Translation of "psychosocial disabilities" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Psychosocial disabilities - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
learning disabilities. | 学校の予算も十分でないことが多いのです |
I met psychosocial workers who worked with them. | 心理的なケアをする人たち |
They had profound intellectual disabilities. | 口も利けない でも最悪なのは |
Some have arm or leg disabilities. | 近視の人や色弱の人 いろんな人がいます |
These children are quickly labeled as having disabilities and transferred to another institution for children with disabilities. | 障害児用の施設に送られます 一度 施設に入ると 出所する事はまれです |
I think I'm looking and talking about the psychosocial effects of inequality. | 格差の心理社会的な影響があるのだと思います 優越感や劣等感 評価の高低 |
December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. | 12月3日は国際障害者デーです |
The first one is education, especially for kids with disabilities. | オンライン上でプリントディスアビリティの子や 全盲の子向けの大きなライブラリを運営しています |
Most public places are simply not geared to people with disabilities. | 大多数の人が集まるところは身体障害者用にはつくられていない |
Suddenly we have a handle on the psychosocial well being of whole societies, and that's exciting. | 理解を私たちは突如得たわけです うれしいことです ありがとうございました |
Let's resist the temptation to classify other people based on their disabilities or their challenges. | 人を判断するのはやめましょう その人が出来る事に注目して |
The Paralympics, just for a little bit of clarification, are the Olympics for people with physical disabilities amputees, persons with cerebral palsy, and wheelchair athletes as opposed to the Special Olympics, which deals with people with mental disabilities. | 切断患者 脳性麻痺の人 車椅子の選手など 身体障害者のためのオリンピックです 精神障害者の為の |
For those without disabilities, at age three, they're transferred to another institution, and at age seven, to yet another. | 別の施設に送られ さらに7才で 次の施設に送られます 年令と性別で分けられるので |
And Baron Cohen explained that certain disabilities can manifest themselves in the hacking and computing world as tremendous skills, and that we should not be throwing in jail people who have such disabilities and skills because they have lost their way socially or been duped. | ある種の障害があることによって ハッキングとコンピュータの世界で 途方もない技術力を発揮する人がいる |
They said even if she did survive, her disabilities would be so severe that Bella would not have a life worth living. | ベラの人生は生きる価値がないであろうとさえも言いました 私達は逝かせませんでした |
It's a long term state hospital, where several years ago we started working with Hyperscore and patients with physical and mental disabilities. | この病院の身体や精神に障害をもった患者達に ハイパー スコアを使った取り組みをはじめました テュークスベリー病院における治療の 中心を占めるようになって |
So our hope is to eventually build brain coprocessors that work with the brain so we can augment functions in people with disabilities. | 我々は最終的に脳と作動する コプロセッサを作りたいと考えています JE つまり理論的には |
Nobody taught us how to deal with such kinds of disabilities, and as many questions as possible started to come to our minds. | 数えきれないほどの疑問が 頭に浮かんできました 本当に辛い経験でした |
In the United States, probably the most astonishing statistic is a 600 percent increase in autism and autistic spectrum disorders and other learning disabilities. | 最も驚くべき統計 自閉症や 自閉症スペクトラム障害 その他の学習障害が |
And as you can see virtually 30 of all disabilities from all medical causes can be attributed to mental disorders or neuro psychiatric syndromes. | 身体障害の30 が 精神疾患や神経精神科的疾患に 帰するのです そんなバカな とお思いでしょう |
There was a point in our history in which, if you were considered disabled, that an employer could just fire you, before the Americans with Disabilities Act. | 雇用主が障害者を解雇することができました 我々はこんな事をずっと繰り返しています |
Jean Vanier helped found the L'Arche communities, which you can now find all over the world, communities centered around life with people with mental disabilities mostly Down syndrome. | 知的障害者ー 大方はダウン症の人々との 生活を中心においた コミュニティの 創設を手伝いました |
And over the years, that center grew into something called the Cooke Center, where there are now thousands upon thousands of children with intellectual disabilities who are being taught. | 今や何千もの知的障害を持つ子たちが そこで教育を受けています 例のアトランティック誌の記事掲載から 今日までに |
I think that if we want to discover the full potential in our humanity, we need to celebrate those heartbreaking strengths and those glorious disabilities that we all have. | 見出したければ 誰もが持っているすばらしい長所や 偉大な欠陥を褒め称える必要があります |
Well, a student welfare group deals with any kinds of problems that we see in a school having to do with problems at home or at learning disabilities, multi cultural problems. | 多文化の問題などがあります 生徒支援チームの役割は |
Our site leaders are 90 under the age of 30, they're 44 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, a third are people of color, lt br gt and a quarter of them have disabilities. | 44 がレズビアン ゲイ バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーです また 三分の一が有色人種で 四分の一が障がい者です こうした現地リーダーのもと イスタンブール クロアチア ポーランドの支部は |
What we want is to make sure that those individuals with autism can be free from the devastating consequences that come with it at times, the profound intellectual disabilities, the lack of language, the profound, profound isolation. | 自閉症の患者に生じるのを 確実に避けられるようにしたいのです 重度の知的障害や 言語の欠如 |
And in my own trial in Goa, in India, we again showed that lay counselors drawn from local communities could be trained to deliver psychosocial interventions for depression, anxiety, leading to 70 percent recovery rates as compared to 50 percent in the comparison primary health centers. | 訓練を受けた地域の一般カウンセラーが うつ病や不安神経症に対して心理社会的介入を行った場合 70パーセントの回復率を見せましたが |
For those who have disabilities the paraplegic there's the era of brain computer interface, or BCl, where chips have been put on the motor cortex of completely quadriplegic patients and they can control a curser or a wheelchair or, eventually, a robotic arm. | BCI 脳コンピュータインターフェースというものがあります 全四肢麻痺患者の運動野に チップを取り付けると |
To make matters worse, national failures can no longer be addressed without aggravating the situation. Of course indeed, above all in such circumstances the immense investments needed to overcome underdevelopment and the disabilities that it entails are increasingly forgotten by the world of international finance. | さらに 国家の過ちを追及すると状況が悪化するだけである もちろん (そして実にもっとも重要な点として) そういった状況下で 内在する発展の遅れと能力の不足を克服するために巨額の投資が必要であることが 国際金融の世界で忘れ去られようとしている |
But we are now in a new era of neuroscience, one in which we can finally look directly at brain function in real time with no risks and no side effects, non invasively, and find the true source of so many disabilities in children. | リアルタイムで脳の機能を じかに見れるようになりました それに伴うリスクや副作用はなく |
One in particular that you probably wouldn't know about, stroke, which has been, along with heart disease, one of the biggest killers in the country along with cancer, is a disease we know now if you can get people into the hospital, into the emergency room within three hours of the onset, some 30 of them will leave the hospital without any disabilities whatsoever. | 脳卒中は 心臓病と並び 長い間 米国内最大の 死因のひとつでしたが 今では 発症から3時間以内に |
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