Translation of "woven tapestry" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
On thrones woven with ornament , | かれらは錦の織物を 敷いた寝床の上に |
The world remains a rich tapestry. | 世界には多様な精神が存在します |
Well, I became a tapestry historian. | その後 メトロポリタン美術館の |
Supposedly. He's in the Tapestry Room. | 卿は タペストリーの間 です |
By the sky that is woven. | おびただしい軌道をもつ天にかけて 誓う |
The Belerephon pattern is being woven again. | ブラウフォン号の悲劇が 繰り返される事になる |
t woven into the texture of the paper. | あなたは何をするのするのですか とホームズは尋ねた |
t woven into the texture of the paper. | あなたはそれをどう思う ホームズは尋ねた メーカー名 疑いなく または彼 |
The Doctor is a legend, woven throughout history. | ドクターは生きる伝説だ |
Who, me? The tapestry geek? I don't wear a tie! | そのうち気付きました 自分が信奉しているのは |
'It was a grey web, woven by a thousand spiders. | 1000匹のクモが織った巣だ |
(They will be) on thrones woven with gold and precious stones, | かれらは錦の織物を 敷いた寝床の上に |
Look at that. Two Louis XVI chairs with a... good tapestry fabric. | 見て下さいよ ルイ16世時代の椅子 とても... |
It's woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives. | 私たちは真実に対して非常に両義的です |
The walls were covered with tapestry with a forest scene embroidered on it. | 木々の下との距離の幻想的着た人々がそこにあった |
But it's the Mobius strip because inside and outside are completely woven together. | 内側と外側が一緒に 編み込まれているからです 切り離して見ることは できないのです |
It's no longer a question of chucking a tapestry in the back of a car. | 巨大なローラーに巻きつけて |
And as I mentioned earlier, this is woven in Kyoto, where my ancestors are from. | 私の先祖の故郷京都で織られています また流れる水の音は |
They're within us... woven into the threads that bind us, all of us, to each other. | それらは 我々の中にいます 我々を縛り付ける糸の中に織り込まれています 我々全員 みんなの中に |
She put her hand accidentally upon the tapestry near her, and then sprang back, feeling quite startled. | かなりどきり タペストリーは オープン落ちたドアのカバーしていたと彼女を示したことがある |
It's amazing, you can see the facts that are woven in, just from him writing this journal. | 本当に驚きです なので 私はこうやって読むのが大好きなんです |
Instead, it can be traced back to the Proto Indo European kista, which described a woven container. | 印欧祖語の kista にさかのぼり 編んで作った入れ物 の意味です kista は多くの言葉の 組成に影響を与えました |
Microfibre cloth is cloth woven from fibres as narrow as a hundredth of the width of a hair. | マイクロファイバークロスは 髪の毛の100分の1という細さの繊維で編みあげられたクロスです |
So this image is simply showing it's a field of marine piles interconnected with this woven fuzzy rope. | 一面に打たれた海洋杭で 繊維状のファジーロープにつながれています ファジーロープって何 ですって |
Before then, we recorded information using pictures and diagrams on pottery and cave walls or woven into fabric. | 絵や図を使用していました 陶器や洞窟の壁に または生地に織り込みました |
She also explores themes of consumerism, and the environment, such as in this work, where these basket like objects look organic and woven, and are woven, but with the strips of steel, salvaged from cars that she found in a Bangalore junkyard. | 環境というテーマも探求します 例えばこのかごのような物体は自然的に見えますが 実は金属の破片や |
It is in these threads that are being woven into a resilient fabric that will sustain communities, that I find hope. | コミュニティーを支えることのできる 強い布へと紡がれていくことに 私は希望を持ちます |
With no natural light source, Siva is one of these amazing places that when you look up you see a perfect tapestry. | 見上げると 素晴らしいタペストリーのようです ここで 急いで2002年に戻ります |
I had woven carbon fiber sprinting legs modeled after the hind leg of a cheetah, which you may have seen on stage yesterday. | 炭素繊維で作った 短距離走用の義足です そしてこの本物さながらのシリコンの足 |
I believe I have taken a wrong turning again, she said, standing still at what seemed the end of a short passage with tapestry on the wall. | 壁にはタペストリーと短い通路の端が見えた 私は行くためにどの方法がわからない |
I've trained with the best in the field, performed across the globe, taught young and old alike, created, collaborated, choreographed, and wove a rich tapestry of artistry, achievement and awards. | 世界中で舞踊を上演し 幅広い年齢の方々に舞踊を教えたり 創作や合作に携わり |
He's turning 50 this year, and he's convinced that the rich tapestry of reputation he's built on Airbnb will lead him to doing something interesting with the rest of his life. | 評価の豊かなタペストリーが 残りの人生を 何か面白い活動へと導いてくれると 彼は固く信じています |
The WorldWide Telescope takes the best images from the world's greatest telescopes on Earth and in space, and has woven them seamlessly to produce a holistic view of the universe. | 巨大な望遠鏡からの最高の画像を 継ぎ目なくつなぎあわせ 宇宙の全体像を創りあげました |
The pulsating of shifting hues of light cascading down the fiber tapestry are synchronized through acoustic analysis of the ebb and flow of the Puget Sound you can see from the City Hall. | 変化させつつ脈動しながら滝のように流れる光は 市庁舎から望めるピュージット湾を漂う波と 音声分析により同期しています コンピューターにより 音風景はリアルタイムの天気予報に合わせ |
Scenes of forest destruction, forest harvesting and forest fragmentation, thereby making that intact tapestry of the canopy unable to function in the marvelous ways that it has when it is not disturbed by humans. | そして森の断片化 それがこの林冠で育てられる着生植物の 本来持つすばらしい働きを |
Obviously, I could give any number of examples here, and let me just state one super obvious one, which is that search engines use a tapestry of algorithms to efficiently compute the relevance of various webpages. | 特に明白な一つの例を指摘しておきましょう そらはサーチエンジンです それはたかさんのアルゴリズムをタペストリーを織るように使って 効率的に様々なページの 関連性を計算します そんなアルゴリズムの中でもっとも有名なのは 聞いた事があるかもしれませんが |
In the space providing views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains, the woven sculpture of optical fiber was suspended above the stairs, and here I'm weaving and trying to put this together with two people. | 階段の上に吊り下げられました この場面は 私が二人の助手と 縫い合わせているところです 日中 光ファイバーのタピストリーは ガラスの網のように見えます |
And through this tapestry, which is the history of this country, the kids acquire what is probably the most important value in education, and that is the understanding that life is complex, and there's no black and white. | この国の歴史をたどることで 少年達は 教育において おそらく 最も重要な価値観を |
And woven throughout all of this is a message of learning to live in peace and harmony within ourselves, in our families, in our communities, between nations, between cultures, between religions and between us and the natural world. | 国同士 異文化間 異なる宗教間 そして私たち人間と自然界の間で 共に平和と調和の中で暮らすための 学習の場なのだ ということです |
I built a loom in a one car garage with postal tubes and dowels, and things I could find in a hardware store, and I started weaving this optical fiber, which became a tapestry, 5 feet wide and 50 feet long. | 段ボールの円筒と合い釘のほか 金物屋で手に入るもので何とか織り機を作り 幅 1.5 m 長さ 15 m の 光ファイバーのタピストリーを制作しました |
So what we did was cross cut a bunch of archival footage of Johnny Cash, and at eight frames a second, we allowed individuals to draw a single frame that would get woven into this dynamically changing music video. | 1秒を8コマに分けて 1コマずつ描画してもらったイラストを 織り込んで |
But if this McLaren were to run into a wall at 65 miles an hour, the entire crash energy would be absorbed by a couple of woven carbon fiber composite cones, weighing a total of 15 pounds, hidden in the front end. | 全ての衝突エネルギーは車の最前部にある 7キロほどの重さの 円錐状の織物炭素複合材に吸収されるでしょう |
The tapestry was the covering of a door which fell open and showed her that there was another part of the corridor behind it, and Mrs. Medlock was coming up it with her bunch of keys in her hand and a very cross look on her face. | その背後にある廊下の別の部分だった と夫人Medlockは彼女と一緒にそれを来ていた 彼女の手と彼女の顔に非常にクロスを見に鍵の束 あなたはここで何をしているの と彼女は言った と彼女は腕でメアリーを取り 彼女を引っ張ら |
And whether it's in the expression of a Greek sculpture that reminds you of a friend, or a dog pooping in the corner of a tapestry, or, to bring it back to my tutor Pietro, those dancing figures who are indeed knocking back the wine, and that nude figure in the left foreground. | ギリシャ彫刻の表情や タペストリーの隅で 糞をする犬かもしれません ピエトロ先生だったら |
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