Translation of "avian influenza" to Japanese language:

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Avian - translation : Avian influenza - translation : Influenza - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We recently saw a case where some researchers made the H5N1 avian influenza virus more potent.
強化したH5N1インフルエンザ ウィルスを作りました 今でも致死率が70 ある ウィルスですが
We now call them non avian dinosaurs and avian dinosaurs.
鳥類型とに区別できます 非鳥類型は
This is an avian quarantine facility where all imported birds coming into America are required to undergo a 30 day quarantine, where they are tested for diseases including Exotic Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza.
米国本土に輸入されるすべての鳥が 30日 検疫隔離されて 病気ではないか検査を受けます
She is down with influenza.
He is ill with influenza.
Avian dinosaurs are our modern birds.
There were many cases of influenza.
My father is suffering from influenza.
Avian medicine diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
飼鳥の医学 病気の診断とその治療
This medicine is no protection against influenza.
He is at the doctor for influenza.
Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'.
養豚関連産業への配慮から 豚インフルエンザ の呼称は インフルエンザA H1N1 に改められた
High fever is a frequent accompaniment of influenza.
Here we come. And that was the influenza.
However, by far the greatest pandemic killer is influenza.
インフルエンザです インフルエンザは 地球を絶えず移動しています
And the Avian Flu is also not a good idea.
You were flat on your back for two weeks with influenza.
In addition, wild aquatic birds carry all known strains of influenza.
全ての系統のインフルエンザの キャリアです するとこんな状況が生じます
Even worse, the most common influenza influenza A also infects animals that live in close proximity to humans, and they can recombine in those particular animals.
最も多いA型インフルエンザは 人の周辺で生息する 動物にも感染します
The avian flu, of course, quite a serious matter, as you know.
インフルエンザは もちろん 深刻な問題です
So the non avian dinosaurs are the big clunky ones that went extinct.
既に絶滅したダサい恐竜です 鳥類型は現代の鳥類の祖先です
This is one of my papers A pygostyle from a non avian theropod.
これは恐竜のセックスほど 興味深いものでもないから
Roman officials could only be installed in office when the avian omens were auspicious.
就任が許されたのです 数世紀を経て
That's the sound of genetic mutations of the avian flu becoming a deadly human flu.
命にかかわるヒトインフルエンザに 突然変異する音です どうしたら変異が ペースダウンするでしょうか
like avian flu or personalized medicine, we just get together the smartest people we know.
我々は知る限りで最も賢明な人達を集めます この気候危機には まさにスーパースターのネットワークを築きました
Please note it's a museum specimen, but there's no chance you'll get the avian flu.
インフルエンザに かかる心配はありませんよ 受賞後 私の人生は一変しました
This year's H1N1 threat was actually a human, avian, swine mixture that arose in Mexico.
H1N1 ウイルスは人と鳥とブタからのウイルスが 混ざったものでした 簡単に伝染するものでしたが
But the most common cause of epidemics are viruses, such as measles, influenza and HlV.
はしか インフルエンザ HIVなどがあります ウィルスが世界規模に拡大すると パンデミック です
Speak to Nunez, whose son he saved from the influenza, or Valismo, whose children he stole from death's door.
バリスモの子供達を 死の入口から連れ戻した 私でもいい
I downloaded this scientific paper about calculations on avian defecation, which is really quite interesting, because it turns out you can model this as something called Poiseuille flow, and you can learn an awful lot about the physics of the avian rectum.
この論文は 鳥の排便についての計算が書かれている 非常に面白い計算で 何故って次のことを明らかにしたからなんだ この鳥の排便を ポアズイユ流 と呼ばれるものでモデル化できて
There is some evidence that taking Lipitor and other common statins for cholesterol control may decrease your vulnerability to influenza.
コレステロール降下作用を持つ スタチンが
You could see an avian strain that would infect the poultry flocks, and then we would have no eggs for our vaccines.
インフルエンザが流行したら ワクチンを作る卵がなくなるわけです ダン 魚を育てるのに
With all the legitimate concerns about AlDS and avian flu and we'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today
本日後ほどお話をいただきましょう ブリリアント なブリリアント博士から 私はもうひとつの流行病について話したいと思います
I asked them these are all fluologists and specialists in influenza and I asked them the questions you'd like to ask them
皆さんが聞きたいような質問を投げかけました パンデミックが起こる可能性は
If you just take influenza, you will see peaks at the time where you knew big flu epidemics were killing people around the globe.
大きな流行が起きて 世界中でたくさんの人が死んだ年に山があります (エレズ) もしまだ信じられないなら
And if avian flu hits, or for any other reason the world decides that malaria is no longer as much of a priority, everybody loses.
世界はマラリアどころではなくなり すべてが水の泡です アヌージュとアキュメンは
So for instance, a biotechnology company has now found broadly neutralizing antibodies to influenza, as well as a new antibody target on the flu virus.
インフルエンザに対する 新しい抗体のターゲットと共に 広範な中和抗体を見つけています
Believe it or not, there's an experimental trial going on with vaccine against influenza that has been grown in the cells of a tobacco plant.
煙草の葉の細胞内で育てられた インフルエンザのワクチンの 実験検査が現在行われています
It's a little bit more advanced than Archaeopteryx, and if you go to different layers, you find things that are less advanced than Archaeopteryx, and every grade in between, so that if you find something today, we're usually splitting hairs or, more appropriately, feathers as to decide whether it's actually a non avian or an avian.
あらゆる階層が見つかります 今何か見つけたとしたら 髪をかきむしって というよりは羽根を裂くように調べて
And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AlDS and HlV and malaria and for preventing avian flu.
資金をエイズやHIV,マラリアの治療のために 本当に必要な薬品の購入 もしくは インフルエンザの予防に回すことができるのです ありがとう
Developers around the world have come up with an amazing variety of ways to layer useful data on top of the maps, from bus routes and crime statistics to the global progress of avian flu.
バス路線ルート 犯罪統計や インフルエンザの流行などの 有用なデータをマップ上に重ねるための 物凄い数の方法を考え出してくれました
Tamiflu is a drug which governments around the world have spent billions and billions of dollars on stockpiling, and we've stockpiled Tamiflu in panic, in the belief that it will reduce the rate of complications of influenza.
タミフルを備蓄してきました パニックに陥ったように競って備蓄してきました この薬がインフルエンザ合併症の割合を 低減するだろうと信じたのです
Now, there's an enormous variety of tiny, inexpensive sensors on the market, and you can easily imagine someone putting together a phone that could measure temperature, CO2 or methane levels, the presence of some biotoxins potentially, in a few years, maybe even H5N1 avian flu virus.
気温や二酸化炭素や メタンガスレベルなどを測定する 携帯電話を誰かが開発する可能性は 想像に難くないでしょう 生物毒素があるかどうかとか


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