Translation of "preliminary invoice" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Invoice | 送り状Name |
Preliminary | 仮印刷 |
Civil Preliminary Clarification Tank | Stencils |
Please tell us the process to invoice hospitals. | 教えてください 手順A B Cです だいたいは |
I've got every receipt, invoice, check, bank statement. | 領収書や請求書や小切手など 全部あるわ |
A preliminary sample of an antidote. | すでに合成できたことだ |
This is a friendly reminder about an overdue invoice. | 支払い請求書があることのお知らせです |
Our records show that the invoice No.1111 is still outstanding. | 請求書1111は未払いになっております |
But when did a bee actually ever give you an invoice? | ついでに言うと 遺伝子レベルでは |
Now, that's only the second preliminary, so you relax. | 事務所に出入り許可書を出しに行く |
I think it's customary to take a preliminary vote. | まず投票が慣例でしょう |
Then he must be mistaken in his preliminary diagnosis. | それはありえない |
Preliminary investigations Reveals evidence pertinent to the trinity killings. | 複数の証拠から これは トリニティの物である事がわかった |
It's very preliminary, but I think it's kind of cool. | 締めに入ります 私たちはさまざまな問題を抱えています |
DR. BARTOK (ON RECORDING) Subject spoke reluctantly. Block preliminary move. | 患者は話渋り 予備的処置に障害 |
We got preliminary safeguards in place faster than we expected. | セキュリティーの準備が 思ったほど順調に進んでる |
The EC Expert Group Working methods The 25 recommendations Preliminary remark | 欧州委員会専門家グループについて 作業方法について 25の提言 緒言 |
Okay, come on, I want to lay in some preliminary tracking. | よし 予備装置も起動 |
Yes, I know, but my preliminary examination didn't reveal your true condition. | かなり深刻そうですな 極めて深刻だ 絶対的確信が あるがゆえに... |
We have asked you repeatedly to settle your outstanding account for the invoice No.1111. | 私どもは 再三にわたり未払いになっている請求書1111のお支払いをしていただくようにお願いしてまいりました |
We're using some new tungsten carbide drills for the preliminary coalface scouring operations. | それは いいわね |
This... is the Tokyo preliminary round of the National High School Baseball Championship? | これって 甲子園の東京都予選だよな |
Here is the preliminary result, which I can show because it's already been shown. | 釣鐘型の曲線は比較対象の150人を示します |
Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish her preliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956. | 急いで1956年のランセット誌に発表しました 人々は称賛し ノーベル賞の話も出ました |
Gentlemen, I have assembled a preliminary budget estimate for the rebuilding of San Francisco. | みなさん サンフランシスコの 再建計画の 予算案です |
This is the second mail we send you referring to the invoice No.1111 which has not been settled. | このメールは 未払いになっている請求書1111に関する2回目のメールです |
With reference to the invoice No.56789 which was due last month, we have not yet received your remittance. | お支払日が先月末の請求書56789について まだお支払いを受けておりません |
It's listed as a current asset on this balance sheet but the invoice was never presented to accounts receivable, so.... | 流動資産のリストに 載ってるけど 請求金額と売掛金が 合わない |
Preliminary reports indicate a thermonuclear device in the 50megaton range was detonated over Caprica City 30 minutes ago. | 予備調査報告書によれば 50メガトン級の熱核装置が 30分前にカプリカ シティで爆発した |
So what you're seeing here and I'm doing a cardinal sin in science, which is to show you preliminary data. | こちらにお見せしているのは 予備データです 一人の被験者のデータ |
We should advise you, however, that our preliminary findings indicate that your onboard Ninertriplezero computer is in error predicting the fault. | しかし 我々の予備調査によると 貴船の9000コンピュータが 障害予測を 誤った可能性がある |
I went down there on a preliminary investigation to look into dispersants and how they're going into the water column and so forth. | 海中でどう分布するかなどの 予備調査をしに そこへ行くことにしました |
That was all a preliminary hearing judge had to listen to, to bind Mr. Carrillo over to stand trial for a first degree murder. | カリヨ氏は第一級殺人で 被告席に立つことになりました 裁判が始まる前の捜査で |
Now, our data processing on this is still preliminary, but it really seems that these phenomenal feats that the race car drivers are performing are instinctive. | レーシング ドライバーは こういった離れ業を 直感的に行っているようです 直感的に行っているようです |
And I thought, this is going to be a piece of cake, because I always have preliminary talks with these people for just maybe 10 or 15 minutes. | 語り手との事前の打ち合わせは いつも 10分 から 15 分にとどめていました その理由は 先に話してしまっていると |
And after the trial had been running for a little while, he gathered together all his colleagues around his table, and he said, Well, gentlemen, we have some preliminary results. | 彼は同僚たちを 集めて会議を催しました さてみなさん |
I've had some preliminary talks, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for example, is very happy to give his name to this, as is Imam Feisal Rauf, the Imam in New York City. | 喜んで名を連ねて下さいました ニューヨークのファイサル ラウフ導師もです さらに国連の 文明の同盟 とも 連携していく予定です |
We think, at least in this preliminary it's one study it's probably wrong, but it's one study (Laughter) we think that at least a reasonable hypothesis is that, to be creative, you should have this weird dissociation in your frontal lobe. | 一つの実験の結果です 間違っているかもしれません それでも 一つの実験結果です 筋が通った説明として私たちが考えているのは |
We have some preliminary evidence from bargaining that early warning signs in the brain might be used to predict whether there will be a bad disagreement that costs money, and chimps are better competitors than humans, as judged by game theory. | 脳が発する早期警告を使えば 損に繋がる悪い不同意が予想でき そして ゲーム理論によって判断すると |
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