Translation of "was passionate about" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

About - translation :

Passionate - translation : Was passionate about - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I was really passionate about it.
I'm passionate about horror movies.
ピータ ジャクソンは自分のヒーローです
And I'm so passionate about it.
北極や南極に一緒に行きたいという方がいたら連れて行きます 行きましょう
What are you most passionate about?
テンプル 自分の行動が
Second, if you are passionate about accessibility
I am very passionate about the planet!
I'm passionate about making it, about watching it, about encouraging others to participate in it, and I'm also really passionate about creativity.
ダンスの世界に人を引き込むのも 何でも好きなんです ダンスの世界に人を引き込むのも 何でも好きなんです 創造することに関しても 情熱的です
I've been passionate about technology and digital arts since I was a kid.
きっかけは 私が7歳ぐらいの時 父が鉛筆で描いた絵に
I became passionate about life and about life giving foods.
One of the thing he was most passionate about was copyright, especially in those early days.
I'm a professor, and we're passionate about education.
このようなロボットは小中高の教育を 大きく変えうると思っています
Always passionate...
Eloquent, passionate.
雄弁な 情熱的な
It was not a passionate sort of joy.
まあ 安心をもらいました
Martial arts, always been passionate about politics and government.
それから禁断の知識について 考えるのが好きで
As you might imagine, I'm absolutely passionate about dance.
私はダンスが大好きです 作るのも 観るのも
We are passionate about rescuing some dead materials from the landfill, but sometimes not as passionate about rescuing living beings, living people.
軽減する事に一生懸命でも 生きている人を助ける事には それほど懸命ではない
So passionate was his letter that she was moved to tears.
This is what I'm passionate about. It is precisely this.
この 知と経験に対する 決して消えることのない 不屈の欲求
A passionate kiss scene in a school corridor ... I've heard all about it! It wasn't passionate! That's an exaggeration...
学園の廊下で 濃厚なキスシーン 聞いたぞ聞いたぞ 濃厚じゃなーい 話に尾ひれ付いてるって
Nobody could be more passionate than myself about language and about the reason.
And they were very passionate about their collections and their hobbies.
That first one, it was more like a passionate affair.
熱烈に恋した すごい美人で
If you're not passionate, why should anyone else be, or put money into your company if you're not passionate about it?
他の人が一体なぜ情熱を持てるでしょうか 誰が投資しようなんて 思うでしょうか
We are all passionate!
ただし 会社の外で
Their love grew passionate.
No, it wasn't passionate.
And even though it wasn't the kind of art that I was ultimately passionate about, it felt great.
ちょっと違いましたが それでも最高の気分でした 震えを受け入れてしまえば
So I'm passionate about teaching these FLS skills all over the world.
Now if you want to teach somebody, how to become passionate about,
させたいと思ったら たとえばアメリカ史に
Whatever it is, just make sure it's something you are passionate about.
夢中になれることをしなさい 私はもう60 年近く生きてきたが
I'm passionate about my work, but on top of all that I'm passionate about a holistic vision of design, where design is a life skill, not a professional skill.
しかしそれ以上に デザインの全体的なビジョンに興味があり そこではデザインはプロの技術ではなく 日常のスキルなのです
Why are you so passionate?
ゲイル ビジネスはもう三度目なの
I think one of the things I am passionate about, my grandparents work,
I'm obviously passionate about the number and what we can do with it.
And this was made possible by the power of passionate users everywhere.
原動力のおかげで可能になったのです それでは たった今も利用者達によって
We started dating, and he loved everything about me, that I was smart, that I'd gone to Harvard, that I was passionate about helping teenage girls, and my job.
私の頭の良さや ハーバード大学出であること 10代の少女を助けることや 仕事に熱心だということ 彼は私の全てを 知りたがりました
Tom doesn't seem to be as passionate about that as Mary seems to be.
トムは メアリーほどそれについて乗り気ではないようだ
My estimation is that probably 45 of you are absolutely passionate about classical music.
クラシック音楽に絶対的な情熱がある クラシックを深く愛している FMラジオは常にクラシックチャンネルだし
Also, two women with passionate hearts
ノーベル平和賞を受賞したケニアのワンガリ マタイ
Their play, so passionate and brightning
And if you're really passionate about what you do every day which we are and you're also passionate about your relationship, this is the only way we know how to do it.
二人の関係にも情熱をもっているのならば 成功の方法はこれしかないでしょう では 最後にお聞きしたいのですが
So we believe being more passionate and creative is about improving my own special ability
私の能力を育てて 創造性を育てよう それが私の能力と同じだと思うのです
I'm really passionate about collaborative consumption, and why, after I finished my book, I decided
この動きを世界に広めようとしているのか その理由をずばり示しています


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