Translation of "潰れ" to English language:
Dictionary Japanese-English
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
モーゼスに 潰される | Moses'll take them apart. |
潰す | Crush. |
足が潰れている | His leg is broken! |
足先は潰れてた | Her feet, shredded. |
私は 面目丸潰れだ | I lost face. |
潰れたりはしない | Cover it good. |
潰れたのか おっ 本当 | Was our house the only one... ...that collapsed? |
全体を踏み潰される | The next thing you know, you're all used up. They trample all over you. |
教師のはバーンと潰れた | Down on his fingers! Bang! |
ぶっ潰せ | Crush him. |
潰すなよ | I'll... Please, please, please... |
チェコの奴等が踏み潰され | We'll drive the muzhiks from the Don, and go home. |
俺の潰瘍に聞いてくれ | Ask my ulcers. |
ハンバーガー潰しのビデオゲーム | A hamburger smashing video game |
水ぶくれを潰さないでくれ | Please don't pop the blisters. |
痛い 裏声で 玉潰れちゃう | Or, should I say, pussy nal? |
男との計画が潰れたなら | Am I blue, You'd be too |
三人の子供が押し潰され | It was a Saturday morning cartoon show. |
茹でて潰して シチューに入れる | Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew. |
お前のパソコンが 完全に潰れた | Your laptop's completely destroyed. |
ディミトリ よし マイロ 潰せ | Squash.) ... yes to decide. |
潰瘍のような | A canker, as he put it. |
潰しにくるな | She's going to press. |
オタク野郎を潰す | Let's gut the friggin' nerd. |
あいつら酔い潰れちゃった | They passed out. |
そのうち潰れてしまいます | Bend your knee, then do this, then do this. |
彼らの母の心臓は潰された | Their mother's heart be broken. |
7ポンドある これで時間潰して | 7 quid, that'll take you for a few hours. |
まったく 死神のプライド丸潰れだ | Really. He's a disgrace to all Shinigami. |
潰し合ってくれるんだもの | And no alliances formed against him. |
エレベーターの中ででも潰れたんだろ | I presume, Your Excellency, they perished in the elevator. |
潰れたのです 何者かに侵入され | last fall because they were hacked into. |
ああ キミに潰された哀れな一人さ | Yes. One of your pathetic failed ones. |
頭を潰してやる | I'll stove your head in! |
今夜 反乱を潰す | Tonight we destroy the resistance. |
家が潰れたのも腹立たしいが | Then we moved up to Seoul and we lost touch. |
もうすぐ お前は圧し潰される | But I have more experience, and I see where you are making mistakes. |
足をひっこめなきゃ 潰れるぜ | Get your foot out of my door, or you'll lose about half of it! |
欺かれた妻を踏み潰しなさい | Trample on the one you betrayed! |
指を潰されたとき パドィウに話した | When they vomit my fingers I betrayed Pardou. |
あなたの友達完全に潰れてる | Your friend's pretty wasted. |
米軍に果樹園を潰すと脅され | So the Americans threatened them, to flatten the orchard. |
胃に潰瘍が出来る | An ulcer forms in the stomach. |
女性 潰すか否かの | Peter Molyneux Squashing a snail may not seem important, but remember, even this choice will affect how Milo develops. |
異議なし踏み潰せ | Let's knock down those hydras and drive them to the sea! |