘れて または唯一の開花で知られています つる しかし かつてここに野生の自然の統治を聞かせ 以上 柔らかい 豪華な英語の穀物は おそらく前に消えます


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