Translation of "fungus genus" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Some fungus. Some fungus. Where did it come from? | They take them out and shoot them. |
It's from a genus called Pachysoma. | 13種が存在します 彼らには |
This is extremely rare fungus. | 我々のチームには 現地調査を行うエキスパートがいて |
You group similar species into a genus. | さらに彼はもっとアイデアを飛躍させました 動物の種を属ごとに分類する方法は |
Dr Krauss is aware of genus command. | クラウス博士は指揮系統ってものを わかっている そして彼は あなたと同じね |
This is a fungus that's everywhere. | Do you have that sample I brought? |
Fungus. And it is on a rampage. | カビだよ あちこちに広がってる |
There's a dreadful fungus that's moving through the world that's called the chytrid fungus, and it's nailing frogs all over the world. | ツボカビと呼ばれているものですが 世界中のカエルを苦しめています カモノハシガエルも ツボカビにやられたと考えています |
The earliest members of our lineage, the genus Homo, were darkly pigmented. | 色素を多く持っていました 私たち全員 これを受け継いでいるのです |
These are two shots of a red tide coming on shore here and a bacteria in the genus vibrio, which includes the genus that has cholera in it. | コレラ菌を含む ビブリオ属の バクテリアを含んでいます |
So with the help of some biologists studying the fungus, | 地図とGPSの座標を入手し |
It's a protein... secreted by a fungus called Aspergillus Ticor. | No, why? The Ariel meeting is pushed back till Wednesday. |
This is a different species in the same genus but exactly the same foraging behavior. | 全く同じ採食行動を取っています もう一つ興味深いことがあります |
I've tried a few experiments with plants and fungus. You got any samples? | 植物と菌類で実験ずみだ |
Maybe I can group species into other categories. And that's where we get the genus from. | この属ごとに 似たような種を振り分けていきましょう |
Just as in the case of star formation here in galaxy formation, genus length or genus mass are key concept to determine the scale of fluctuations that can actually grow or fragment in the smaller one. | それが実際に成長したり分裂して小さい物になる時のゆらぎのスケールを決定する Jeans質量は本質的には 放射 物質が釣り合う以前は地平線に含まれている質量で |
We think that's probably what got this frog, and humans are spreading this fungus. | このツボカビを広めているのは 人間なのです ここから とても重要な 倫理的な問題が導かれます |
The Armillaria is actually a predatory fungus, killing certain species of trees in the forest. | ある種の木を殺します より温和な言い方をすれば |
I'll go down to the lab and bring you up some photos of my fungus experiments. | 菌類での実験の写真を 持ってきます |
There are 13 species in the genus, and they have a particular behavior that I think you will find interesting. | 興味深い習性があります これはフンコロガシです 見てください |
You seriously believe a piece of fungus like you has got the stuff to become an officer? | お前みたいなカスが 士官になれると思うのか |
But there are many wonders back in there, like this weird fungus on some of the collapsed timbers. | 倒れた木材に生えています これはもう一つの坑道 土地の一番高いところにあります |
I finished my research on deadly pedicures, about the woman who contracted that fungus from the unsterilized tools. | 致命的なペディキュアに関する調査を終えました 滅菌していない道具を使用し 感染した女性でした |
And he says, the link to one site didn't just grow on the other page like a tree fungus. | 実は これは 今では完全に正しいとは思えません |
And then he went even beyond that, because even the idea of grouping things into a genus dated back to the ancient Greeks. | 古代ギリシャにも存在しましたが 彼はこう続けます じゃあさらにその属を目 もく に振り分け 次に目を綱 こう に振り分け |
So I'm not sure if there are any in this photo, but I do know the fungus is down there. | 地表にはアルミラリアがあります 地面に行くと |
And then this back down on the ground and you can see that the fungus is actually invading this tree. | アルミラリアがこの木を襲っているのがわかります 樹皮と木の間に見える |
And feet in the water will develop fungus, infections, and that infection pains because then other insects bite that point. | 感染症になります 感染した部分を 他の虫がさすので患部は痛みます |
Here you see a typical cucumber leaf that turned from green to black because of a black fungus, sooty mold, which is covering it. | すす病の黒い菌類に 覆われて 緑から黒に変色しています |
A couple more days and we'll be back home in our verminfilled shack strewn with fungus and filled with the stench of mud and neglect. | それから 虫だらけの沼地の家に帰る 腐っている真菌の匂い 汚いネズミたちの音 |
It's also more benignly known as the honey mushroom or the humongous fungus because it happens to be one of the world's largest organisms as well. | とてつもなく大きなキノコ として知られています 世界最大級の 生命体の一つなのです |
Dr. Boyce, at the University of Chicago, published an article in the Journal of Geology this past year determining that Prototaxites was a giant fungus, a giant mushroom. | ジャーナル オブ ジオロジーに論文を発表し プロトタキシーテスは 巨大な菌類だと断定しました 大きなキノコだと |
I got some maps and some GPS coordinates and chartered a plane and started looking for the death rings, the circular patterns in which the fungus kills the trees. | 飛行機をチャーターして 死環を探し始めました アルミラリアが木を殺してできる |
So it's much closer, in a way, to a data fungus, in a sense, wrapped around that page, than it is to a deliberate link that I've placed there. | ページを包み込んだ いわばデータのキノコのようなものです ここにあるものは 基本的にはグローバルな頭脳で |
They have their own tests, of course, and so they tested her for over 70 different assays, for every sort of bacteria and fungus and viral assay you can buy off the shelf | 行われました 細菌 カビ類 ウイルスに関する 既存の検査の全てです |
I don't have a clue how bad they are, but I know they are affecting already in the in certain plants, you know, like basil, cilantro, and sometime the broccoli get too much, uh, fungus. | しかし 天候異変が すでにいくつかの作物 例えばバジルや香菜に影響を与え あるいは ブロッコリーが 多量の菌におかされている 現状をもたらしています |
So that white material that you see in between the bark and the wood is the mycelial felt of the fungus, and what it's doing it's actually slowly strangling the tree to death by preventing the flow of water and nutrients. | 白い物質は アルミラリアのフェルト状の菌糸です 水分と栄養分の流れを阻害して |
If an intelligent extra terrestrial was taxed with writing the encyclopedia of life on our planet, 27 out of 30 of these volumes would be devoted to bacteria and virus, with just a few of the volumes left for plants, fungus and animals, humans being a footnote interesting footnote but a footnote nonetheless. | 生物百科事典を編纂するなら 全30巻のうち27巻が 細菌とウイルスに割かれ |
And the very first day that this fellow, John Allen, walked in, to spend a couple of days in there with all the plants and animals and bacteria that we'd put in there to hopefully keep him alive, the doctors were incredibly concerned that he was going to succumb to some dreadful toxin, or that his lungs were going to get choked with bacteria or something, fungus. | 彼を生存させるために我々が持ち込んだ 植物 動物 バクテリアと共に この中で二日間過ごそうとした初日から |
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