Translation of "had asked" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I asked where he had been. | 私は 彼にどこにいたのだと尋ねた |
The question had to be asked, | さて こういう手術を もっと小さな |
She asked me who had arrived first. | 彼女は私に誰が最初に着いたのと聞いた |
He asked me what I had bought. | 彼は私に 何を買ったのかと尋ねた |
He asked me what I had been doing. | 彼は私が何をしていたのか尋ねた |
I wish I had asked you for advice. | あなたに忠告を聞いておけばよかったのだが |
Mother asked us why we had done that. | 母は私たちに なぜそんなことをしたのかと訊ねた |
He asked me what had become of her. | 彼女はどうなったのだい と彼は私に尋ねた |
He asked me who had painted the picture. | 彼は私に 誰がその絵をかいたのか尋ねた |
He asked me if I had found it. | 彼は私がそれを見つけたかどうか聞いた |
Tom asked Mary how much money she had. | トムはメアリーにいくら持ち合わせがあるか聞いた |
What? I asked if your feelings had changed. | 君の気持ちが変わったかどうか尋ねた |
I asked her if she had been to Mexico. | 私は彼女がメキシコへ行ったことがあるかどうかたずねた |
I asked him if he had got my letter. | 私は彼に手紙を受け取りましたか と尋ねた |
I asked him if he had got my letter. | 私は彼に 私の手紙を受けとりましたか と尋ねた |
I asked her if she had been to Mexico. | 私は彼女がメキシコへ行ったことがあるかどうか聞いた |
He came early, as he had been asked to do. | 彼は言われたとおりに早く来た |
I had no choice but to do what he asked. | 彼に頼まれたことをやるより他に仕方がなかった |
He brought me coffee, when I had asked for tea. | 紅茶を頼んだのにコーヒーが来た |
Tom asked Mary who had been the first to arrive. | トムはメアリーに誰が一番初めに来たのか尋ねた |
But what the NASA people had asked me really was, | このプログラムには |
No one had asked this question in his community before. | データから分かったのは |
If I'd had the time, I would've asked for it. | 時間があればな |
And when his wife asked me how many we had, | そして奥さんに聞かれたわ そちらは何体ですか って |
I asked the student what image he had of black people. | 学生に黒人に対するイメージを聞いた |
My father asked me who had visited him the day before. | 父は私に 昨日訪ねてきたのは誰なのか聞きました |
His father had asked the question the year he was fourteen. | 父は14歳のときに同じ質問をしたことがあった |
He had no sooner arrived than he was asked to leave. | 彼は到着するとすぐに 立ち去るように求められた |
Mary asked if the cat had drunk all of the milk. | 猫はミルクを全部飲んでしまったの とメアリーはたずねました |
He asked me if I had slept well the night before. | 昨晩はぐっすりお休みになりましたか と彼は私にたずねた |
I asked him if he had enjoyed himself the day before. | 昨日は楽しかったか と私は彼に尋ねた |
He asked me if I had slept well the night before. | 前の晩はよく眠れたかと彼は私に尋ねた |
Where is everybody? asked Fermi, and his colleagues had no answer. | こたえは返ってきません それからフェルミは この論法で |
Well, harshly, because you could have asked somebody who had experience. | そしてその教えを 20年30年と大事に守ってきた |
I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. | 後悔はあったかと父に尋ねると 父は なかった と答えました |
He asked me whether she had given me the book, or if I had bought it myself. | 彼女が私にその本をくれたのか それとも私が自分でそれを買ったのか と彼は私に尋ねた |
I asked Bill what the weather had been like during his travel. | 旅行中の天気はどうだったかとビルにたずねた |
One of them will say, I had a companion who asked me, | かれらの一人が 口を切って言う わたしに一人の親しい友がいました |
Rebel and Val followed and they asked what had gotten into me. | 私に何があったのかと聞きました これは本当の私よ 私は頭上で |
Tom asked me how long my parents had been married before they separated. | 私の両親は離婚する前にどれくらいの間結婚していたかと トムは私に尋ねた |
Would you have asked me this question if I had been a man? | 私が男性だったとしても同じ質問をするのですか? |
People living before you had asked about such things, but then rejected them. | あなたがた以前の民も このことに就いて 尋ねた そしてそのことのために 不信心者となった |
But why did he hate it so? she asked, after she had listened. | 彼女は耳を傾けていた後 彼女はマーサがやったかどうかを知ることを目的としています その後マーサは 知識の彼女の店をあきらめた |
And we had a conversation, and then I asked her this unthinkable question. | 私はこの突拍子も無い質問を投げかけました あなたにとって美人でなかったということは人生の問題でしたか |
So, he had asked me to be the Chief Belief Officer, and said, | 信念をすりあわせる事だけやって欲しい |
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