Translation of "is drained" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Drained - translation : Is drained - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

AI end is drained.
Drained of their blood?
I drained his lungs.
All abscesses should be drained, period.
膿みを排出させる 以上だ
Both victims were drained nearly dry.
All the color drained away from his face.
Death Blossom's drained all power. I'm working on it.
DBで使い果たしたが 何とかする
George drained another glass of claret and turned to me.
結婚おめでとう ジェイムズ
She said they'd drained it and built things on top
その川はもうマンションになって そのかわは もう まんしょんになって She said they'd drained it 埋められちゃったんだって...
and therefore was undetectable once the bath water was drained.
浴槽の水が流された 後では検出できなかった
A vampire would have drained those girls of every last drop.
ヴァンパイアなら 血は1滴も残さない
There was no murder. You drained her blood and gave her yours.
この子と 血を分けあっただけよ
The colour drained from her face at the news of the traffic accident.
I just drained that poor fuck you left tied up to the bed.
ここに縛られてた男の血を 飲んだばかりだ
He's got 2 littlelittle holes in his neck and all his blood's been drained.
首に二つの穴があって 血も飲み干されて
They drained his penis with a needle the size of an ice pick. Twice.
2回もペニスに 注射針を刺されたのよ
Both of these really just drained the amount of funds that the government itself had.
かなり減らしました 同時に フランス国民は飢えていきました
It may help us understand why their spinal columns have been completely drained of spinal fluid.
なぜ脊柱から髄液が完全に抜き取られたか 理解する助けになるかもしれない
And all the color just drained from his face, and he looked at me, and he said,
僕の顔を見てこう言いました この本から習ったことは全部忘れなさい
He picked up his glass and drained it feverishly, overlooking the fact that it hadn't anything in it.
その中に何も入力しないでいた 私は バーティを行っています と彼は言った 彼はガラスで別の挑戦していた
I kept saying Let's stop but she drained cup after cup of wine and now, as you can see, she's completely drunk.
何度も やめましょうよ と言ったのに 何杯もワインを飲み干し ご覧の通り 酔っ払ってハイになってしまったのである
or, in the morning its water will be drained into the earth so that you will not have a means to reach it'
あるいは園内の水が深く沈んで その後を尋ねられないかもしれません
or the water of your vineyard will be drained deep into the ground so that you will not be able to seek it out.
あるいは園内の水が深く沈んで その後を尋ねられないかもしれません
And, even before the American Revolution, the Seven Years' War that ended in 1763, this really drained the amount of wealth that the French government had.
7年戦争が終焉を迎えましたが これがフランス政府の 財産の多くを失わせることになったのです アメリカの歴史をより学んでいる人に言うなら
It has bled pretty freely, pretty much drained him out, courage and all, but he'll get over it, and may be learn a thing or two by it.
彼はそれを乗り越えるだろう そしてそれによってかなりの知識を学ぶことができます 私はあなたがそう言って聞いてうれしいです ジョージは言った
A separating funnel can be used to separate a mixture of fluids of differing densities. A valve at the bottom allows the denser fluid to be drained for transfer to another container.
分液漏斗は異なる濃度によって 試料液の混合物を分離します 底部の弁は 濃度が高い方の試料液を排出して別容器に移し替えるのに使います
And it's probably the case that this material has washed off the highlands of Titan through these channels that we saw, and has drained over billions of years to fill in low lying basins.
タイタンの高地から あの水路を通って 押し流されたのでしょう そして 何十億年もかけて 低地を満たしたのです
the fear has left me now. i'm numb, i have no feeling. it's as if someone had pulled out some kind of a plug in me and everything, emotion, feeling, fear, has drained out. and now i'm a cold shell.
私は麻痺し 何も感じない まるで誰かが体のプラグを 抜いたようで 全てが 感情 感覚 恐怖が 出てしまった
God is is ness . God is spirit.
神は霊 宗教じゃないわ 神は宗教を持たないでしょ
This is punitive, is what this is.
It is, is it?
そうか そうか
Xander is... is me.
ザンダー 俺って
His name is is...
その人の名前は . 名前は
Is...? Is something wrong?
ビル どうかしたの
Is... Is everything okay?
This is This is
これは これは
He is. He is.
This is what trust is, trust is human.
人と人との交流のこと 真の会話のことなんです
This is Au is gold. This is lead.
そしてこれらの元素の一番基本的な単位は 原子 です
こんな風に得た金から 良い結果は生まれない
Is it Plato, is it Aristotle, is it Kant, is it Mill?
何をするべきなのか 答えは何か
This is your life. This is ... this is ... this is your life.
1 4 is 5, 2 is 7, 2 is 9, 4 is 13, 6 is 19.
この図の周辺は 19 です
Five is blue, seven is yellow, eight is chartreuse, nine is indigo, OK?
9は藍色 とかね この人達は他の面では全く正常だということをお忘れなく
Green is output, blue is power, pink is input and orange is wire.
ピンクは入力 オレンジは配線です ブロックを繋げていくだけなので


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