Translation of "ethnic minorities" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Ethnic - translation : Ethnic minorities - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty.
Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression.
少数民族は偏見 貧困 抑圧と戦っている
Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty and so on.
少数民族たちは偏見や貧困など いろいろなことと戦っている
It also monitors the Internet and instructs local media on how to handle any potentially controversial issues, including Tibet, ethnic minorities,
地元メディアに対して チベット 少数民族 人権 宗教 民主化運動 テロといった
Eating ethnic was unheard of unless you were ethnic.
Minorities are confronted with many hardships.
Minorities are despised in many countries.
As minorities worked together, they created those significant changes
実際よく考えてみると 各時代に少数派が訴えていたのは
These foods are associated with ethnic groups.
これらの食べ物は さまざまな民族の集団を連想させる
The voices of minorities are very difficult to be heard.
ですので そういった人たちの声は よく耳をすまさないと 聞こえてこないと思います
In Kyrgyzstan, just over the last few weeks, unprecedented levels of violence occurred between ethnic Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks.
前例のない規模の暴力行為が キルギス人と ウズベク人の間に起きました
We find diverse ethnic and economic interests here.
ここでは多様な民族的 経済的利害関係がみられる
The issues were, of course, ethnic sectarian violence.
クメール ルージュとは 最初に交渉
This ethnic dish is arranged in a Japanese style.
And these are the references from our ethnic contribution.
The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote.
Those that we call minorities now are going to be the majority.
And our ancestors lived in that game park, but were just the minorities.
少数派でした 我々ホモサピエンスほど うまく適用して 広く存在してはいませんでした
It's difficult to standardize language for a multi ethnic nation.
Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift.
Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift.
多くの民族集団において 結婚の贈り物として伝統的にお金が贈られる
He's part of this ethnic minority called the Pontic Greeks.
この民族は100年程前に 大虐殺から逃れて
Meaning that it wasn't biased by cultural background or ethnic background.
バイアスされない という事です そしてそれは非常に物議を醸しました
A Himba is one of the 29 ethnic groups in Namibia.
非常に伝統的な暮らしをしています 私は放牧をしながら育ちました
Einstein believed deeply that science should transcend national and ethnic divisions.
アインシュタインは 科学は 国家や民族の区別を 超えるべきだと 深く信じていました
Right behind me are Hazara people, an ethnic minority refugees from Afghanistan.
9 11の直後 日本にいる 難民申請者たちがたくさん
They fought for their rights for over two centuries, and maybe because they sacrifice other minorities,
ヒスパニック系 アジア系 その他の有色人種達よりも 苦しい思いをしてきたのだから
Today I want to talk to you about ethnic conflict and civil war.
民族紛争と 内戦についてお話しします 本来なら これは喜ばしい話題でもなければ
A lot of it was based on kind of ethnic beliefs about civilization.
There was an ethnic side to this conflict as very often in Africa.
民族問題も含まれてる ドゾン族にも会いに行った
Now, of course there is a certain degree of ethnic allegiance, but not entirely.
It wasn't long, for example, before ethnic nationalism reared its bloody head in Yugoslavia.
ユーゴスラビアでは 血塗られた民族国家主義が 頭をもたげました
Although many pay lip service to the idea of affirmative action, in reality, very few minorities get hired.
少数民族や女性の雇用促進政策とはいっても 建前にすぎず 現状はマイノリティーが職に就けるチャンスなどほとんどない
But most of the time when that happens, it is because they are marginalized, or they are minorities.
あるいはマイノリティだから そういうことが起きるのだと思います
The point about enclosure is that the configuration of ethnic groups must be clearly described.
囲い込みに関する要点は エスニック グループの構成を明確に記述しなければならないということである
It is not sufficient to describe the differences in attitude between these two ethnic groups.
この2つのエスニック グループの態度の相違点を記述するだけでは十分ではない
And there are stand up comics who are talking about racial issues, about ethnic issues.
語っているコメディアンもいます なぜでしょう
You see, most people don't realize that it's not just minorities who don't do well in science and engineering.
理工学分野で成績不振なのは マイノリティーに限定されません 実はアメリカ人全体に 言えることなのです
Others say the unrest was triggered by elements within the nationalist parties to cast negative suspicion on racial minorities.
だが 少数派に容疑を向ける ...右翼の扇動 かもしれん...
Yugoslavia fractured along ethnic fault lines, and civil war broke out between Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia.
ボスニア クロアチア セルビアで内戦が勃発しました これはモスタルでの家屋対家屋の戦闘の場面で
Ethnic Albanians had been murdered, their farms destroyed and a huge number of people forcibly deported.
農場は破壊され 膨大な数の人々が強制移住させられました かれらはアルバニアとマケドニアの
Torture, rape and ethnic cleansing have become highly effective, if often non lethal, weapons in civil war.
死に至らしめないにせよ 内戦下で大きな打撃を与える武器です 言ってみれば
lloyd made contact with friend jainsingles the ethnic day at the home just outside the along ordered yet
jainsingles ちょうど外に自宅でエスニック日 に沿って まだ注文し
So what seems like an eccentric if tragic joke about Harry becomes a way to spread ethnic hatred.
民族差別を広める手段となるのは妙なことです 僕の父は50年代にコークのコーク大学で教育を受けました


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