Translation of "weaving loom" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Loom - translation : Weaving - translation : Weaving loom - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

2 passes x weaving
2パス xウィーブ
3 passes x weaving
3パス xウィーブ
Their central metaphor is a loom.
彼ら曰く これで自分の人生のはたを織る
We call this the loom of fate.
The loom provides, I interpret, you deliver.
織機は与え 私は説明し 君が実行する
We get all orders from the... loom.
You know... Fuck the loom, fuck the Repairman.
最悪  修理工なんか クヰHらえ
Some of them are orb weaving spiders and some of them are non orb weaving spiders.
両方を含んでいます コガネグモのように巣を作るクモが
Liu Bei, a shoe weaving Royal uncle,
They say, Upon this loom, I weave my life.
The whole time she kept weaving the napkin.
Gamers are virtuosos at weaving a tight social fabric.
ゲームを一緒にした後は その相手のことを
She learned the craft of basket weaving from her grandmother.
So imagine that being a much finer weaving with smaller pores.
こちらはDNAの小さい破片に使えますが たんぱく質にも使えます
The title of this work is Water Weaving Light Cycle. Bodywaves.
ボディウェイヴズ は 光ファイバーのインタラクティブ チェアで
We set up carpet weaving units, vocational training for the women.
女性に職業訓練の機会も提供しています 女性は地域から出て社会の主流の中で働くことを
I built a loom in a one car garage with postal tubes and dowels, and things I could find in a hardware store, and I started weaving this optical fiber, which became a tapestry, 5 feet wide and 50 feet long.
段ボールの円筒と合い釘のほか 金物屋で手に入るもので何とか織り機を作り 幅 1.5 m 長さ 15 m の 光ファイバーのタピストリーを制作しました
There is a massive loom, on which Dad's latest wife is working on a new toga.
お父さんが再婚したばかりの妻が 新しいトーガを織っています ドミティアとドミティアとドミティアは
I knew nothing about weaving, and I had only 8 months to create this work.
制作期間は8ヶ月と限られていました そこで テクノロジーについて 協力してくれる人材を探さなければと思いました
Just so he could get the part as the Banana Guy in the Fruit of The Loom Campaign.
ライバルのタイヤ傷つけたのよ ありえる話だわ
Projects around the world documenting oral poetry in Sierra Leone, preserving traditional weaving patterns in Gaza,
ガザの伝統的な織物パターンを保存したり タジキスタンの言語を復活させたり と 世界中で支援しています
8 years ago, I knew nothing about weaving, LED, optical fiber, green energy, DMX controller, or interactive technology.
インタラクティブ テクノロジーなどについて 全く知識がありませんでした 今日 私は光ファイバーという コミュニケーション ツールを
Now, the reason they used punch cards was that Jacquard, in France, had created the Jacquard loom, which was weaving these incredible patterns controlled by punch cards, so he was just repurposing the technology of the day, and like everything else he did, he's using the technology of his era, so 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, cogs, steam, mechanical devices.
フランスのジャカードが パンチカード制御で 見事なパターンを編み出す 紋織機を作っていて バベッジは当時の このテクノロジーを 流用したのです
If an outside auditing firm ever got hold of our books, we'd all be weaving gunnysacks on some state farm.
俺達皆はどこかの州農場で ズタ袋を織ることになる
It was capable of iteration, conditional branching and parallel processing, and it was programmable using punched cards, an idea Babbage took from Jacquard's loom.
並行処理ができ パンチ カードを使った プログラムが可能でした バベッジがジャガード織機から 得たアイデアです
In an orb web weaving spider, you can find seven types of silk glands, and what I have depicted here in this picture,
7種類の糸の分泌腺(絹糸腺)があり 画面に図解しました 右上1時の方向からお話しします
It's been hypothesized that orb weaving spiders, like this argiope here, should have the toughest dragline silks because they must intercept flying prey.
最も高い靱性の牽引糸を持っているという 仮説があります 飛来する餌を捉える必要があるからです
In fact, the toughest dragline in this survey is this one right here in this white region, a non orb web weaving spider.
左上白背景の種で 巣を作らないクモでした これは毒吹グモのヤマシログモ科が
The 21 species are indicated here by this phylogeny, this evolutionary tree, that shows their genetic relationships, and I've colored in yellow the orb web weaving spiders.
系統発生の進化木に従って遺伝子的に繋がっています 右側に描かれている 巣を作る種の背景は黄色にしました
New answers are in, and we're in the moment of taking those new answers and weaving a new culture that will support those answers and support ourselves.
この重要な時期に人間であることの意味を再定義しなくてはならない 新しいアイデンティティを選択しなくてはならない 文字通り新しいアイデンティティを選択して
And I had no idea that I was one of those obnoxious people you occasionally see weaving in and out of traffic, because it was just that smooth.
車線変更をやたらとする人の一人になっていました それくらいスムーズだったのです 私が億万長者だったら 買うでしょう
So if you ever have the opportunity to dissect an orb web weaving spider, and I hope you do, what you would find is a bounty of beautiful, translucent silk glands.
解剖する機会がありましたら いえ 是非解剖してみてください 半透明で美しい糸分泌腺が
looks forward to the moment when they can ritually display what his remarkable presence has meant to their lives, when they can ritually recount his life's narrative, weaving his story into the history of their community.
その時には儀式を通じて 彼の存在が 家族にとって どんなに素晴らしかったか 皆で誇示できるのです 儀式として
In the space providing views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains, the woven sculpture of optical fiber was suspended above the stairs, and here I'm weaving and trying to put this together with two people.
階段の上に吊り下げられました この場面は 私が二人の助手と 縫い合わせているところです 日中 光ファイバーのタピストリーは ガラスの網のように見えます
Such is one of the stories of what happened unseen, which We reveal by inspiration unto thee nor wast thou (present) with them then when they concerted their plans together in the process of weaving their plots.
これはわれがあなた ムハンマド に啓示した 幽玄界の消息の一つである かれらが ユースフに対する 計画を策謀した時 あなたはかれらと その場に いなかった
That's the substrate that we're exploiting today, whether it's the internet, genetic engineering, laser scanners, guided missiles, fiber optics, high definition television, sensing, remote sensing from space and the wonderful remote sensing photos that we see in 3D weaving, TV programs like Tracker, and Enterprise, CD rewrite drives, flatscreen, Alvin Ailey's Suite Otis, or Sarah Jones' Your Revolution Will Not
これは今日 私達が活用している基質です それはインターネットであれ 遺伝子工学 レーザースキャナー
There were wonderful, incredible ideas that were always percolating, and so much of what's cool or hot today is really based on some of those concepts, whether it's, you know, people trying to use the prime directive from Star Trek being involved in things, or again that three dimensional weaving and fax machines that I read about in my weekly readers that the technology and engineering was just getting started.
常に広まって行きました 今日注目されていることや格好良いことの多くは そんな考えの一部に基づいています


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