Translation of "stance" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Stance - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Horse Stance! | 馬の構えだ! |
He took an uncertain stance. | 彼はあいまいな態度をとった |
I grew to admire that stance. | もう82歳でありながら 父の身体にはまだ |
A little more, Yeah. Now lower your stance. | 俺について |
We need to hurry and decide the school's stance | 学校側のスタンスを早く 決めないとー |
Must taste bitter before sweet. Horse stance, grow roots. | スイーツの前にはコーヒーだ 馬の構えは基本だぞ |
You could argue that MlT turned a blind eye, and that was okay for them to do, but taking that stance taking that neutral stance, in and of itself was taking a pro prosecutor stance. | しかし彼らのこういった立場 中立な立場を取るということ それ自体が 検察官支持の立場を取ることになる スティーブ ジョブズと スティーブ ウォズニアックに目を向けると |
Hotly debated topics proactive stance against discrimination and school busing. | 論争の多い話題 積極的差別是正措置とバス通学 |
Given our stance on terrorism, this is a global embarrassment. | 対テロという我々の立場からは 海外に及ぼす影響も考えないと |
Western countries are jumping on Japan for its stance on the issue. | 西欧諸国はこの問題に対する日本の姿勢を激しく非難しています |
Hence, we need a stance of problem fixing, not just problem avoidance. | 問題解決のスタンスが必要です 予防は治療に勝る という格言は正しいですが |
We're always in this stance of being the object of somebody else's subjectivity. | 他者の主観の対象という立場に置かれています 途切れることなく 避けることもできません |
The challenge provides a shared experience, a common language, a common stance to build the right prototype. | 共通の体験 共通の言葉 共通の態度が築かれるのです それが この実に単純な演習の |
Belicoff's softening political stance and his refusal... to cooperate with the hardliners upset a lot of people. | ベリコフの政治的スタンスと 強硬論者の拒絶は 多くの人を動揺させた |
Which are in this case I'm thinking aggressive stance, gorilla grip, front sight on the target, roll the trigger... | この場合 攻撃姿勢や しっかりと銃を握り 標的に照準を合わせ 引き金を引くなど コントロールがきく動作に 一つ一つ分解して考えるだけで |
Their shoulders are strong no matter what stance they are in so they can throw back to the pitcher well. | 彼らはどんな体勢で捕っても地肩が強いからいい返球ができる |
This is an idea that we got from a fellow TEDster here, Dan Dennett, who talked about taking the intentional stance. | ダン デネットに教わりました 全てに意図があるという立場の話でした ここから多くのことを説明できると思います |
In an even more radical stance against consumerism, the company placed a Don't Buy This Jacket advertisement during the peak of shopping season. | クリスマスシーズンに このジャケットを買わないで という広告を打ちました 短期的な売上を犠牲にしても |
It's so important that the very tools we use to understand ourselves, to understand the world around us, are shaped by that stance. | 自分や周りの世界を 理解する手段はまさにその立場から形づくられます 人は 骨の髄まで 社会的です |
My father was responsible for building roads in Bihar, and he had developed a firm stance against corruption, even though he was harassed and threatened. | 汚職に対して厳しい態度で いやがらせや脅迫があっても 立ち向かっていました それは孤独な戦いでした なぜならビハール州は |
That's the job of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but their earlier resolute stance has been swayed whenever they had a closed meeting with the electric power companies. | この原子力規制委員会の態度は 初めは毅然としているのですけれども 電力会社との非公開の 会合を重ねるたびに |
I ended that series with a kind of a mail in petition that encouraged our National Marine Fishery Service, to force other countries to have a stronger stance with shark management. | 他の国に対して より良いサメ管理を求めるよう要求して シリーズを終えました |
Indeed, although the bank of Japan's policy approach during the quantitative easing period was quite multifaceted, the overall stance of its policy was gauged primarily in terms of its target for bank reserves. | 量的金融緩和期間中は 多面的で その政策の全体的な姿勢は基本的に 銀行の準備金を目標としています |
Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing. | an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase |
Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing. | 心理的内戦の様な 攻撃的スタンスを取るようなもので 心理的内戦の様な 攻撃的スタンスを取るようなもので その結果 声 の頻度は増え |
Dudley's diary we're getting our breakfast it seems as though he's just sort of like, oh, you know that whole idea of not valuing someone else's life so that makes me feel like I have to take the categorical stance. | 朝食を取っていると なんて書くのは 人の命を何とも思ってないからです だから私は定言的に考えざるを得ません |
It's a way of looking at the world as someone who is active in thinking about how to solve problems, is active in kind of analyzing and understand how things work, and we think that's a great stance to have, to look at the world generally. | 一種の分析でもあり 物事が動く仕組みを理解し 私たちはそれが世界を俯瞰してみるための 素晴らしいアプローチと考えています |
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