Translation of "as manufactured" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Where were you manufactured? | 何処で製造された? |
M aircraft engines being manufactured. | m人のユーザーのフィーチャーでも |
Compared to 'Emergency', 'Prefab Manufactured', | 組立式住宅 そして 従来型建築 と比較してみると |
Three of them manufactured exclusively | そのうち3つは独占的に |
The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. | その時計はスイスで製造されている |
This machine was manufactured in France. | この飛行機はフランスで製造されたものです |
This machine was manufactured in France. | この機械はフランスで製造されたものである |
And we're getting this mass manufactured. | できるだけローコストの材料で |
Shape Deposition Manufactured robot, named Sprawl. | このスプロールというロボットには 調整された弾性のある脚が6本あり |
I think it was manufactured locally. | 人工物のようね 見て |
Manufactured imports into Japan have increased considerably. | 日本への製品輸入はずいぶん増えた |
They're being manufactured by many different companies. | 砂漠や道路を運転するためのロボットに 利用する実験では |
Japan's import of manufactured goods has increased considerably. | 日本の製品輸入はかなり増えた |
lacquer wares were manufactured and exported to Europe. | そのとき 18世紀 19世紀が |
These automobiles, for the most part, are manufactured in Japan. | これらの自動車は大部分が日本製だ |
Responsible for brokering a sale Of a synthetic hallucinogen manufactured | マッシブ ダイナミクの幻覚剤を |
Director Shepard Manufactured the entire missn To get close to him. | 局長は潜入捜査を続行した |
It's a boattail. 264 caliber bullet manufactured by Winchester in 1989. | 5ミリ口径で 1989年のウィンチェスター製で ネバダ州リノで毎年開催される 全米カウボーイ射撃大会の |
And I refuse to be a part of this manufactured reality that was manufactured for me by some other people, and I'm manufacturing my own reality. | この現実の一部と化したくありません 私は私自身の手で 現実を作り上げていきます 私はアーティストです |
He's the one able to build this shape deposition manufactured feet and toes. | 次のステップは地面の形状にならう足の指を作成して |
Listen, 50 of my inventory is manufactured in sweatshops on the Malaysian border. | わかってるの 私の商品の50パーセントが マレーシアの搾取工場で 作られてるのよ |
3D and MRI images can be manufactured the actual size of the 3D organ modeling. | 特殊なゼリー状の 補助素材をつかえば |
They have the name brand on them, but they're not manufactured by the name brand. | これに欠点はあるでしょうか |
I grew up there, I raised my sons there, and I refuse to be a part of this manufactured reality that was manufactured for me by some other people and I'm manufacturing my own reality. | だからこんな作られた現実の一部になるなんてゴメンだね それは他の人たちが俺のために作り上げた現実であって 俺は俺の現実を作り上げる 俺はアーティストだからね |
But you may not know large amounts of maki e lacquer wares were ordered, manufactured, and exported. | 逆に日本から この蒔絵をした漆が 大量に注文して作られて 出てったということは ほとんどご存じないと思います 今でもヨーロッパの教会に行くと こういう器物が大事に保管されてます |
And then I always finish off by talking about the thing that amazes me the most about this question, particularly coming from the Dutch, is that the Netherlands is every bit as manufactured as Disneyland. | これがこの話の一番面白いところなんだが 特にオランダ人からの質問の場合は つまり オランダそのものが |
Manufactured by 300 years, a Spartan warrior society to create the finest soldiers the world has ever known. | 300年間のスパルタ戦士社会は 世界最高の戦士を生み出した |
You can buy cuecas baratas, designer underwear that isn't really manufactured by a designer, and even pirated evangelical mixtapes. | 聞いた事もないブランドですが 海賊版の伝道ミックス テープまであります 笑 業界はこの状況を問題視しているし |
X1 through Xm, if you have manufactured m aircraft engines, and if you plot your data, maybe it looks like this. | m個の航空機エンジンを作ったとして そのデータをプロットすると こんな感じになるだろう この各点 各バッテンは |
Even if you go for a walk in the proverbial woods, there is a company that manufactured the car that delivered you to the edge of the woods there's a company that manufactured the shoes that you have to protect yourself from the ground of the woods. | その森の縁まで運転して来た自動車を 製造した会社はある 森を歩くのに足を守っている |
So that they may eat from its fruits, whereas they are not manufactured by their hands! So will they not be grateful? | かれらはその果実を食べるが それはかれらの手が作り出したものではない それでも感謝しないのか |
The robotic assist tools there were used in my surgery, the drugs I took afterwards... were developed and manufactured by massive dynamics. | 手術はロボットが補助してその後の薬も みんなマッシブ ダイナミクスの発明 |
Detailed design is the work of drawing up a diagram that is capable of being manufactured from the plan set in the baseline design. | 実施設計とは基本設計で決まった計画を 工事ができる図面に書く作業です |
The first concrete blocks were manufactured in 1868 with a very simple idea modules made of cement of a fixed measurement that fit together. | その着想はいたってシンプルでした 一定の大きさのセメント製パーツを ぴったり 積み上げられるようにしたものです |
We put suffocation warnings on every piece of plastic film manufactured in the United States, or for sale with an item in the United States. | つけられた全てのビニール フィルムには 窒息注意の警告が書かれています コーヒーカップには |
I have on good authority from a close friend that these things are manufactured and then dumped into the water to be found by foolish American boy tourists. | 僕の親友の 確かな筋から聞いたんだ... 陸で作った物を 水の中に沈めるんだ... バカなアメリカ人の 観光客に探させるんだってさ |
As (lovely as) rubies and as (beautiful as) coral. | かの女らはさながらルビーかサンゴのよう |
Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme | おとぎ話のように 昔の歌のように |
Food is as important as energy, as security, as the environment. | そして環境と同じく重要です 全てが相互につながっていますから |
As light as a feather, and as hard as dragon scales. | 羽のように軽く 竜の鱗なみに硬い |
As wise as Master Yoda and... as powerful as Master Windu. | マスター ヨーダと 同じくらい賢いし マスター ウィンドゥと 同じくらい強力なジェダイだ |
As far as I know, Lincoln is as guilty as hell. | リンカーンンのほうは有罪に間違いない ちょっと来てくれ |
So you go to some sovereign wealth fund, and that's just a way of saying some foreign government that's been collecting dollars because they've been selling us oil or cheap manufactured goods. | それはただ言う方法ですが ドルを集めているいくつかの外国政府に 彼らは私たちンに石油や安価な工業製品を 販売してきたので |
As Soon as Possible | できるだけ早く |
As Late as Possible | できるだけ遅く |
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