Translation of "legislative aide" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Aide - translation : Legislative - translation : Legislative aide - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I can't. I'm your aide.
久利生 お前 ちっちゃく間違えてねえか
legislative power, and the people who have legislative power are not experimenting with participation.
参加の実験などしません 彼らはオープン化の 実験はしています
He's speaking on a humanitarian aide forum.
The aide suggested a change in tactics to him.
Until the end. I am his aide, after all.
The Legislative Assembly, you might remember, a new constitution was created at the end of 1791, and that entailed a new Legislative Assembly.
1791年の新憲法とともに 憲法議会も新しく開かれたんだよね で この憲法にて 正式に
So man will neither have any strength nor any aide.
人間には 力もなく 誰の助けもない
Mike offered to take me with him as an aide.
補佐官に なれって
His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Programme.
彼の名前はパロ 2人ともユース プログラムの一員で
Broke down on 14th Street. His aide stayed with the car,Admiral called a cab.
途中で故障を 補佐官に任せ タクシーで
He found out an aide to senator mayer named burnett was part of the conspiracy.
The trouble is that education doesn't go on in the committee rooms of our legislative buildings.
起きるのではないことです 学校や教室で起きるのです
I swear to faithfully fulfill all duties as temporary aide to the deputy sheriff of this county.
全任務を忠実に果たすことを 誓います 誓います と言え
Having worked in Washington, what you learn is that, typically in Washington, the legislative fights are fights between different sets of corporate monied interests.
議会闘争というのは 異なる企業資本絡みの 利権同士の闘いだということです 彼らはみな法案通過のために格闘します そしてその闘いが接戦となる時
Maybe his revolt, which maybe helped precipitate the eventual slave revolt, which eventually might have helped the Legislative Assembly come to terms with this idea.
彼の反乱が 奴隷たちの方の反乱の 火付け役だったかもしれないし で それが最終的に 憲法議会の有色人種平等案につながったかもしれない
And if the disbelievers were to fight you, they will turn away and flee, and then they will not find any supporter nor any aide.
不信心者たちが あなたがたと戦ったとしても かれらはきっと背を向けよう かれらには 保護者も救助者もいない
It definitely supported the allies and did what it could economically and by providing military aide, but it did not actively participate in the fighting
戦闘に積極的に参加してはいませんでした しかし1941年12月7日 日本がアメリカ太平洋艦隊を真珠湾で爆撃したのです
But beginning in the 1990s, first the House of Representatives changed its legislative calendar so that all business is basically done in the middle of the week.
立法カレンダーを変えて 基本的にすべての案件が 週の中頃に終わるよう計らいました 現在 議員は火曜日の朝に 飛行機で到着すると
People who come to the clinic are called, not patients, but impatients, because they're too impatient to wait for legislative change to address local and environmental health issues.
クリニックの客は 忍耐強いという意味を含む patient 患者 ではなく impatient 非患者 と呼ばれます 地域や環境衛生を
Till the time when they will see what they are promised so they will now come to know whose aide is weak, and who is lesser in number.
かれらは 約束されたことを見る時になって 助力において誰が最も頼りにならないか 数においても誰が最も頼りにならないかを知るであろう
We might even call them citizens, because they've recently risen up to fight against legislative incursion, and the citizens of these networks work together to serve each other in great ways.
法的な攻撃に対して立ち上がったからです これらのネットワークの市民は素晴らしい方法で お互いに支えあっています
They're not protected in Ireland in fact, they have no legislative status in Ireland whatsoever, despite our importance for the species and also the historical context within which basking sharks reside.
実際アイルランドでは 大変重要な種で 歴史的に見ても ウバザメとの関わりがあるのに 法的規制が一切ありません
A simple change to the legislative calendar, such as having business stretch out for three weeks and then they get a week off to go home, that would change the fundamental relationships in Congress.
もう3週間ほど働く代わりに 後で1週間休むという程度の変更が 議会の社交関係を根本的に変えてしまったのです
But I wanted to say that interaction, re scripting that interaction, into collective action, collective remediative action, very different from the approach that's being used on the other side on the Hudson River, where we're dredging the PCBs after 30 years of legislative and legal struggle,
つまり交流方法を再定義し 全体運動 というか 全体的改善運動に変えることは 反対側にあるハドソン川で行われる
Proclaim, Call those whom you assume (as Gods) besides Allah they do not own anything equal even to an atom either in the heavens or in the earth, nor do they have any share in them, nor is any one among them an aide to Allah.
言ってやるがいい アッラーを差し置いてあなたがたが 神であると 主張していたものたちに祈るがよい そんな神々は 天においても地においても微塵の力もない またその 創造 に当っては 何ら役割を持たず アッラーにしてもそんな助力者を必要とはしていない
Then to those who believed and did good deeds, He will pay their wages in full and by His munificence, give them more and to those who hated (worshipping Him) and were proud, He will inflict a painful punishment and they will not find for themselves, other than Allah, any supporter nor any aide.
だが信仰して善い行いに励む者には かれは十分の報奨を与え なおその恩恵を増して下される だが軽んじて高慢な者には かれは懲罰を科され アッラーの外にはどんな守護も援助も見いだすことは出来ない
And I want to be clear to mention that this open government revolution is not about privatizing government, because in many cases what it can do when we have the will to do so is to deliver more progressive and better policy than the regulations and the legislative and litigation oriented strategies by which we make policy today.
ないということを 私は明確にしておきます 多くの場合に私達がしようと思っているのは より進歩的で より正しい
And never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you, until you follow their religion say, The guidance of Allah only is the (true) guidance and were you (the followers of this Prophet) to follow their desires after the knowledge has come to you, you would then not have a protector or aide against Allah.
ユダヤ教徒もキリスト教徒も あなたを納得しないであろう あなたがかれらの宗旨に従わない限りは 言ってやるがいい アッラーの導きこそ 真の 導きである 知識があなたに下っているにも拘らず かれらの願いに従うならば アッラー以外には あなたを守る者も助ける者もないであろう


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