Translation of "structurally unrelated" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Structurally - translation : Structurally unrelated - translation : Unrelated - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Totally unrelated.
いや 彼女と関係なく...
And what is that, structurally?
今日の多くのシステムは 階層構造をしていますが
Totally unrelated victims.
An unrelated family matter.
These are unrelated machines, right?
計算が空間やネットワークを越え 溶け込んでいます
This is unrelated to this problem.
この問題59は まずペンをちゃんとしてと
Nothing distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors.
何か仕組みが違うわけではありません 競合会社にだって同様の製品を作る力があります
There's nothing that distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors.
競合会社にだって同様の性能の 製品を作る技術があります
Other times, two variables seem to be utterly unrelated.
相関とは尺度のことで 1から1までの係数で表されます
Again, this is officially unrelated to Udacity or your grade.
完全に任意ですが 調査に協力してもらえればうれしいです
And these traits are often unrelated and uncorrelated with IQ.
For this totally unrelated star, I'm going to repeat it twice.
It's unrelated to theory nor method simply because you're the ONLY ONE.
ただ君だけのonly oneなら 友情 愛情 はたまた 同情 そんなの
Do these guys have brains that are somehow structurally, anatomically different from the rest of ours?
構造的 解剖学的に普通の脳とちがうのか そのこたえは ノー でした
But maybe just not in the physics context, although they're not completely unrelated.
これらは完璧に関連していないというわけでもないのです そう 仕事 ですが 仕事 が何なのかわかるでしょう
In an unrelated note, everyone else can go jump off a bridge. Ah! Allison?
関係ない話だけど 誰か橋からジャンプしてみない アリソン
linking seemingly unrelated ideas, such as, It is the east, and Juliet is the Sun.
向こうは東 ならばジュリエットは太陽だ とか ジュリエットが太陽 なんて言いませんよね
Not just in modern humans, but in one of our distant unrelated ancestors, the Neanderthals.
関係の薄い遠縁の祖先にも起こりました ネアンデルタール人です これは 進化のパワーの
How to take unrelated things and then put them together and cook, you lost your mind?
本山 なんか 遠近感 狂うな
Over two decades ago, the world insisted to Africa that markets must be liberalized, that economies must be structurally adjusted.
経済の構造自体を変革することを 求めていました これは政府機関が
You've got to have a strong will to study something unrelated to your job after you've finished working.
仕事が終わった後に 仕事以外の勉強をするためには 強い意志も必要ですね
On their records only because it was... recovered as evidence in a police raid... in an unrelated case.
この記録は 警察が関係な事件で押収した証拠から 回収しただけだったわ
And next time we'll talk about supermassive black holes in galactic centers and something that's completely unrelated dwarf galaxies.
And then you start cranking the computer to find other molecules, related or unrelated, that have the same vibrations.
コンピュータを最大限に使います この件では残念なことに
This can be used for things that are completely unrelated to the discount price at the store over here.
店での割引などに全く関係していない問題にもs 使用できます たとえば
And that is possible because the details of the original myth are unrelated to seasons, except via the myth itself.
元の神話にまつわる詳細は 季節とは関係がないからです その神話の枠組みの中で語られた場合を除いて
The remaining regrets pertain to these things finance, family issues unrelated to romance or parenting, health, friends, spirituality and community.
次のようなことに関係しています 金銭 恋愛と子育て以外の家族問題 健康 友人関係
The HR element defines a horizontal rule for visual browsers. While this element is inherently presentational, it can be used structurally as a section divider.
HR要素は ビジュアルブラウザのために 水平線 を定義します この要素は本質的には表象的ですが 構造的な区分けとしても使用することが可能です
You would then have the ability to link seemingly unrelated things, which is the definition of metaphor, seeing the similar in the dissimilar.
結びつけることができる これは比喩そのものだね 一見似ていないもののうちに 似ているものを見つける
And I ended up in Jamaica, in the West Indies, where the coral reefs were really among the most extraordinary, structurally, that I ever saw in my life.
西インド諸島では サンゴ礁は本当に たぐいまれで 構造的に
We took 90 men who had biopsy proven prostate cancer and who had elected, for reasons unrelated to the study, not to have surgery.
手術を受けていない90人の男性を 2つのグループに分けました
Remember, the secondary market, the stock market, most of that is between two people who are unrelated to the company, trading the shares of stock.
2つの会社とは関連のない人々の株式取引に なります それは会社との取引ではありません
And in some areas, the commercial gifting of an organ in exchange for monetary reward has led to a flourishing trade in living, unrelated donors.
血縁のないドナーに 対価を払って行われる 臓器の売買が
She said that the hallucinations were unrelated to anything she was thinking or feeling or doing, that they seemed to come on by themselves, or disappear.
行動と関係だというのに やって来ては消えていくようです コントロールすることはできず
I love bridges, metaphorically and symbolically and structurally and it was a bit of a disappointment, because of the sludge from the river was encrusted on it it really wasn't in use.
しかし 川の泥が堆積して 橋はほとんど 使用されておらず残念でした そこで気づいたことは
I'd have to say the most likely explanation is... that the tank was structurally weakened during the Cylon nuclear detonation... during the first attack, and that caused it to buckle and rupture.
もっとも考えられそうな原因は サイロンの攻撃で受けた放射線が タンクの外壁を傷め それが撓んでタンクを破損させたかも知れません
But as there was still a dire shortage of donor organs, the gift of life was then extended from living, related donors to now living, unrelated donors.
生存中で血縁のあるドナーだけではなく 今では 生存中で 血縁のないドナーからも提供されるようになりました
And I got some sort of satisfaction from learning that both Basit and Amjad had had their computers infected dozens of times by completely unrelated other viruses over these years.
これまでに何十回となく コンピュータウィルスに やられてきたと聞いて
Actually, I'll throw another thing in here that's a little unrelated to inflation, but high utilization makes prices go up and it also makes people want to add more capacity, right?
高い設備稼働率は 価格を上昇させ さらなる生産能力の増大を呼び起こします 設備投資を呼ぶわけです
You can feel deep attachment to a long term partner while you feel intense romantic love for somebody else, while you feel the sex drive for people unrelated to these other partners.
他の誰かと恋に落ちることもありえますし そのまた一方でまったく関係のない誰かに対し情欲を覚えることもありえます つまり人は一度に複数の人間を愛することができるということです
So it can take inputs amp amp apply these these mathematical transformations to them such that the output looks for all intents amp amp purposes, completely random amp amp unrelated to the original input
その際の出力はバラバラの ランダムなものに見えるようになります これらの要件については それぞれに関連があります
It is structurally really, really hard to do, as the Bush administration rightly does, which is to denounce genocide on a Monday and then describe water boarding on a Tuesday as a no brainer and then turn up on Wednesday and look for troop commitments.
大きな困難とは 幅広い課題を抱えているという事 虐殺を非難したかと思えば
How, in a flora of 80,000 species of vascular plants, do these people find these two morphologically unrelated plants that when combined in this way, created a kind of biochemical version of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts?
彼らは形態的に無関連の2つの植物を探し このように組み合わせると 単独の効果を足した以上の効果がある という
My talk essentially got written by three historic events that happened within days of each other in the last two months seemingly unrelated, but as you will see, actually all having to do with the story I want to tell you today.
この2ヶ月次々と起きた 歴史的な3つの 出来事が伝えています
Is this data exactly linear without any deviation from linearity, approximately linear that is can you see a linear trend, or at the other extreme are height and weight pretty much unrelated that is you can't really see a dependance between height and weight?
それともおおよそ線形で その線形性の傾向が認められるものでしたか それとも極端な値で 体重と身長はまったく相関がなく 従属性を見ることはできませんか


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