Translation of "weakening euro" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Weakening. | 弱っている |
Euro | ユーロName |
Euro | ユーロ |
EU euro | ユーロ |
Euro House | ユーロハウス |
Euro Techno | ユーロテクノ |
My sense of smell is weakening. | 嗅覚が鈍っています |
Is this your euro? | あなたのユーロ |
converter, euro, money, cash, calculator | 換算,ユーロ,通貨,お金,現金,キャッシュ,計算機 |
One billion Euro. Per seat. | 1千万ユーロ 一席あたりだ... |
Sir, it's a thousand euro minimum. | 最低1000からの賭け金です |
The shields are weakening the clamps, but they're still holding. | シールドがクランプ力を弱めています でも まだ離れません |
They want around 20 million Euro in damages. | でも どんなに探しても そんな金は出てこない |
But other teams we say, Here's 15 euro. | 今週 チームメートのどなたかへの プレゼントなどに使って下さい |
So something is aware, even of the weakening of eyesight,even. | 視力では無く それが 視力自体を見ているんだ |
So something is aware even of the weakening of eyesight, even. | 視力では無く それが 視力自体を見ているんだ |
I think it's already part of a Euro Turkish superpower. | ヨーロッパ トルコ超大国の一部なのです では次には何が起こるのでしょう 世界のどこで国境が変わり |
Nicole hangs out with the jocks. Rachel went all Euro . | ニコルは運動選手に夢中 レイチェルは留学生と |
It's just like you would for a Dollar, Euro, or Yen. | 他の通貨も 市場が評価することでその価値が決まります |
my request for funds... 20 million euro in untraceable bearer bonds. | あなたが知っているように 資金のための私の要求... はい 追跡不可能な無記名債券で2000万ユーロの |
Is it possible to enter, show and work with the Euro Symbol in kde ? | kde でユーロ記号を使うことは可能ですか |
Greece, yes, triggered the Euro crisis, and some people blame me for pulling the trigger. | 引き金を引いた私を 非難する人もいました でも今なら ほとんどの人が 次の説に賛同するでしょう |
Those earning an extra 500 Euros would end up with a total of 1500 Euro. | 他に1000ユーロの収入があれば 総収入は2000ユーロとなっていきます |
Do it for fun. No one gets paid a cent, or a euro or a yen. | みんな好きだからやるのです |
Anyways, I'm at 0 in popularity and Europe has just thrown me out of the Euro zone | なんでだろう ベルゼバブ首相が気に入らなかったのかな |
Guarantee Trust Bank recently issued the first Euro Bond out of Africa, and this excludes South Africa. | これには南アフリカは含まれません しかし最初のユーロ債 海外の国際資本の増加 |
As all kinds of communication methods are proliferating, human relationships are weakening. This is a perfect example of mistaking means for ends. | コミュニケーションの方法が多種にわたって増加する一方で人間関係が希薄なものになりつつある まさに本末転倒だ |
Tom passed a five euro note to his daughter, Mary, and said buy whatever you'd like with this. | トムは これで好きなもの買いな と言って娘のメアリーに5ユーロ札を渡した |
That is what is the dollar or pound amount or euro amount that I'm going to be charged. | 繰り返しになりますが |
Now, the Euro was a newly born currency of great opportunity for business, and, of course, for investment. | 大きな可能性をもつ新興通貨で 人々は代わりにユーロに投資しました |
In Bosnia you use the Euro currency already, and that's the only currency they're probably ever going to have. | 将来的にもボスニアで唯一の通貨となることでしょう 北アフリカのようなヨーロッパ周辺地域を見てみましょう |
So this means that, with each euro he invested, he was able to move 26 euros of market value through the chain of ownership relations. | 1ユーロ投資する度に 26ユーロ分の市場価値を 動かす事ができたということです この研究で私達が計算したのは |
like to spend some of their leisure time and spare cash sleeping with prostitutes, sticking 50 Euro notes up their nose and employing illegal migrant laborers. | 鼻先に50ユーロをちらつかせながら 売春婦と寝て 違法移民労働者を雇っているのです |
Verily Fir'awn exalted himself in the earth and made the people thereof into sects, weakening a party among them, slaying their sons and letting their women live. Verify he was of the corrupters. | 本当にフィルアウンは この国において専横を極め その民を諸党派に分け かれらの中の一派を押さえて男児を殺し 女児は生かして置いた 本当にかれは非道であった |
Surely Firon exalted himself in the land and made its people into parties, weakening one party from among them he slaughtered their sons and let their women live surely he was one of the mischiefmakers. | 本当にフィルアウンは この国において専横を極め その民を諸党派に分け かれらの中の一派を押さえて男児を殺し 女児は生かして置いた 本当にかれは非道であった |
And one way to think about it is for every 15 euro you give people for themselves, they put it in their pocket, they don't do anything different than they did before. | 自分のためにという 通常のお金の使い道だと 何も変わらないということです そこから一切お金は増えません |
But when you give them 15 euro to spend on their teammates, they do so much better on their teams that you actually get a huge win on investing this kind of money. | そのチームの業績は大幅に上がり 金額以上に大きな利益を 上げることができるのです 多分皆さんはこうお考えでしょうね |
That point was certainly valid in the past, for the long years since the inception of the euro where the financial markets went to sleep, took a long siesta and did not exercise any market disciplining effect. | 市場では 眠りについた長い昼寝を取って 懲戒あらゆる市場を行使しませんでした 効果 今は もちろん 最近の金融危機後 市場は非常に残酷な目を覚ますと |
Verily, Fir'aun (Pharaoh) exalted himself in the land and made its people sects, weakening (oppressing) a group (i.e. Children of Israel) among them, killing their sons, and letting their females live. Verily, he was of the Mufsidun (i.e. those who commit great sins and crimes, oppressors, tyrants, etc.). | 本当にフィルアウンは この国において専横を極め その民を諸党派に分け かれらの中の一派を押さえて男児を殺し 女児は生かして置いた 本当にかれは非道であった |
Having said that, in a wider perspective, the euro zone crisis has indeed brought about quite a bit of misunderstandings and the re emergence of old phantoms about prejudices between the North, the South of Europe, and a lot of mutual resentment. | 北 南ヨーロ ッパ 相互の間にたくさんの偏見についての古いファントムの 恨み そしてそれは我々がすべての偉大な注意を払ってこれを取ることは非常に 非常に重要です |
I think he can help us all through a sound management of the U.S. economy, which he s trying hard to achieve, just as we can help him by avoiding the explosion of tensions to the world economy out of the euro zone. | 我々は世界経済への緊張の爆発を回避することによって 彼を助けることができるように 達成する ユーロ圏のうち と私は大西洋の両側で 私たちはよく働いていると思う |
A very silly, trivial thing to do, but think of the difference on a team that didn't do that at all, that got 15 euro, put it in their pocket, maybe bought themselves a coffee, or teams that had this prosocial experience where they all bonded together to buy something and do a group activity. | 手に入れた15ユーロを自分のポケットに入れたり 自分用のコーヒー代にでも使ったチームと みんなで一緒になって何かを買って |
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