Translation of "outsiders" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Outsiders - translation :
Keywords : 部外 よそ ぬか

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Outsiders should leave.
Outsiders are strictly forbidden.
でも よそ者は絶対に近寄れない
When they start asking outsiders,
どんな組織になればいい どう話しましょう
Outsiders are not allowed here.
ここは修羅の庭, よそ者はすぐ立ち去れい!
Scott Hall belongs to the Outsiders.
スコット ホールはアウトサイダースに所属しています
No outsiders are allowed to enter.
We learned these things from outsiders.
You outsiders build up hotels here.
But the Waorani didn't just spear outsiders.
There are outsiders. (literally the customer group)..
And these things we were taught by outsiders.
You know what the outsiders have got into their heads?
Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't spect a warm welcome.
グンガンはよそ者嫌いだから 暖かい歓迎は期待しないでね
Ah... Keep this from the outsiders of Room 3. Thanks.
ならいいや あ この話 3号室のお客さんには ナイショだから よろしくー
They have curiosity. Curiosity about people in the tribe, curiosity about outsiders.
外部者への好奇心です 彼らは尋ねます
They came from outsiders, they were not part of the major population.
中心的な集団の出身者では ありませんでした スターリンはロシアでなくグルジア人 ナポレオンはフランスでなくコルシカ人
Is it the fact that it's an intentional attack by, quote, outsiders?
The outsiders who've been living here a long time will be given land.
何をぬかす 奴らにやってたまるか しばらくだな
The outsiders of Room 3 are cleaning the bathtub right now. Right now...
ユキ 3号室のお客さんは ただ今 風呂掃除をやってまーす 楓 やってまーす
There... the outsiders... Those fellow who were just admitted into our class this spring.
お客さんたちだよ この春 うちのクラスに編入してきた奴ら
That's because the people here are all outsiders who've just been admitted this Spring.
ユキ だってこっちは この春から編入してきた お客さんだから...
I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks.
疑問を持ち 規則を曲げ リスクを冒す人たち ここにいる方たちのようにね
So, as for the outsiders looking in, watch the CNN report on the second Amman Comedy Festival.
第二回アンマンコメディ祭のCNNのレポートをご覧ください リポーターの仕事は素晴らい 感謝したいと思いますが
And as for outsiders, white, black or brown, tar and feather them, and whip them out of town.
厳しく非難し 町から追い払う時 それが小さな遺伝子 小さくてささいなこと
Outsiders, people with a different colour skin, people that have less than we do, people that don't speak our language.
我々よりも所有が少ない人 我々の言葉を話さない人よりも 人々...
And skaters, I think they tend to be outsiders who seek a sense of belonging, but belonging on their own terms.
You've had more than your share of loss in life, and none of us wants to see you lose your son to outsiders, but you must speak with him now.
君は求めようとして失っているんだ 息子が部外に奪われるのを 僕らは見たくはないんだ 今すぐ彼と話をすべきだよ
The anti hero struggles to conform, all the while starting to object, perhaps finding other outsiders with whom to voice his questions, and naïvely, unwisely, sharing those questions with an authority figure.
ときに共に疑問を発する部外を見つけ 無邪気かつ愚かなことに 疑問を権力者と共有します アンチヒーローは社会に公然と挑戦し
Dr. Kemp's solar lamp was lit, albeit the sky was still bright with the sunset light, and his blinds were up because there was no offence of peering outsiders to require them pulled down.
必要にピアリング部外のない犯罪がなかったため 彼のブラインドが増加しました それらは プルダウン 博士ケンプは 亜麻色の髪とほぼ口ひげで 背が高く スレンダー若い男だった
A third problem with stories is that outsiders manipulate us using stories, and we all like to think advertising only works on the other guy, but, of course, that's not how it is, advertising works on all of us.
物語を利用して私たちを操る者が いるという点です 私たちは 自分だけは広告の影響を 受けない と考えがちですが もちろんそうは行きません 広告は私たちにも もれなく影響します
O you who believe! Do not befriend outsiders who never cease to wish you harm. They love to see you suffer. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their hearts conceal is worse. We have made the messages clear for you, if you understand.
信仰する者よ あなたがたの仲間以外の者と 親密にしてはならない かれらはあなたがたの堕落を厭わない あなたがたの苦難を望んでいる 憎悪の情は もうかれらのロからほとばしっている だがその胸の中に隠すところは 更に甚しい われは既に種々の印を あなたがたに鮮明にした 只あなたがたの理解する力が問題なだけである
Now, when companies first started, there were essentially manufacturing concerns and they hired agents, outsiders to be their sales channel, and the first types of companies we had made physical products and therefore, had physical channels salespeople, stores, etc., but with the emergence of the web, we now have web and mobile channels.
当時の製造会社は外部の販売チャネルとして 代理店を雇っていました リアルな商品を製造して 販売員や店舗などリアルなチャネルを持ったのです しかし現在はWebチャネル モバイルチャネルもあります
Believers, do not take outsiders as your intimate friends, they will spare no effort to harm you. They love to see you suffer their hatred is evident from the words which fall from their mouths. But what their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made Our signs clear to you will you not understand?
信仰する者よ あなたがたの仲間以外の者と 親密にしてはならない かれらはあなたがたの堕落を厭わない あなたがたの苦難を望んでいる 憎悪の情は もうかれらのロからほとばしっている だがその胸の中に隠すところは 更に甚しい われは既に種々の印を あなたがたに鮮明にした 只あなたがたの理解する力が問題なだけである


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