Translation of "hypnotic trance" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Hypnotic - translation : Hypnotic trance - translation : Trance - translation :

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Hypnotic Illusions
Hypnotic Illusions
Hypnotic illusions don't tear people apart.
幻覚は 決して 人間を引き裂かない
It's a global trance.
To induce a trance.
Using trance as a tool,
Unintended side effect of a deeper hypnotic command.
Now I have to find the hypnotic trigger.
He's in a trance,isn't he?
ちょっと 彼 催眠状態じゃない
He is wandering around in a trance.
These guys go into this weird trance.
この男達は奇妙な トランス状態に入っている あぁ 今 聴こえるトランス状態 音楽よりもましだ
Daniel has shown, trance is incredibly powerful.
催眠というのは 信じられないほど強力なものです
The students go into a kind of trance.
30 分か 40 分もすると 自分でもよく分からないことを書き始める
And suddenly all changed, like in a trance,
君が現れてから この世のすべては
to create a trance that powerful. Very few.
ほんの一握りの人間だ ごくわずかだよ
I jumped into the water as in a trance.
And because my urban trance had been somehow weakened,
気づけば 立ち止まって問題を解決しようとしていました
In my trance, I saw him clear as day.
トランス状態で はっきりと見たのよ
He went into a trance and he shot himself.
It sounds more like a trance than a blackout.
意識を失くしたというより 催眠状態に近い気がする
You, my friend, have been in a trance state.
君は ずっと催眠状態だったんだよ
Seem to be in some type of vegetative trance
植物状態失神を 起こしていたようだ
Well, can you fix him with a trance or whatever?
彼を催眠状態から 元に戻すことは出来るの
All mobile, but unresponsive. They're in some kind of trance.
携帯は全て 応答なし 一種の 失神状態
Well, he doesn't look like he's in a trance or anything.
アイツ 催眠状態にあるようには見えないが
Rick Tiegler was put in a trance by the real killer
リック ティグレーは 真犯人によって 催眠状態にされ
Try and trust me. I'm gonna help you break this trance.
僕を信じて 僕がこの催眠状態を解いてあげるよ
Obviously, trance is when we go into an altered state of consciousness.
動物のイメージなどには 住む場所ごとの文化的特徴が
He's a good boy, obeys authority... a perfect subject for a trance.
彼は善人だ 権威には従う 催眠術の被験者として完璧だ
It could well have induced some type Of vegetative trance before death.
死ぬ前の ある種の失神状態を 容易に 引き起こしたのだ
This pro aging trance is what stops us from agitating about these things.
And they're all praying to the mountain gods as they go into trance.
入神状態に入り 山の神に祈ります ですから
Let's go. Well,let me get him out of his trance first,huh?
When people are being put into a hypnotic state for the first time I often, after placing them in a very light hypnotic state, wake them and ask them to compare their wakening state to that when hypnotised.
初めて催眠に入る人の場合 とても浅い催眠状態から 覚醒してもらって 催眠状態と普通に覚醒した状態とを比べてもらうことがよくあります
Don't worry, I'm not gonna go into any stupid trance or anything like that.
バカげたトランス状態とか ないから安心して
The Arabic has an incantatory, almost hypnotic, quality that begs to be heard rather than read, felt more than analyzed.
いわば催眠術のような 頭で読むよりも心で聞いてくれ といった音質を持っています
We'd been partners in a trance exercise, and I'd put him under a couple of times.
俺達は 催眠練習のパートナーで 彼には 何回か催眠術をかけていた
And as I go into a trance my spirit guide will speak to you through me.
トランス状態に入ったら... ...私の守護霊が あなたに語りかける
The trance of death will come revealing the truth that is what you were trying to escape.
そして実際に死の昏睡が訪れる これはあなたが避けてきたもの
And the fundamental answer is that the pro aging trance is not as dumb as it looks.
老化への誤った妄想は根強く人々を縛り付けます 積極性こそ 避けがたい老化に対処する賢明な道なのです
Many of you may not fully believe in the power of trance, but I promise, you will.
多くの人は 催眠の力を 十分に信じないかもしれない しかし あなた方は信じるでしょう 必ず
You pretended to be in a trance to give us a fake story and incriminate an innocent man.
君はトランス状態のフリをして 話を作り 無実の人間を 罪に陥れようとした
It's not smart to toy with Death, but there was something hypnotic about her... and I wasn't the only one who thought so.
それに そう思っていたのは僕だけではなかった デビルの話といえば それが僕だ


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