Translation of "certifies the authenticity" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Authenticity - translation : Certifies the authenticity - translation :
Keywords : 信憑 退け 証書

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The last A is Authenticity.
Well, also, authenticity.
科学は本当に芸術作品の 真贋鑑定に役立つのでしょうか
Are you rendering authenticity?
I doubt the authenticity of the document.
So, authenticity is becoming the new consumer sensibility.
顧客の感性になっているのです まとめましょう 聴衆の中のビジネスパーソンの方々に
They are Attitude, Awareness and Authenticity.
そして 自分に忠実であること です 1つずつ簡単に話したいと思います
So, how do you render authenticity, is the question.
問題です あなたは本物を演出していますか
And those three verses are the core of authenticity.
本物 には二つの側面があります
Sincerity and Authenticity came out in 1960 points to as the seminal point at which authenticity entered the lexicon, if you will.
真性性が古典として認知される 重要なポイントについて語っているところに 戻ってみましょう
And now, with the experience economy, it's about rendering authenticity.
重要なのは 本物 を演じることになりました 本物を演じるーキーワードは 演じる です
In fact, I did not know what African authenticity was.
私は知りもしませんでした 教授に 私が書く人物は
And authenticity is a major part of my serious nonsense.
I'm a bug for authenticity in a quiet neighborhood in Toledo.
ロサンゼルス映画博物館に 寄贈しました
I finally chickened out and did it for the sake of the authenticity of the shoe.
これは高速道路の料金所 E ZPass に 一文字 R をつけた軽いジョークです
letters for blackmailing or other purposes, how is she to prove their authenticity?
どのように彼女はそれらの信憑を証明するためですか 書き込みがありません
letters for blackmailing or other purposes, how is she to prove their authenticity?
Here, just for historical authenticity, is a picture of me in that year.
私の写真もお見せしましょう 笑
Just think for a moment if science really could move in the field of authenticity of works of art.
これは 控えめに言っても 文化の革命でしょうし
CA I think it goes to vulnerability, the authenticity and vulnerability, a speaker who understands that this really matters.
スピーカー自身がその話題を 本当に重要だと思うことです
There are two dimensions to authenticity one, being true to yourself, which is very self directed.
一つ 自分自身に真実であること 非常に自己指向です もう一つは他人指向で
And I think it is because we feel that this kind of bread really is about authenticity.
私達が 全麦パンは 本物だと考えるからだと思います 伝統的な暮らし方に関する事です
The self's struggle for authenticity and definition will never end unless it's connected to its creator to you and to me.
自己が求めるようともがくのも つくりあげる主 つまり あなたやわたしとつながりを見せなければ
It gives us a way of reaching out to audiences around the globe, but nothing replaces the authenticity of the object presented with passionate scholarship.
でも熱意と学識に裏打ちされた 本物を見せることは 何物にも代えがたいのです 本物を目の前にすることは
It's reflecting on the experiences that we've had that makes us wise and that helps us become whole, brings wisdom and authenticity.
しっかり向き合うことで 全体性を高め 知性と信頼性を得る助けとするのです
When you think about that, let me go back to what Lionel Trilling, in his seminal book on authenticity,
ライオネル トリリングが1960年が書いた 真性性 ついての 名著 真摯さと信憑 で 彼が
When it is appraised, in order to check the authenticity and state of preservation of the painting, the real thing has to be borrowed from its owner.
鑑定をする時には 絵の真贋や保存状態等を調べる為 持ち主に本物を借りたりしなければいけなくなる
Rendering authenticity and the keyword is rendering. Rendering, because you have to get your consumers as business people to percieve your offerings as authentic.
でしょ   演じる  なぜならあなたはお客さんに
And even lying paralyzed in the spinal ward, there were moments of incredible depth and richness, of authenticity and connection that I had never experienced before.
これまで経験したことのない 深くて豊かで純粋な絆を 感じられたのです
There's only one exception to this universal law, and that is the human spirit, which can continue to evolve upwards, the staircase, bringing us into wholeness, authenticity, and wisdom.
人間の精神です 人間の精神は 階段を上るように 上に向かって発展し
As a vulnerability researcher I spent the first 6 years of my research studying shame, empathy, and courage and the last 4 years studying joy, authenticity, love, and belonging.
恥 思いやり 勇気についてでした その後4年間は喜び 忠実さ 愛 所属感を研究しています その中で私が個人的に大きな衝撃を受け
let me simply summarize it by saying, increasingly, what we what will make us happy, is spending our time and our money satisfying the desire for authenticity.
本物指向 の欲求を満たすものに 時間とお金を使うと より幸せになるでしょう
And authenticity is therefore becoming the new consumer sensibility the buying criteria by which consumers are choosing who are they going to buy from, and what they're going to buy.
消費者の新しい感性となりつつあり 彼らが 何を 誰から 買うかという基準に
And I have come to find that a more appropriate metaphor for aging is a staircase the upward ascension of the human spirit, bringing us into wisdom, wholeness, and authenticity.
ふさわしいと思うようになりました 精神的な成長が 知性や全体性 信頼性に
And so what I love about this story is that Rosey Grier is just such an authentic person, and that's what authenticity is all about.
ロージー グリアが 本当に偽りのない人だということです 自分に忠実であるというのはこのことです
Invariably, fundamentalists dismiss religious critiques of their views as evidence that religious authorities have been corrupted by hostile influences. In this way, the terrorists oppose the purity and authenticity of their arguments to the compromises presumably forced upon religious establishments.
結果として 議論全体が容易に後退しうる 宗教権力が敵対的な影響を受け 堕落していったことからも明らかなように 原理主義者は例外なく 彼らの視点に対する批判を退ける このように テロリストは彼らの議論の 純粋さ と 神聖さ を 宗教権力に強要されると思われる妥協案に対立させる
p, li white space pre wrap SECURITY WARNING One or more errors with this connection prevent validating the authenticity of the host you are connecting to. Please review the following list of errors, and click Ignore to continue, or Cancel to abort the connection.
h3 color red セキュリティ警告 接続に 1 つ以上のエラーがあるため 接続しようとしているホストの信頼性を検証できません 以下のエラーの内容を確認して 接続する場合は 無視を 接続を中止する場合は キャンセルを押してください
Sometimes, it's not that good, and so, again, authenticity and science could go together and change the way, not attributions being made, but at least lay the ground for a more objective, or, I should rather say, less subjective attribution, as it is done today.
現在の方法を 変えてしまうわけではありませんが より客観的な鑑定 あるいは より主観的でない鑑定の
Now, I was quite willing to contend that there were a number of things wrong with the novel, that it had failed in a number of places, but I had not quite imagined that it had failed at achieving something called African authenticity.
私の小説の中には誤りや 未熟な部分が多いのは 私も認めますが
And the last was they had connection, and this was the hard part as a result of authenticity, they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do that for connection.
またこの人たちは関係性を持っていました ここからが難しいところなのですが 自分への忠実さの結果
The higher the bitrate, the better the quality and the larger the file.
高いビットレートに設定すると品質は向上しますが ファイルサイズは大きくなります
Because the cleaner the body, the cleaner the soul the cleaner the experience.
魂も感覚も 研ぎ澄まされる
The dictionary, the dictionary, the dictionary, the dictionary.
不特定の辞書 や 複数の辞書 ではありません
The bigger the environment, the easier the control.
Well, tough, 'cause you're getting in.
The 1, the 0, the 1, the 0.
The smaller the area, the bigger the pressure.
圧力は高くなる だから 重いものを持っても


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