Translation of "供述" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Working on your report?
You got your report?
Mrs. Banning.
Your statement
Based on the description by the father,
i said, do you know what the odds are for one guy to believe me?
Why don't you go in the foyer and write me a statement?
And this is the statement you want to give?
He's giving a statement down at the station.
まず署で 供述書を作成し
I gotta take you down to the station first to get your statement.
いえ バーでの話 エリカの供述
No, back. I mean back at the bar with Erica Albright.
雨宮 イムが供述したんですか
Lim confessed to this?
ブルーさん 宣誓供述書があります
Mr. Blue, I have here a deposition from one Susan McNamara.
白状しろ 供述するんだ いいな
You'll tell us where it is, give us a full confession, you're saying?
Aren't you gonna wish us luck? Good luck. You can file the depositions with Chief Terry.
That was a fine thing you did for Parker. That photographer has given us a complete statement.
明日の朝には 供述書を提出します
I'd have his confession on your desk, the first thing in the morning.
I doubt the veracity of his statement.
子供たちの大半は 先に述べたように
All this makes up a constructive and ascending social dynamic.
300万ドルで 多くの宣誓供述書を買える
Greg s life insurance underwriters.
I have nothing more to add to my original statement.
彼の供述を崩す証拠が 見つかればね
Hopefully, they'll be something that will impeach Frobisher's story.
彼の側から見た 事件の詳細を供述する
He's given a detailed version of events as he sees them.
リサの供述に基づく 似顔絵から顔写真を
We pulled some mug shots based on the description Lisa gave our sketch artist.
事情聴取か... わかった 供述書も書いていい
Anything to do with Internal Affairs investigation?
できれば 君達両方の供述を とりたいんだがね
How are you? Fine.
落ち着いてから お前の供述を取りたいそうだ
If you're ready to talk they wanna get a statement.
彼の供述は 実際に起こったことと一致していた
His statement corresponded to what actually took place.
自分も含む航海士全員から 供述書をとってある
What about the officers?
久我容疑者は全て自分が やったと供述しており...
The suspect stated as his own action.
あの週末に見たことで 彼の供述を覆せるらしいの
I saw him several times that weekend and the lawyer thinks that maybe I can contradict his testimony.
私は何も見てないし 宣誓供述書でもそう答えました
I didn't see anything. I told you in my affidavit, man.
いいのよ あなたの記憶と 彼の供述との違いを見るだけ
Patty just wants to see if anything you can remember will contradict Frobisher's testimony.
あなたには黙秘権があり 供述は不利な証拠となりうる
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.
宣誓供述書にサインしてくれ なきがらを発掘できるように
I need you to sign an affidavit so I can exhume her remains.
お前から 供述を取った このサルヴァトーレ マローニが ファルコーニ犯罪組織の若頭だと
I have a sworn statement from you that this man Salvatore Maroni, is the new head of the Falcone crime family.
Farrington Street. I thought it as well to have Jones with us also.
被害者の供述だけを聞いていては 事件の真相がわかりません
If you only listen to the testimony of the victim you can't understand the full story of the incident.
Describe Data Fields
動機についても供述が取れたからです 彼は奥さんとセックスしていた
He states that whenever you weren't around, he was banging your wife like a big bass drum.
それが彼の供述です さらに そのせいであなたがアリソンを殺したとも
That's what he states, And he further states that it was you that killed alison,
Describe molecule
Configuration description files
Log pattern description
犯人はお前の客だって 署に出頭して供述書に サインしろと言ってくれ
The guy that killed him is your... client? Yeah, that's right. When he gets in touch, tell him come to the station, sign a deposition.