Translation of "wiring" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Wiring - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

This is dummy wiring.
look at the wiring inside.
There's no wiring in here.
Network and wiring specifications require
The workers are wiring the new house.
Got any, uh, wiring coming through here?
The wiring in my unit is shot.
Sweetness was born with the wiring which evolved.
同じように この女性たちが本質的にセクシーなのではありません
You have 80 miles of wiring, piping, cables...
Because they've never seen wiring like this before.
Nobody had had a glimpse of the brain's wiring.
But there is no direct wiring that I can discover.
しかし 私は 実際の配線を 見つける事が出来なかった
This unexpected malfunctioning of the system was caused by improper wiring.
You should ask me before you start wiring up my house.
俺の家に仕掛ける前に 聞くべきだぞ
I studied to get my ham license. I was wiring up stuff.
All of that connective wiring must be insulated with something called myelin.
Your brain needs iodine to make myelin the insulation for the wiring.
ミエリンを作るためにヨウ素を必要とします それはまた 特に水銀 鉛 重金属類という
You can think about Connectome, as the wiring diagram of the brain.
It can physically be there, but is it maybe more about wiring?
大きさだけでなく 配線のされ方や神経経路の動きも
I built the kit taking care not to make mistakes in the wiring.
Omega 3 fatty acids are very important to insulate that wiring in your brain.
それはまた あごの発達にも重要です
The hard wiring between here and there was damaged. We can't align the dish.
ここに繋がる配線が ダメージを受けて使えない
So we said, there's some accidental cross wiring between color and numbers in the brain.
偶然交互の結びつきが生じたのではと考えました それで数字を見る度に 対応する色が見え
If you do a similar re wiring process then the somatosensory cortex will learn to see.
体性感覚皮質は見る事を学習する これやその他の
If I had some strips of ferrous metal, uh, a 9volt battery clip and some... wiring.
鉄の切れ端なんかがあれば 9ボルトのバッテリークリップと 配線
I got this on some trading locally, but really don't feel like screwing with wiring and crap.
配線やくだらないことに時間をかけたくない気分だ さらに いくつかの感情には 写真がブログの投稿に含まれていることがあり
And the new thinking about compassion from social neuroscience is that our default wiring is to help.
脳の配線は基本的に人を助けるようにできていることです つまり 人が誰かに注意を向けた時
What we see with, say, chocolate cake is it's a supernormal stimulus to tweak our design wiring.
私達の脳の配線を圧迫する超正常刺激ということです 超正常刺激はたくさんあります まずチョコレートケーキ
And remember, all this wiring is being done by people in extreme cold, in sub zero temperatures.
人の手で行われています 15キロほどの重さがある服を着ていますが
And that is, there is an abnormal gene, a mutation in the gene that causes this abnormal cross wiring.
遺伝子の突然変異となり 交互の結びつきが生じます 我々は皆 全てのものが
Suddenly, new chemical stains for brain tissue were developed and they gave us our first glimpses at brain wiring.
脳の配線が見られるようになりました PCのふたが開いたのです
Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you the thing that makes you unique.
有機的な配線に連なって 光のさざ波となっている それが君だ
And if you appreciate that number, you can easily see there is huge potential for mis wiring of the brain.
すぐわかることですが 脳の配線に間違いのある可能性は大きいのです 大衆雑誌が好む見出しは
These are plausible claims, but in truth, we can't see the brain's wiring clearly enough to tell if these are really true.
ほんとうのところは まだ脳の配線はきちんと見えていないので 真偽のほどは定かではありません
Things that don't have any wiring in them at all, we're learning how to include in these systems of notation and navigation.
記録端末やナビに 情報を取り込む方法を学んでいるのです このことで気づかされることの一つが
We call this the human connectome, and you can think about the connectome sort of as the wiring diagram of the brain.
コネクト ムとは 脳の神経回路図だと思ってください コネクト ムとは 脳の神経回路図だと思ってください これについては また説明します
And so the technologies for seeing connectomes will allow us to finally read mis wiring of the brain, to see mental disorders in connectomes.
脳の配線間違いを読み取ったり コネクトームから精神疾患を見つけたり できるようになるかもしれません
You don't work in your self interest all the time, because when emotion comes into it, the wiring changes in the way it functions.
感情がからむと 思考の回路が 変わるからです 世の中のあり方について 私たちが
The wiring from your sensory apparatus to those bits is shorter than the bits that have to pass through the thinky bit, the cortex.
思考を司る大脳皮質を通る経路より短いのです 快楽中枢へ先に着きます
Inside the control cabinet check that the wiring from the customer's service panel is in phase with the connections at the machine by checking that the phase indicating light is lit green
顧客のサービス パネルからの配線フェーズがマシンに接続であることを確認します 示す光位相の抜けをチェック 赤い光は電気段階です
And what some of the research now has shown in autism is there may by extra wiring back here, in the really brilliant mind, and we lose a few social circuits here.
余剰な回路があるという研究があります 天才を生む代わりに 社会性の回路を失うんです 思考能力と社会性のトレードオフですね
At the back of the Machine, check that the wiring from the customer's Service Panel is in Phase with the connections at the Machine by checking that the Phase Indicating Light is lit green
接続相を示すライトをチェックして マシンは緑に点灯 電気段階です 赤い光を示しています
Now, if you assume that this greater cross wiring and concepts are also in different parts of the brain, then it's going to create a greater propensity towards metaphorical thinking and creativity in people with synesthesia.
脳の別の部分にもあると仮定すれば 共感覚を持つ人々にとっては より隠喩的な考えと創造性を
He goes down to the basement and starts to check the wiring, and then gradually works his way up to the top of the building, apartment by apartment, checking every television, checking every connection, hoping to find out what this problem is.
徐々に上の階へと上がっていきます 一軒ずつ訪ねて 全てのテレビを点検しています 接続を全て点検しながら
Now by taking the biblical epithet abomination and attaching it to the ultimate image of innocence, a baby, this joke short circuits the emotional wiring behind the debate and it leaves the audience with the opportunity, through their laughter, to question its validity.
純粋無垢の最大の象徴である赤ん坊と合わせることで このジョークは養子縁組の問題を裏付ける 人々の感情を刺激し


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