Translation of "in isolation from" to Japanese language:

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From - translation : In isolation from - translation : Isolation - translation :

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Each variable in isolation.
11 の変動しか説明出来なかったし 年齢では1 しか説明出来ていなかった
Everybody worked in isolation.
Swartz's isolation from friends and family increased.
How do you get from connection to isolation?
Isolation? That's right.
A patient has escaped from the isolation ward and is loose in the city.
隔離病棟から 患者が逃走しました
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.
原子性とは一部のトランザクションだけが 成功または失敗することはないという性質です
This isolation is unbearable.
The isolation, the travelling.
孤立 旅行...
One is that nothing in the body happens in isolation.
オキシトシンと相互作用する9つの 分子を測定しましたが
game about consciousness and isolation
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, or Durability?
レプリケーションラグが起こる状況を 思い出してみましょう
We know that isolation kills.
15年前 平均的アメリカ人には親友が3人いました
And cooperation instead of isolation.
どうして学校では 独力でやるように求め
Then I'm going to put him in isolation. Not yet.
I felt a sense of isolation.
Teenage boys lived in isolation, their bodies covered with white clay.
数週間後 彼らは粘土を洗い落とし
My phone doesn't get the best reception in prison isolation cells.
刑務所の中は 電波が届きにくいだけ
Isolation is the common lot of man.
And nothing can be looked at isolation.
It could be a world of isolation.
私たちの多くは 少人数世帯で暮らしている
Well, isolation has been the great saving grace of this remarkable place, but today isolation could be its doom.
良いところでもありましたが 今日では 孤立は悲運にもなります 皆さんがよくお聞きになっている通り タールサンドの開発や
I'll be back. This is the isolation ward.
Sitting on my bed, I rocked back and forth, moaning in fear and isolation.
恐怖と孤独にうめいていました このせいで 私は初めて米国で入院しました
That is, the covariance is smaller than either of the two covariances in isolation.
The two Gaussians together have a higher information content than either Gaussian in isolation.
このように大きな情報量を持つようになります これは明白なことではありません
The seismic isolation technology is finally getting into 3D.
That's why Heather and me settled here. Geographic isolation.
俺と女房が何故ここに留まってるか 地理学の成せるワザだ
Isolation and loneliness and hating and suspecting each other.
孤立孤独 そして互いを憎み 疑う
We don't live in isolation. We live in a society, a government for and by the people.
Oh, very well then, I'll ring up the isolation ward.
隔離? そうだ
A sense of isolation. And a deep, almost existential loneliness.
それに 深く大きな孤独を感じます
He was protected by his isolation, alone of his own superior kind, in close touch with
Importantly though, the brain doesn't act in isolation from the body, but rather responds to the needs and experiences of each of our organ systems.
機能している訳では無く むしろ 脳は私達の器官系の 要求や経験に 反応しているということです
And as far as isolation goes, when we as a species do colonize distant planets, there will be the isolation and the environmental changes that could produce evolution in the natural way.
離れた惑星を占領した時に 孤立化と環境変化が起きます そして孤立という環境がある限り
In the other, I was enmeshed in lives that were precarious, tragically scarred by violence, drug abuse and isolation.
暴力と薬物中毒と孤独に 怯えて悲惨に暮らす仲間と繋がっていました そんな仲間の多くを数年かけて救い出し
We shouldn't confuse solitude with isolation. They are two separate things.
孤独孤立を混同してはいけない それぞれ異なったものである
In 1397, the official period of isolation imposed on ships and crews was set at forty days.
隔離期間は 40日と定められました 港を感染から守るには あまり功を奏しなかったものの
But this whole incident aroused a huge outcry from society about the isolation, both physical and mental, of these migrant workers.
出稼ぎ労働者達の 体と心 両面での 孤立という
But today's seismic isolation technology is a little more advanced than that.
もう少し進歩しまして 柳のように地面の動きを受け流すと こういう技術です
So isolation, fragmentation, is a really important part potentially of our lives.
可能性があります しかし そんな状況は防げます 邪魔者扱いされる
In the isolation tank, you'll be freed from sensory distractions, and so the part of your brain which enables you to travel between universes should be more accessible.
感覚遮断タンク内で 君は雑念から解放され 宇宙間の 移動能力を持つ 脳の部分に よりアクセス しやすくなるはず
So isolation refers to the notion that no transaction can interfere with another's.
So isolation refers to the notion that each transaction cannot affect other transactions.
重複した場合は時にはロックも使い 1つずつ実行します
This is called seismic isolation rubber that can sway as a willow does.
非常に大きな地震では 最大50センチぐらいしなります


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