Translation of "肋骨" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I have a broken hand
It's below his rib cage.
You broke my freaking rib, you maniac son of a bitch.
Got some busted ribs and like that.
If I tell you to, stick this in his chest right here. Beneath the breast bone.
Went to the third intercostal space and exited the back.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Issuing from (the pelvis) between the backbone and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
That is issued from between the backs and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
issuing between the loins and the breast bones.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
That issueth from between the loins and the breast bones.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Proceeding from between the back bone and the ribs,
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Issuing from between the backbone and the breastbones.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
emanating from between the loins and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
That issued from between the loins and ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
which issues from between the loins and the breast bones.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
that issues from between the loins and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
which comes out of the loins and ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Coming from between the back and the ribs.
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
issuing from between the backbone and the breastbone
それは 肋骨と腰の間から出てくる
Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs
抵抗してないのに 肋骨を折られた
I wouldn't be so bothered, but he's broke two of my ribs, and it's a fuckin' nightmare when you're trying to do the toilet.
この隔膜と肋骨は1つの部屋を作っていて 隔膜が床に 肋骨が壁と天井にあたります
So your diaphragm muscle and your ribs are enclosing a space, right?
肋骨打ち込み 天国で この分でマッデン私よ
Listen to reason, will you? said the Invisible Man, sticking to him in spite of a pounding in the ribs.
アゴが砕け 肋骨は 3本にひびと4本が骨折 横隔膜に出血
jaw fractured, three ribs cracked four broken, diaphragm haemorrhaging.
怪我してるんだ たぶん肋骨が折れてる
He's hurt. He could have a broken rib.
肋骨鎖骨マニューバーテストを行う場合は 患者の肩を下後方に牽引します
There are several tests to evaluate for thoracic outlet syndrome as a cause for the patient's shoulder pain.
肋骨鎖骨マニューバーテストを行う場合は 患者の肩を下後方に牽引します
(English captions by Andrea Matsumoto from the University of Michigan)
これが肋骨に囲まれているのですが 割愛します
This is our right lung and on the other side we have our left lung.
ジャニスの居所を吐かなきゃ 肋骨どころじゃないんで
He'll have more than a broken rib if he doesn't tell us whereJanice Hedden is.
脚と指2本 それに肋骨が1本 あとは軽い脳震盪だ
A leg, two fingers, one rib, and a mild concussion.
肋骨下の光の三角形 ショットは何でしたか と彼は尋ねた
A ray of candle light penetrating a torn patch in the right shoulder, made a triangle of light under the left ribs.
このように心臓は肺と肺の間で 肋骨に守られています
The heart is actually sitting between the two
肋骨が折れて肺に刺さって死んだわね これが現実なら
This patient probably is 100 dead from a broken rib piercing their lung.
また動脈や血管や腎臓 そして脾臓が見えます さらに肋骨などの骨も 表示されています
You can see the pancreas here and the arteries, vessels, the kidney, and the spleen.
血管のバイパス手術が行われています 全て肋骨の間から行うのです
You can also sew bypass vessels directly onto a beating heart without cracking the chest.
あなたがここには 穏やかに付属 脳震盪を いくつかの打撲肋骨
You came in here with a mild concussion, some bruised ribs.
というわけでこのような斜めに走る素数を 素数肋骨と呼びましょう!
Why do they do that?... also this sort of skeletal structure reminds me of bones so
肋骨の正面にタグをこのようにつけ 時々サメは反応します 私たちがドネガルのマリンヘッドにいたとき
When we were out tagging our sharks this is how we tagged them on the front of a RlB, get in there fast occasionally, the sharks do react.
自分の女の指一本が折れるより 自分の肋骨が飛び出した方がマシだって思うような ...バカよ
You don't fear anything in the world, but you're so scared of bugs, you shake.
体のどこにあるかよく分かります 心臓は肋骨に囲まれています そしてその横には肺があります
It actually shows you really neatly where the heart sits in our body so you can see the heart is surrounded, on both sides, by ribs, right?
いきなり12メートル落ちて肋骨にひびを入れた時でした もう絶対に落ちるとわかった時点からどのように
I actually didn't plan for a fall, and went about 40 feet and cracked a rib.
A broken femur, 26.
I'd broken my neck and my back in six places.
リタ 手根骨と母指 ぼし 骨
The wrist and thumb.