Translation of "Mansion" to Japanese language:

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Mansion - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Diwang Mansion
383.95メートル高い かつてアジアで最も高い建物だった
A mansion?
The Playboy Mansion .
プレイボーイ マンション
She has a large mansion.
She owns a large mansion.
They live in a mansion.
He lives in that stately mansion.
The hateful mansion. Drawing his sword.
修道士は 汝の必死の手を握る
There were people from White Mansion,
When we were at White Mansion.
ホワイト マンションにいた時
She lives in quite a big mansion.
A government official's stately mansion was looted.
200 people in this beautiful Victorian mansion.
While Caligari is sleeping in his mansion...
その一方 カリガリは眠っていた
We continue back to the mansion as planned.
In addition to a mansion, he owns a Bentley.
豪邸に加えて 彼はベントレーを持っているのです
So I went to Al Dunlap's grand Florida mansion.
いたるところに 捕食動物の彫刻がありました
He was very rich, and therefore could buy a mansion.
彼は金持ちだった だから邸宅が買えた
Don't eye my wife. Check out the mansion behind, idiots
The cat burglar must have entered the mansion from the roof.
There are no fewer than a dozen bedrooms in this mansion.
It was as gloomy inside the mansion as the sunlight was dazzling outside.
外の陽光が眩い分 屋敷の中は仄暗い
Maybe Cawley's sitting up in his mansion right now, rethinking his whole attitude.
たぶんコーリーは 今 邸宅で寝むれないさ 態度を考え直しているさ
Keisuke has always studied in this mansion. That style known as 'home schooling', right?
啓介さんは このお屋敷で ずっとお勉強しているんです いわゆるホームスクーリングという形ですね
So Obiang junior, well, he buys himself a 30 million mansion in Malibu, California.
カリフォルニア州のマリブに 3千万ドルの豪邸を買っています 玄関まで行きましたが
You can swap not sleeping in a penthouse for not sleeping in a mansion.
ペントハウスでも休まないし マンションでも過ごさない
They're treating the people who get married like, We're the people who own a mansion.
それ以外は... 小屋の住人
In the very depths of a coal mine, or in a mansion on a hill.
山の上の邸宅も どこでもだ
If my house were a mansion, I would invite everyone I know to my birthday party.
O, I have bought the mansion of a love, But not possess'd it and, though I am sold,
まだenjoy'dではない その退屈なこの日は よう いくつかのお祭りの前の夜です
Go and gaze upon the iron emblematical harpoons round yonder lofty mansion, and your question will be answered.
あなたの質問にお答えいたします はい すべてこれらの勇敢な家屋や花の庭園には大西洋 太平洋 から来た
As they will remember, we leave Gilda... ... in the mansion of Cooper... ... when Abygail he she prepared to leave.
前回の終わりで 洗濯中のヒルダ... 石鹸の泡... ヒルダ...
And he's summoned by his rich uncle, John Carter, to his mansion with a telegram saying, See me at once.
彼は大金持ちのおじ ジョン カーターからの すぐきてくれ という電報で豪邸に呼び寄せられます 訪ねて行ってみると
Who, of His grace, hath installed us in the mansion of eternity, where toil toucheth us not nor can weariness affect us.
かれの御恵みによって わたしたちは永遠の邸宅に住み そこで苦労をすることもなく また疲れを覚えることもありません
There's a thing about being a Wayne that you're never short of a few freeloaders, like yourselves to fill up your mansion with.
金持ちなんかでいると... たかり屋にこと欠かない あんたらみたいなさ ここで好きにやったらいい
Another thing Gordon could have mentioned in his speech to the Mansion House in 2002 that was to the building the people weren't listening.
2002年のマンションハウスに捧げるスピーチで... 建物に対してだったんです 人間は誰も聞いてなかった 金融業界について彼が言ったのは
I'm not gonna buy a mansion, and I like wearing jeans and a T shirt, so I'm not going to spend any more money on clothes.
だから衣類にも一切お金を掛けない ほんと どうでもいいことだよ
You've got the 400 billion... you've gone the charity route, you have this perfect 100 room mansion... with matching his and her yachts and helicopter pads.
Absolutely, well above. You're fresh back from this two year world galloping vacation. How do you fill your day?
So We caused the earth to cave in on him and his mansion. He had no company to save him from God, and he could not defend himself.
それからわれは かれとその屋敷を地の中に埋めてしまった かれには アッラーの外に助け手もなく また自分を守ることも出来なかった
I think we need to realize he's more of a threat than we gave him credit for. He found the mansion. His guys got the stash at the church.
彼は建物を見つけ彼の仲間が 教会で暴れました
I'd rather drink myself to death in my mansion, in peace and quiet. You don't understand anything about human beings, Chingachgook, if you take people like me to the Zone.
So We opened up the earth and sunk him and his mansion. There was not a body that could help him against (the will) of God, nor was he able to save himself.
それからわれは かれとその屋敷を地の中に埋めてしまった かれには アッラーの外に助け手もなく また自分を守ることも出来なかった
We shall give the mansion of the Hereafter to those who do not want to be haughty in the land and spread corruption. The future belongs to those who take heed for themselves and follow the straight path.
来世の住まいとはこのようなもの われは地上において威張りたがったり 悪を行わない者にこれを授ける 善果は 主を畏れる者にある
A bank in Paris held accounts of companies controlled by him, one of which was used to buy the art, and American banks, well, they funneled 73 million dollars into the States, some of which was used to buy that California mansion.
その一つが美術品購入に使われ アメリカの銀行は 7,300万ドルもの資金を米国に流し
And Allah sets forth, as an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh Behold she said O my Lord! Build for me, in nearness to Thee, a mansion in the Garden, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings, and save me from those that do wrong
またアッラーは 信仰する者のために例を示される フィルアウンの妻である かの女がこう言った時を思い起しなさい 主よ 楽園の中のあなたの御側に わたしのため家を御建て下さい そしてフィルアウンとその行いから わたしを救い 不義を行う者から わたしを御救い下さい


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