Translation of "doses of" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Doses of - translation :
Keywords : 服用 少量 致死

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Increase the doses.
We do not buy unit doses of radiopharmaceuticals.
製造環境を整えて これを
Even then, kids need many doses of the vaccine.
Mega doses of vitamin C and complete danger avoidance?
And by giving you substantial doses Of psychoactive drugs,
And these pills contain only low doses of the active ingredient.
ほんのわずかしか含まれていません それが マラリア原虫が
You had the equivalent of three doses of horse tranquilizer in your system.
馬用の3倍に匹敵する 強力な薬をくらった
low doses of drugs over longer periods of time, side effects friendly to skiing.
副作用で スキーを妨げないように これが 私が長生き出来た秘訣だと思います
I filled with particulate matter, carbon dioxide and very high doses of ozone.
For most strains, you could get one to two doses of vaccine per egg.
一つの卵からワクチンが1 2本できます 幸運にも
I went vegan, and I started taking huge doses of sildenafil, also known as Viagra.
大量のシルデナフィルを 服用し始めました 別名バイアグラです
The U.S. government promised 150 million doses of vaccine by October 15th for the flu peak.
1億5千本のワクチンを用意すると アメリカ政府は約束しました 発展途上国向けのワクチンも約束しました
As it turns out, he really was being given daily doses of LSD for 11 years.
実際に彼は 毎日LSDを 投与され続けた 11年間も
It's toxic in small doses. Also fairly easy to overlook during an autopsy.
しかもこの毒は 検視の目もあざむける
I translated those mouse sized doses into human sized ones and began my first round of self experimentation.
自分自身を使った実験の第一期を開始しました 私の機能低下は緩やかになり その効き目に感謝しました
Amazing thing, those two yellow lines are where I got the two doses of interleukin two months apart.
私が2ヶ月の間を空けて受けた2つのインターロイケンの 投与を示しています ご覧のとおり 投薬のおかげで腫瘍の大きさが激減しました
So right now, the world can produce about 350 million doses of flu vaccine for the three strains, and we can up that to about 1.2 billion doses if we want to target a single variant
3つの型のインフルエンザワクチンを 3億5千万本ずつ製造できます 豚インフルエンザのように
Well, here we have a little problem, the radiation doses at the crew station
The doses that we hid in the human flu vaccines... were destroyed by the explosion.
人間用のインフルエンザ ワクチンに混入した分は... 例の爆破事件で全て消失しました
Tobacco plants can make millions of doses of vaccine in weeks instead of months, and it might just be the first healthy use of tobacco ever.
この緑の泥も 皆さんにとって大事な物になるかもしれません この緑の泥は
Tobacco plants can make millions of doses of vaccine in weeks instead of months, and it might just be the first healthy use of tobacco ever.
何百万回分のワクチンを 従来の数ヶ月ではなく数週間で作れます これは今までなかった
This year's swine flu strain grew very poorly in early production basically .6 doses per egg.
生産の初期にはあまり増殖せず 卵1個につきワクチン0.6本分でした こんなことが心配になります
But when consumed in reasonable doses, and at the right age, wine can be very good for health.
ワインは健康にいいのです 赤ワインには寿命を延ばすとされる
There's all these elegant work in the tissue culture dishes, that if you give this cancer drug, you can do this effect to the cell, but the doses in those dishes are nowhere near the doses that happen in the body.
このがんに薬を投与すれば細胞に効力を発揮することができる 培養皿の上の薬の量は 人の体内に投与される量とは比べ物になりませんが
Chemotherapy, one of the most effective ways used to treat cancer today, involves giving patients really high doses of chemicals to try and kill off cancer cells.
癌治療で最も効果の高い方法で 癌細胞を殺すために 多量の化学物質を投与します
A whole new approach, instead of giving high doses of chemotherapy by different mechanisms, to try to bring technology to get a picture of what's actually happening in the body.
違う仕組みに基づいた 体の中で何が起こっているかを画像で見るアプローチです ちょっとだけ これらの技術がどう機能するか
So people set about doing trials of these new drugs against the old drugs, but they gave the old drugs in ridiculously high doses 20 milligrams a day of haloperidol.
開始されましたが 古い薬のほうは 信じ難いほど大量の投与でした ハロペリドールを一日 20 mg です
The building incorporates the site, but it dispenses it in very small doses in the way that the museum is choreographed.
その風景は非常にわずかづつ消費されるように 美術館の演出がなされています 建物に入ると劇場の
I tied it up here, there is a tube going into my panties, while I'm walking, while I'm cycling, I made a press, doses of blood will go there.
歩いたり 自転車にのっている間に 水筒を押して パンツの中へ血液を送り込んだんです もう すべての目の前の女性に 頭が下がる思いです
I don't really need it because I've been doing this stunt for audiences all over the world for the last eight or 10 years, taking fatal doses of homeopathic sleeping pills.
なぜって 私はこの実験を 世界中の観客の前で 8年か10年もやってるんですから
Humans have this extraordinarily interesting property that will often seek out low level doses of pain in controlled circumstances and take pleasure from it as in the eating of hot chili peppers and roller coaster rides.
制限のある状況で 少しだけの痛みを求め そこから 喜びを得ることがよくあります
But I'm going to argue that in reasonable doses, actually the very game I showed you at the beginning, those action packed shooter games have quite powerful effects and positive effects on many different aspects of our behavior.
最初にお見せしたような アクション射撃ゲームも いろいろな場面で
Leveraging my knowledge of my pharmacogenomics how my genes modulate, what my drugs do and what doses I need are going to become increasingly important, and once in the hands of the individual and the patient, will make better drug dosing and selection available.
つまり自分の遺伝子の特徴や適切な処方箋を 知ることが重要になってきます そういった情報が個人で得られるようになれば
To say that we faced high doses of skepticism in those early years is just a huge understatement, but we were so convinced that we might be able to make this work that we chipped away with incremental modifications to this system.
相当 疑いの目で 見られました というか 疑いどころではありませんでしたが
But if you took this 30 percent, these 300 people and had them nominate their friends and took the same number of vaccine doses and vaccinated the friends of the 300 the 300 friends you can get the same level of herd immunity as if you had vaccinated 96 percent of the population at a much greater efficiency, with a strict budget constraint.
友人を挙げてもらって 同じ数の予防接種を 300人が挙げた友人達300人に
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する 私は信念すらも知覚する
Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future.
欲求や努力 将来への希望から できていました 自我は暴力的な過去に
City of Future, City of of Tomorrow?
未来 いや明日か...
Traps are of many kinds of wood, of steel, of words.
木製 鋼鉄製 言葉 だが今回 罠は都市だ
look like pictures of humans, of insects, of fishes, of birds.
魚や鳥の絵のようです 古代文字の多くは
They die of suicide, of overdose, of violence, of accidental deaths.
彼らの姿を見たら エジプトの偉大な作家
Of all of you.
Of what? Of what?
Of course, of course.
勿論 いくさ


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