Translation of "would had asked" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Would you have asked me this question if I had been a man? | 私が男性だったとしても同じ質問をするのですか? |
If I had asked people then what they wanted, they would have answered, | もっと速く走る馬が欲しいと 答えたことでしょう |
At least, that is what she would have said if she had been asked. | 彼女は彼女の妹マリアの娘が行っていた時にちょうどロンドンに行くと思ったしていなかった |
If you had asked for it, I would have given this to you, Mercedes. | もし願い出れば ただでくれてやったろうに |
I asked where he had been. | 私は 彼にどこにいたのだと尋ねた |
The question had to be asked, | さて こういう手術を もっと小さな |
She asked me who had arrived first. | 彼女は私に誰が最初に着いたのと聞いた |
He asked me what I had bought. | 彼は私に 何を買ったのかと尋ねた |
I asked, 'How would nature solve this?' | 彼らが学んだことをお見せします |
My obtuse little friend, if they had needed our help... they would have asked for it. | わが友よ かわいそうだが 彼らが我々の助けが必要なら そう言ったはずだ |
Hollis had asked me to study the tax issues that would arise upon your father's death. | ホリスに 相続税の事を 事前調査するよう頼まれてね |
And, indeed, these people would say Yes! as if I had asked them to pass the salt. | もちろん と答えるのです 私はたじろぎました |
He asked me what I had been doing. | 彼は私が何をしていたのか尋ねた |
I wish I had asked you for advice. | あなたに忠告を聞いておけばよかったのだが |
Mother asked us why we had done that. | 母は私たちに なぜそんなことをしたのかと訊ねた |
He asked me what had become of her. | 彼女はどうなったのだい と彼は私に尋ねた |
He asked me who had painted the picture. | 彼は私に 誰がその絵をかいたのか尋ねた |
He asked me if I had found it. | 彼は私がそれを見つけたかどうか聞いた |
Tom asked Mary how much money she had. | トムはメアリーにいくら持ち合わせがあるか聞いた |
What? I asked if your feelings had changed. | 君の気持ちが変わったかどうか尋ねた |
I asked him if he would go too. | 私は彼も来るかとたずねた |
I asked him if he would help me. | 私は彼に助けてくれるかどうかたずねた |
I asked him if he would return soon. | 私は彼にすぐに戻るのかどうかと尋ねた |
I asked him if he would help me. | 私は彼に手伝ってくれるかどうか聞いた |
I would write you one, no questions asked. | 一夜で 胸の張り裂けるような メールがたくさん届きました |
If I asked you to stop, would you? | やめろと頼んだらやめてくれるか |
You asked what would be worth killing for. | あなたがのために殺す価値が_どうなるか尋ねました |
I asked her if she had been to Mexico. | 私は彼女がメキシコへ行ったことがあるかどうかたずねた |
I asked him if he had got my letter. | 私は彼に手紙を受け取りましたか と尋ねた |
I asked him if he had got my letter. | 私は彼に 私の手紙を受けとりましたか と尋ねた |
I asked her if she had been to Mexico. | 私は彼女がメキシコへ行ったことがあるかどうか聞いた |
Jane asked me if I would like to cook. | ジェーンは料理をしたいかと私にたずねた |
I just asked because I thought you would know. | あなたならわかると思ってちょっと聞いてみたまでです |
She asked us if we would like to cook. | 彼女は私たちに料理をしたいかとたずねた |
He never dreamed his brother would have asked me. | お兄さんはまさか 弟が先に 頼んでるなんて思ってないから |
Would you prefer I asked him about his father? | 父親のことを 聞いてみるか |
If we'd have asked, would you have let me? | 貴方にお願いをしたら ここへ彼女を連れて来ましたか? |
Had they been invaded from its flanks and had they been asked to apostatize, they would have done so with only a mild hesitation, | もしかれら 敵軍 が四方からそこに侵入して来て 反乱を呼びかけたなら かれらは必ずこれを受け入れ 少しも それに 遅れることはなかったであろう |
Of course you would have known that if you would have just asked me. | 相談しないから こうなるんだ |
He came early, as he had been asked to do. | 彼は言われたとおりに早く来た |
I had no choice but to do what he asked. | 彼に頼まれたことをやるより他に仕方がなかった |
He brought me coffee, when I had asked for tea. | 紅茶を頼んだのにコーヒーが来た |
Tom asked Mary who had been the first to arrive. | トムはメアリーに誰が一番初めに来たのか尋ねた |
But what the NASA people had asked me really was, | このプログラムには |
No one had asked this question in his community before. | データから分かったのは |
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