Translation of "allegiance" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Allegiance - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

A musical titled Allegiance .
私は国の反対側 ロサンジェルスに生まれました
Did you pledge allegiance?
You owe him your allegiance.
Pledge allegiance to the national flag.
I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler.
私はアドルフ ヒトラーに忠誠を誓う
We come to honor that allegiance.
その盟約に敬意を 表すため参りました
One who will have your allegiance.
I know where your allegiance lies.
My allegiance is to myself alone.
So we developed this musical, titled Allegiance .
私が5歳の時 ある早朝 両親に起こされて
Pledge of Allegiance for the first time.
Voodoo symbols marking allegiance to certain gods.
Where does my allegiance lie if not here?
Your allegiance to me has fallen under question.
Oh... I am now beginning to question my allegiance.
私は悪党 でもハリーはとっても愛らしいけど Faptaguise卿はすんごい嫌な奴
They pledged allegiance to the UNlTED States of America.
アメリカ そのアメリカ合衆国こそ
Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!
私が忠誠を誓うのは 共和国であり 民主主義
The knight swore an oath of allegiance to the king.
We knew that Allegiance would be a real marketing challenge.
ロジャース ハマースタインのような 売りはありませんし
Maybe! I am questioning my allegiance I am so confused!
Republican Seperatist armies vie for the allegiance of neutral planets
共和国の分離主義者軍が 平和な惑星の忠誠を争う
I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The immortal leader of our race.
Now, of course there is a certain degree of ethnic allegiance, but not entirely.
All I ask is your allegiance, and in return, I offer you the world.
忠誠を求める そしてその見返りは この世界の支配だ
I don't care about the man's allegiance. I care about his ability to win battles.
今は忠誠心より 勝つための力ですよ
is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago.
人は皆 平等の下に生まれるということを 自明の真実として掲げました
And the answer was, God is in this with us, or God doesn't deserve our allegiance anymore.
さもなければ神は もはや我々の忠誠に値しない もし神が見物人で 傍観すれども関与しないのなら
Those who swear allegiance to you indeed swear allegiance to God and God's protection is over them. Then whosoever breaks the promise breaks it to his own loss but whosoever fulfills the promise made to God will receive a great reward from Him.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Those who pledge allegiance to you are pledging allegiance to God. The hand of God is over their hands. Whoever breaks his pledge breaks it to his own loss. And whoever fulfills his covenant with God, He will grant him a great reward.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Last fall, we had the world premiere of Allegiance at the distinguished regional theater The Old Globe in San Diego.
サンディエゴの オールド グローブ劇場 という 優れた地方劇場で行いました 初日は実質満席で
Those who swear allegiance to you swear allegiance to Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. He who breaks his oath breaks it against his self, but for he that keeps his covenant made with Allah, Allah shall give him a mighty wage.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Lo! those who swear allegiance unto thee (Muhammad), swear allegiance only unto Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. So whosoever breaketh his oath, breaketh it only to his soul's hurt while whosoever keepeth his covenant with Allah, on him will He bestow immense reward.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
98 of this country's armed forces have re sworn their pledge of allegiance to the constitution and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
再度を忠誠を誓いました 群集は歓声に沸き 大統領憲兵は隠れて宮殿に入り 宮殿を奪還しました
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation
私は星条旗に忠誠を誓い それを表す国である...
Indeed those who swear allegiance to you, swear allegiance only to Allah the hand of Allah is above their hands. Then whosoever breaks his oath, breaks it only to his own detriment, and whoever fulfills the covenant he has made with Allah, He will give him a great reward.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Anakin, our allegiance is to the senate, not to its leader... who has managed to stay in office long after his term has expired.
忠誠は 元老院に誓うものだ 政権維持を企む 指導者にではない
Surely those who swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah the hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks (his faith), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfills what he has covenanted with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, O Muhammad they are actually pledging allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands. So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself. And he who fulfills that which he has promised Allah He will give him a great reward.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Behold, all who pledge their allegiance to you indeed pledge their allegiance to God the hand of God is over their hands. Hence, he who breaks his oath, breaks it only to his own loss. Whereas he who remains true to what he has pledged to God, shall have a great reward bestowed upon him by God.
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
Now, these are young people who study in our schools, they play in our neighborhoods, they are friends with our kids, they pledge allegiance to our flag.
私達の子供達の友人で かつ 私達の国旗に忠誠心を誓う若者です 彼らは 身も心も 全ての観点から見てアメリカ市民であります しかし 書類上だけは
Those who swear allegiance to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him), do indeed in fact swear allegiance to Allah Allah's Hand of Power is above their hands so whoever breaches his oath, has breached his own greater promise and whoever fulfils the covenant he has with Allah so very soon Allah will bestow upon him a great reward. (Used as a metaphor.)
本当にあなたに忠誠を誓う者は アッラーに忠誠を誓う者である アッラーの御手がかれらの手の上にあり それで誰でも誓いを破る者は 自分の魂を損なう者である また誰でもアッラーとの約束を 果す者には かれは偉大な報奨を与えるのである
God was pleased with the believers, when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and sent down serenity upon them, and rewarded them with an imminent conquest.
かれらがあの樹の下であなたに忠誠を誓った時 アッラーは信者たちに ことの外御満悦であった かれはかれらの胸に抱くことを知り かれらに安らぎを下し 手近な勝利をもって報われた
I could not believe I had pledged allegiance to research, where our job you know, the definition of research is to control and predict, to study phenomena for the explicit reason to control and predict.
忠誠を誓ったなんてもう信じられませんでした 研究とは 制御したり予測すること また現象について詳しく調べることです
God was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, for He knew well what was in their hearts, and sent down tranquility on them, and rewarded them with an expeditious victory
かれらがあの樹の下であなたに忠誠を誓った時 アッラーは信者たちに ことの外御満悦であった かれはかれらの胸に抱くことを知り かれらに安らぎを下し 手近な勝利をもって報われた


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