Translation of "fundraising" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Fundraising - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Love's Fundraising?
あ  あのバカまったく
And it's called fundraising.
この部屋の3分の1の人が それぞれそういう財団を
And women do fundraising.
So I proposed to rebuild. I did fundraising.
彼らのために 紙管で住居を作りました
So I proposed to rebuild. I raised did fundraising.
彼らのために 紙管で住居を作りました
Did you or did you not volunteer to run the fundraising gala?
寄付金集め祭典のボランティア活動に 申し出たのか出てないのか どっち
So I implore you to join the Red Dress Campaign in this fundraising.
レッド ドレスのキャンペーンの 寄付を集める活動に参加して下さい 乳がんは
I started this with 70 dollars, and start fundraising money to where I've been going.
行き先々で募金を募ったのです あちこち行く機会がありました
The worse that it is for us, the better that it is for this fundraising.
資金集めにとっては 好都合なのです ヘンリー デイビッド ソローは 悪の枝葉に打ちかかる人は千人いても
But if it's a logical world in which investment in fundraising actually raises more funds and makes the pie bigger, then we have it precisely backwards, and we should be investing more money, not less, in fundraising, because fundraising is the one thing that has the potential to multiply the amount of money available for the cause that we care about so deeply.
もっと資金集められるという 当然のことが起こる世界なら 真逆の理解をしていたことになります 資金集めの投資を減らすのではなく 増やすべきです
So we've all been taught that charities should spend as little as possible on overhead things like fundraising under the theory that, well, the less money you spend on fundraising, the more money there is available for the cause.
最小限に留めるべきだと 教わってきました ただこれは 資金集めに 使う額を減らせば 目的に使える額が増えるという 理屈からきています
Canada was just pipped to the post in terms of the number one fundraising campaign in the world.
カナダでの募金額は 世界一のキャンペーンに並ぶ勢いでした 去年は 口ひげ兄妹の数が世界中で45万におよび
So we thought that some kind of a big idea is needed to reform, to totally rethink fundraising.
資金調達というものを 改革し 再考するアイディアがね だって 現実は 志もあり 目標も同じ
It's really interesting when you try and figure a way to fund a fundraising organization built off growing mustaches.
それが 口ひげを生やすことで 成り立っている団体となると なかなか面白いものがあります 笑 そんな団体に投資しようなんて人は やはり少なく
Yeah, we have a lot, but I mean, at the moment, we are undergoing a sort of serious fundraising and engineering effort.
作業に追われ ここ数ヶ月は
New Hampshire primary that those are the people that everyone should pay attention to they get more fundraising it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy
つながるわけです そして さらに多くの人が 真剣に候補者のことを考え始めるわけです
If the problem is members spending an extraordinary amount of time fundraising from the tiniest slice of America, the solution is to have them spend less time fundraising but fundraise from a wider slice of Americans, to spread it out, to spread the funder influence so that we restore the idea of dependence upon the people alone.
莫大な時間を費やしていることが 問題であれば 議員の資金集めの時間を 削減させて より多くの市民から資金集めるようにすればいいのです
And they were interested in developing a new, alternative art space, and they needed funding for it, so they decided to come up with some interesting fundraising projects.
資金が必要で 面白い資金調達プロジェクトに取り組むことにしました その1つがスクラッチ式の名画です
The collective voices of people needs to be more integrated through new technologies into the organizational strategies and plans of actions and not just recycled for fundraising or marketing.
人々の多様な声を組織戦略や 行動計画に更に 統合する必要があります 募金やマーケティングといった分野で
So nonprofits are really reluctant to attempt any brave, daring, giant scale new fundraising endeavors, for fear that if the thing fails, their reputations will be dragged through the mud.
大規模な資金集めに 乗り出すのに消極的です 失敗して評判が 地に落ちるのが怖いのです
What if the bake sale only netted 71 dollars for charity because it made no investment in its scale and the professional fundraising enterprise netted 71 million dollars because it did?
7,100円の収益金しかなく プロが 規模拡大投資をすると 71億円の収益金が出るとしたら どうでしょうか
If you kill innovation in fundraising, you can't raise more revenue if you can't raise more revenue, you can't grow and if you can't grow, you can't possibly solve large social problems.
収益金を増やさないと 成長はありません 成長なしに 大きな社会問題の解決は無理です 差別されている分野の 4つ目は時間です
We've all been taught that the bake sale with five percent overhead is morally superior to the professional fundraising enterprise with 40 percent overhead, but we're missing the most important piece of information, which is
プロを使って運営費40 になる資金集めより 倫理的に良いと教わってきましたが 最も大切な情報が欠けています 実際の収益総額は どのくらいなのかという点です
So, with that in mind, I decided to launch a fundraising campaign on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, where I would create a series of videos to look specifically at the way women are represented in video games.
一般の人たちからのクラウド募金を利用して ゲーム中の女性キャラクターたちが どう描写されているか分析する ビデオシリーズを 作成することにしました
And I started this project alone in a garage in New Orleans, but quickly after I wanted to publish and share this information, so I made a Kickstarter, which is a crowd fundraising platform, and in about one month we fundraised 30,000 dollars.
情報を公開し共有したいと思い クラウド資金調達 プラットフォームの Kickstarterで募集を始め
And third, so as people are doing this friends and family fundraising process, it's very awkward, people don't know exactly what to ask for, how to ask, what to promise in return, even though they have the best of intentions and want to thank those people that are supporting them.
何をどう頼むべきかという問題があります どんなにやる気があっても 支援者たちに感謝したいと思っていても
Now, if you were a philanthropist really interested in breast cancer, what would make more sense go out and find the most innovative researcher in the world and give her 350,000 dollars for research, or give her fundraising department the 350,000 dollars to multiply it into 194 million dollars for breast cancer research?
どうしますか 例えば世界で最も革新的な 研究者を見つけ 研究用に3,500万円を渡すでしょうか それとも


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