Translation of "with stating" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
She was merely stating a fact. | 彼女は事実を述べていたに過ぎない |
There's, uh, nothing like stating the obvious, huh? | どう見てもこれはダメね |
No, I'm just simply stating, that one has... | いや 僕が言っているのは... |
In the introduction, the author is stating as follows. | 序文で著者は次のように述べている |
These are just multiple ways of stating the same thing. | 実際に乗算し |
Not stating the obvious is as beautiful as a flower. | 言わぬが花 とても美しいです |
This is just an algebraic way of stating our problem. | これを解決できるかどうかを見てみましょう |
Who had signed sworn affidavits with the department Stating that there was No romantic involvement between them. | 個人的関係は終わったと 私に宣誓したんだよ |
Let's see if we can start with the domain part of the question, if we can start with stating the domain. | ドメインを示すことから始めると ドメインは これを関数とすると すべての |
And so the phases of customer discovery start with stating your hypotheses, testing the problem, testing the solution, or verifying or pivoting. | 仮説構築 次は課題の検証 そしてソリューションの検証 最後は次に進むかピボットかの判断です |
Well, since I'm not seeing the hand, it appears that what I'm stating is true. | 私が言っていることは正しいと言うことですね ボノ 知ってます |
I was stating a fact, that's all, and if it seemed rude, then I apologise. | 宜しくって頼まれたから |
One is seeing what's right in front of you, and talking about it, and stating it. | ヴァギナの話をする事から学んだのは |
Supposedly, science is stating that it could be the oldest living animal on earth right now. | 一番長く生きてきたと考えられています このクジラは250歳以上かもしれません |
and a fifth oath that Allah s wrath shall be upon her if he were stating the truth. | そして5度目に もし 夫の言葉が真実ならば アッラーの御怒りが自分の上に 下るように と誓うならば |
When a chapter is revealed, stating Believe in God and strive with His Messenger, the prominent among them ask you for exemption. They say, Allow us to stay with those who stay behind. | アッラーを信じ かれの使徒と共に奮闘せよ と1章 スーラ が下された時 かれらの中能力ある者が あなたに免除を求めて言う わたしたちを 家に 留まる者と一緒に いさせて下さい |
When stating the price to customers, Japanese clerks often type the number on a calculator and hold it up. | 客さんに値段を伝えるとき 日本の店員さんはたびたび計算機を使って見せる |
I collected my findings in a book, placed them chronologically, stating the name, the patron, the medium and the date. | 年代順に並べ 製作者と支援者の名前 技法と日付を付けました この本は 3m x 7mの 展示品の隣にある |
Another way of stating that is that h is admissible, meaning is it admissible to use it to find the lowest cost path. | 許容的とも言えるでしょう 最短距離を見つけるのに使う上で 許容的という意味です A 探索が 最短距離の経路を見つけるという条件では |
Think of all of these of being the same way of stating the conditions under which A star finds the lowest cost path. | これらすべては同じことを意味しているのです |
He concluded it by stating that there may be hints in Sweden for Japan's future. Dr. Michael Nobel,Former Head of the Nobel Family Society | マイケル ノーベル ノーベル ファミリー財団 元理事長 |
That's a very unlikely outcome but keep in mind that in one release of the GNU Compiler, the GNU programmers had some fun and stating | GNUコンパイラのリリース時に プログラマが面白がってこう言ったのです 未定義の作用では何でも起こりうるから とにかくこのゲームを作ろう と |
And that says, the probability of anything happening is the probability of the number of equally probable events into which what we're stating is true. | 均等にありそうな出来事の数のうちで 均等にありそうな出来事の数のうちで 問われている出来事の数 |
See, stating something as the truth doesn't necessarily make it so 'cause the truth of the matter is I don't believe a word of it. | ほら 真実として話すことは 必ずしもそうではないんだ だから事の真相は一語たりとも信じない truth of the matter 事の真相 |
Then why do I have three different statements... from three of your deckhands... stating variously that they all saw you and you were anywhere but in your rack? | では なぜ三つの異なる 証言があるのでしょうか... あなたの3人の部下が... あなたを見て 何処にでも居たと 証言があるけど 自分ラックにいたのですか |
and when all have arrived, their ears, their eyes, and their skins shall bear witness against them, stating all that they had done in the life of the world. | かれらが 審判の席 に来ると その耳や目や皮膚は かれらの行ってきたことを かれらの意に背いて証言する |
If anything, in linear algebra, the field, or the gods of linear algebra, are kind of experts in to some degree stating simple and obvious things in convoluted and Byzantine ways. | 簡単な問題を 複雑なに表現することがあります 複雑なに表現することがあります |
The nationalist mayor of the city of Bollène through his lawyer while clearly stating in the media to not be against nuclear demands, without consulting the Bollène inhabitants 11 million euros from AREVA . | 明らかにしました 報道で原子力に反対されないように ボレーヌの住民に相談せずに |
Now I'd argue that that is as absurd as stating that 30 minutes of copulation is the creative act, and nine months of gestation, and, God forbid, 24 hours of child labor is merely execution. | 30分の性交が創造的行為で 9ヶ月の妊娠期間と 24時間の出産は |
As for those who accuse their wives of adultery , but have no witnesses except themselves, the testimony of such a man shall be a fourfold testimony sworn by Allah that he is indeed stating the truth, | 自分の妻を非難するもので 自分以外に証人のない場合は 単独の証言で 自分の真実なことをアッラーに誓けて4度誓う |
Beware of the man with... with... with... with... | 気をつけな... 男に... 男... |
They assign to Allah what they dislike for themselves and their tongues utter a sheer lie in stating that a happy state awaits them. Without doubt the Fire awaits them and it is to it that they shall be hastened. | かれらは 自分の好まないものをアッラーに振り当て そしてかれらの舌は嘘をつき 良いことは凡て自分のためと述べている かれらは疑いもなく火刑に処せられる 必ず(その中に 駆りたてられるであろう |
This class will have homeworks and programming assignments and if you successfully complete this class, you also get from me a signed statement of accomplishments stating how you did in the class and which you can put on your resume. | 割り当てをプログラミングし 場合 このクラスを正常に完了します あなたも私から取得します |
With loving kindness, with patience, with openness? | これは それらの偉大な瞑想家が行っていることです |
With joy, with gratitude, and with love, | Ä é Å é Æ ð ³Ž µ Ä ½ Æ Å B Í A |
With strength! With power! | 本当に疲れた |
Because we connect with her, with here, with the heart not with here, with the brain. | 心が 繋がるから 敏感になって そして繋がりましょう |
We were experimenting with type, with illustration, with photos. | イラストや写真でも とても楽しかった それらはすぐに結果をもたらし始めました |
Stay with me. Victor, stay with me! Stay with... | しっかり |
With the meeting with Weaver. | 段取りをつけなかったら? |
As a matter of business, said the chappie mind you, I'm not questioning anybody's good faith, but, as a matter of strict business I think this gentleman here ought to put himself on record before witnesses as stating that he really is a duke. | 厳しいビジネスの問題として誰かの善意を しかし 私はこの紳士を考える ここでは 前に記録に彼自身を置くためにするべき 彼は本当に公爵であることを示すas証人 |
With | 幅 |
With | 値 |
with | を次に置換 |
With | 置換後 |
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