Translation of "he governs" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

He governs - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He governs the places.
税 通貨 国境警備 治安維持 何もかも
Public opinion governs the president's decisions.
The Board of Education governs the schools.
It defines right from wrong, and governs all our destinies.
There is some very basic math that governs the geometry of a pinhole camera.
対象の高さをX 投影物の高さを小文字のxとします
Your Highness governs the vast Southland, and has many extraordinary gentlemen in your court
殿下は広大な南部地域を 統治しています そして王朝には 優れた人物が多々います
There is an equation that governs all of this, and it looks about as follows
それは次のようなものです 1 レンズの焦点距離fは
So it turns out the inertia, which governs angular motion, scales as a fifth power of R.
Rの5乗に比例します ですからRを小さくすると
These forces make the flexible chain fold into a 3 D shape that governs the function in the protein.
これらの力がしなやかなチェーンを タンパク質が機能し得る 三次元化構造へと折りたたんでいきます ひるがえってウイルスは サッカーボールのようです
And the critical question of the Free Access movement is the license that governs access to the information being provided.
情報へのアクセスが提供されている支配のライセンスになります ライセンスの付与の自由か
I won't revise this equation, but this is the fundamental equation that governs when things are in focus, for a lens.
He governs from the heaven to the earth and then the record (of this governance) goes up to Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years in your reckoning.
かれは 天から地までの 凡ての 事物を統御なされる それからそれ 万有 は一日にして かれの許に登って行く その 一日の 長さは あなたがたの計算する千年である
I have not met, in Afghanistan, in even the most remote community, anybody who does not want a say in who governs them.
誰が自分達を統治するのか決めるのに 誰もが参加したいと思っています どんなに辺境の土地に行っても 選挙権はいらないと
The law that governs the size change of this object in appearance relative to the camera image is the perspective law we just saw.
I want you to implement the run command, which takes as input the control parameter that governs the proportional response of the steering angle to the crosstrack error.
この制御パラメータはクロストラックエラーに 比例する操舵角の応答を調整します ロボットの初期位置は 0 0 1 0 0 0 で 速度は1です
First, there's a level of fine grained conceptual structure, which we automatically and unconsciously compute every time we produce or utter a sentence, that governs our use of language.
きめ細やかな概念構造のレベルがあり それが人の言語使用を支配しています これは思考の言語 または Mentalese と呼ばれるものです
The idea of the responsibility to protect all individuals who are in situations where they are at humanitarian risk is now being established as a principle which governs the world.
個人を全て保護する義務という考えは 今や 世界規範となりつつあります ですから イギリスが ある他国の市民の危機に際して
You want to do search, you want to insertions, you want to find predecessors or whatever, the height is going to be what governs the running time of all those properties.
どんな場合でも 高さが実行時間を支配します そして 探索木についての一番大事なアイデアは
In math x is proportional to the size of the object but inverse proportional to the distance to the object, and the only constant that then governs that relationship is the focal length, f.
対象との距離に反比例します 関係が支配する定数は焦点距離のfだけです 対象を持ってさらに遠くに動かすと
And again, the point then is that operations in a search tree and the search trees are going to run in logarithmic time, because the height is what governs the running time of those operations.
探索木の操作も対数時間で実行されます なぜなら 高さがこうした操作の実行時間を支配するからです さて ある意味では 簡単な部分はお話しました
I suppose it's an electromagnetic force that somehow governs your Parkinson's and this creative force that is both the artist who is in the here and now and this sort of arc of your whole life.
パーキンソン病にも 創造力にも働いています いまここにいる
Your Lord is God who established His dominion over the Throne (of the realm) after having created the heavens and the earth in six days. He made the night darken the day which it pursues at a (considerable) speed and He made the sun and the moon submissive to His command. Is it not He Who creates and governs all things? Blessed is God, the Cherisher of the Universe.
本当にあなたがたの主はアッラーであられる かれは6日で天と地を創り それから玉座に座しておられる かれは昼の上に夜を覆わせ 夜に昼を慌ただしく相継がしめなされ また太陽 月 群星を 命に服させられる ああ かれこそは創造し統御される御方ではないか 万有の主アッラーに祝福あれ
It is Allah Who has raised the heavens without any supports that you could see, and then He established Himself on the Throne (of Dominion). And He it is Who has made the sun and the moon subservient (to a law), each running its course till an appointed term. He governs the entire order of the universe and clearly explains the signs that you may be firmly convinced about meeting your Lord.
アッラーこそは あなたがたには見える柱もなくて 諸天を掲げられた方である それからかれは 大権の 御座に鎮座なされ 太陽や月を従わせられる だから 各々の定められた時期まで運行する かれが凡ての事物を規制統御し 種々の印を詳しく述べられる 必ずあなたがたに主との会見に就いて確信させるためである
He, he...
奴は 奴は...
He said, he said, he said,
この事は誰にも知られないように しなくしゃいけない
He said he...
Stationarity is the notion that we can anticipate the future based on the past, and plan accordingly, and this principle governs much of our engineering, our design of critical infrastructure, city water systems, building codes, even water rights and other legal precedents.
予期し計画するという考えです この原則が工学の大部分や 重大なインフラのデザイン 都市の水道システム
Was he? he said. He was, sir.
私の妹がいる 私が持っていたとして 彼らに笑い事では 彼のために何もなかった
He... he owns it.
He pretended he was.
He did, did he?
彼がねぇ... そうなの?
He did, didn't he?
He is. He is.
He promised he wouldn't
He did, did he?
What's the difference? He got there, didn't he? He said he ran.
He said he would come and he did come.
彼は来ると言ったが その通りやって来た
He said he would win and he did, too.
He said he didn't know. He would ask around.
I know he does. He thinks he knows everything.
彼がすべて知ってるわ お偉いさんなんだから
But he won't. He can try if he wants.
And he just, he just he just took her!
町を出るところだったんだ なのに あいつが彼女を攫ったんだ!
He wants what he wants and he takes it.
欲しいものを欲しがり そして 手に入れる
He wasn't, he wasn't, and one day he was.
ずっと ずっとだ だがある日そうなった
He is cool, isn't he?


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