Translation of "weaver's broom" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Broom - translation : Weaver's broom - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Marshal weaver's helicopter crash
マーシャル ウィーバーの ヘリコプター事故は
Weaver's house is wired.
Broom Raider !
Jinxing the broom?
Here's a broom, TikTok.
He's jinxing the broom!
It's a broom cupboard.
You threw a broom?
A new broom sweeps clean.
Alert the dustbin and broom
It's a worldclass racing broom.
I'd start with a broom.
まず 掃除
Do you actually ride a broom?
Well, you fell off your broom.
ああ 君は箒から落ちたんだ
But I'm not allowed a broom.
Like a broom to their footprints.
まるで 足跡を消すみたいだ
She sweeps the room with a broom.
The first time I rode a broom.
It's the fastest broom in the world.
Stick your hand over the broom and say, Up.
右手を箒の上に出して こう言いなさい  上がれ
Give it here or I'll knock you off your broom!
Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom? Who knows?
何でスネイプがハリーの箒に 魔法なんぞかけるんだ
Yeah, because the broom don't wait on nobody, baby. You understand?
The whole wall is her canvas. She's sitting there with a broom.
And that was our first recording studio, which was the broom closet.
When you fell, your broom sort of blew into the Whomping Willow, and...
君が落ちた時に 箒が風に飛ばされて 暴れ柳 に落ちたんだ
They checked up, and he was pushing a broom at Disneyland or something.
調べたら そいつはディズニーランドか 何処かで 清掃をしてたんだって
Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it.
では 箒を手につかんだら またがりなさい
It's fair lovely in spring an' summer when th' gorse an' broom an' heather's in flower.
花 thの'空に高く見える それはそのようなたくさんのo'は新鮮な空気 があるとO'蜂蜜を におい
Since she happened to be holding the long broom in her hand, she tried to tickle
Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down.
箒は常に真っ直ぐに しばらく浮いて それから前屈みになって降りてきます
Mrs. Samsa made a movement as if she wished to restrain the broom, but didn't do it.
まあ 氏Samsaは 今 私たちは神に感謝を与えることができる と述べた
The angry wife was on the warpath she hit her husband with a broom for coming home late and drunk.
酔っ払っておそく家に帰ったかどで 怒った女房は亭主に食ってかかり 箒で亭主をひっぱたいた
Locked me in the broom closet for three days with nothing but a box of cigars and a book of matches.
お陰で3日間クローゼットに 閉じこめられた... ...葉巻1箱と マッチも一緒にな
If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will be expelled before they can say Quidditch.
箒一本でも飛ばしたら クィディッチのクの字を言う前に ホグワーツから出て行ってもらいます
What of it, if some old hunks of a sea captain orders me to get a broom and sweep down the decks?
新規のスケールで 私の言いたいこと その侮辱の量にどのような体重行います
Okay, boy, now let's see what kind of music you make with a broom. Say, Tony, Mercedes wants you to stay for dinner.
トニー メルセデスが夕食に いるようにって
I should say so, said the cleaning woman and, by way of proof, poked Gregor's body with the broom a considerable distance more to the side.
側へより多くのほうきでかなりの距離 夫人Samsaは 彼女はほうきを抑制することを望んだかのように運動をしたが それをしなかった
DHS wined and dined you in the beginning and promised you the world, and then they ultimately settled on a broom closet, next to some schmuck from the FAA.
保障省は始めは あんたをチヤホヤして 出世を約束してくれた なのに結局のところ
I is for the invasive species like the fire ants, the zebra mussels, broom grasses and pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are flooding every country, and at an exponential rate that's the I.
そして病原性のバクテリアやウイルスが 世界各国で爆発的な割合で増えています HIPPO 一つ目の P は公害 (Pollution) です
And We said, Take a broom in your hand and strike her with it, and do not break your vow We indeed found him patiently enduring what an excellent bondman! He is indeed most inclined.
そして言った 一握りの草を手に取って それで 妻を 打て あなたの誓いを破ってはならない われは かれが良く耐え忍ぶことを知った 何と優れたしもべではないか かれは 主の命令に服して 常に われの許に 帰った
Nor it isn't fields nor mountains, it's just miles and miles and miles of wild land that nothing grows on but heather and gorse and broom, and nothing lives on but wild ponies and sheep.
その何もが 野生ではなく ヒースとハリエニシダとほうき と何も生活に生育していない ポニーや羊 その上に水があった場合には 海のかもしれないかのように私は感じる メアリーは言った
Might not the basket, stable broom, mat making, corn parching, linen spinning, and pottery business have thrived here, making the wilderness to blossom like the rose, and a numerous posterity have inherited the land of their fathers?
陶器の事業は バラのような花に荒野を作り ここに繁栄している と数々の子孫が先祖の土地を受け継いでいる 滅菌土壌では 少なくとも低土地縮退への耐性になっていたはずだ
Just you wait till you see th' gold colored gorse blossoms an' th' blossoms o' th' broom, an' th' heather flowerin', all purple bells, an' hundreds o' butterflies flutterin' an' bees hummin' an' skylarks soarin' up an' singin'.
ほうき 目 ヒースflowerin すべての紫色の鐘 何百ものO'蝶 flutterin'ハチhummin'skylarks soarin唄えば の上で あなたはDickonが行っているような日の出は 一日中それに出住んとしてそれに出ると思うでしょう
In the midst of minor attacks of asphyxiation, he looked at her with somewhat protruding eyes, as his unsuspecting sister swept up with a broom, not just the remnants, but even the foods which Gregor had not touched at all, as if these were also now useless, and as she dumped everything quickly into a bucket, which she closed with a wooden lid, and then carried all of it out of the room.
ほうきで掃く彼の無防備な妹のようなやや突出目 だけでなく 残骸 それでも食べ物 そのグレゴールは これらは現在も無用であるかのように 全く触れて そして彼女のようにしていなかった


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