Translation of "帰還" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Set a course for home.
Wheels stopped.
そして 帰還
Something you didn't expect that caps what you did expect.
Return to base, sir?
スール 帰還だ イエッサー
Sulu, let's go home.
Is any of my floor clear?
I love the contrast of her dainty shoes.
母艦に帰還だ 急げ
Make for the ship! Move!
y ou get those men stateside right now. I want them debriefed in 10 hours.
彼の帰還を待った ギルライン
Straying at whiles deep into the forest, to watch for his safe return.
棺に入って 帰還する
If I die in a combat zone Box me up and ship me home
Bless you for bringing them back.
ロード オブ ザ リング 王の帰還 2003年
CG Destruction 'Lord of the Rings
全パトロール帰還しました ただ...
Sir, all the patrols are in. Still no...
Can you bring the shuttlepod in?
We are going home today.
船の帰還と 噂についてな
The presence of the fleet and the persistence of rumors must be addressed.
What's the big fuss?
帰還する前に ヴァンパイアになった
My human life ended before I had a chance to come back home.
I ain't had a lady friend since I come home.
She prayed for her son's return.
ジョージの帰還祝いが 行われます
The Welcome Back George Mclntyre reception is about to begin in the refectory
折れた刃が ミナス ティリスに帰還する
The blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith.
艦載機を帰還させろ ジャンプ準備
Recover fighters. Stand by to jump.
They're the first dogs to come back from space alive.
全てのジェダイは 聖堂に帰還しろと
It requests all Jedi to return to the temple.
任務を果たし 無事帰還しよう
The christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return.
あら 宇宙人さん 地球にご帰還
Hey, spaceman, welcome back to the planet Earth.
ダメージを受けました エンタープライズに帰還中です
They took damage, but they're heading back to Enterprise.
エンタープライズは地球への 帰還の途についた
Enterprise is returning to Earth.
不良息子のご帰還か 今の気分は
Return of the prodigal, back to the land of the living. How you feeling?
この世 への御帰還を 待ってるのさ
Oh, just waiting to get back to the land of the big PX.
イラク帰還兵が使用しているものに よく似ています 手足を失ったイラク帰還兵が370名もいます
There's a limb prosthetic up here, similar actually one on the soldier that's come back from Iraq.
一旦風呂 飯落ち 40分ぐらいして帰還
Break for bath food, back in about 40 minutes!
Last year I spent several months documenting our wounded troops, from the battlefield in Iraq all the way home.
この魅力 あなたの安全な帰還を保証
This charm assures your safe return
船長 帰還探索機1に陽性の反応あり
Captain, Probe One has returned positive.
I don't think this thing was even built to return.
普通なら 君のような者の帰還は無い
We don't usually get guys like you up here.
ドリルを破壊せねば 君達も帰還できない
Remember, the Enterprise won't be able to beam you back until you've turned off that drill.
探し出してやる ヒットガール 本部へ帰還するぞ
We'll find you. Hit Girl, back to headquarters
Three of the planes have not yet reported home.
王の帰還を拒むと申すか 執政の分際で
Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, steward.
2週間前です イラクより帰還後PTSDの治療を
Got shipped home from Iraq about two weeks ago. He's been receiving treatment for posttraumatic stress.
定期的に大気圏外に 送りこみ帰還します
That would take people up out of the atmosphere and back routinely.