Translation of "TV" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

No cable.
The TV guy?
The song has addictive melody an the lyrics to reveal their srong ambitions LOEN TV viewers!
三食昼寝に ケーブルTVつきだ
He'll get his free room and board, cable TV.
My wife doesn't even have cable. Why are we discussing this? No.
ステュー ショウ TVよりも面白いぜ
The Stu Show. Better than TV.
TVサイテー だが ディレクターは乗り気だ
The TV, sucks, but the director loves it, so... you know
俺はTVで見たんだ 生徒が
It was on 60 Minutes.
ハンバーガーを買わせろ TVを信じるな
If I could just buy my burger, please. Don't listen to them!
TVの お尋ね者探し に 送るなよ
Shit! I hope you ain't sending this shit to Most Wanted.
Are you grandstanding for TV cameras?
TVで言ったように 大衆こそ我がテーマ
As I said on TV, the ordinary man is my central theme. All of him.
I can't let someone work at home.
TVを消して こっちに来て 留守電を聞いて
Came over here. Checked the messages. Knocked over the phone.
ただ座って アイスを1パック TVを観ながら食べるの
Actually, I'm just gonna be sitting on my ass, probably eat a whole pint of HaagenDazs while I watch Blind Date.
Becuase in my everyday life,
母の冷凍食と TVの再放送好きには どうにかなりそう
I love her, but if I eat one more dinner off the TV tray... or watch one more rerun of Wheel of Fortune, I'll lose my mind.
全ラジオとTVが 彼の話題 何処に行っても 彼の顔が写ってた
He was on every radio station, every image on television, anything you could find had his face on it.
リアリティTVが主流になります テレビに求められるのは何でしょうか
At the turn of the century, the Internet takes off, reality television has taken hold.
本や映画やTV番組を見たら この型を探してみてください
今 私たちが住む世界では 移民法が退行して重荷となり 恥を売りにしたリアリティTVが盛り上がり
Ultimately, especially now in this world, where we live in a context of regressive and onerous immigration laws, in reality TV that thrives on humiliation, and in a context of analysis, where the thing we hear most repeatedly, day in, day out in the United States, in every train station, every bus station, every plane station is,
車を直すのに 時間がかかるから 良かったら中に入って 酒を飲む 手を洗う 妻をヤる TVを見る
It's gonna take me a while to fix up your car there, so if you boys like, you can go on inside, get yourselves something to drink, wash up, fuck my wife, watch TV... anything you want.
ニュースキャスター 作家 TV番組や消防士など 人生の中であなたに対し 影響力を持つ全ての人が あなたの台本の中身を知っていて
The directors are our parents, our teachers, our peers, our preachers, news broadcasters, book writers, TV show producers, firefighters, every person in your life who has an impact on you, knows the script you've been given and knows when you've been missing your cues.
あなたが行ったこと全てが そのTVの速度を一定に維持したならば あなたが行ったこと全てがこの正味の負の力で反作用したのです
And what these guys would tell you is all you were doing, if you were keeping the velocity of that TV constant, all you were doing was counteracting this net negative force.