Translation of "subsequently" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Subsequently - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
And so, subsequently | 46664財団にかかわるすべての |
And subsequently the third, the Manat? | それから第3番目のマナートを |
I subsequently became a professional art historian. | 私に 発見の瞬間 が 訪れたのは その数年後です |
And we've subsequently treated more than 600 dogs. | 奏効率は約60 で |
I've subsequently become an envoy for Scotland and HlV. | 任命されました ここでも 実際に経験したことを話し |
And every one of these has been subsequently blamed on large body impact. | 起因すると考えられました しかし本当でしょうか? |
That it resumed its course and was subsequently set for selfdestruct, by you, | ノストロモ号を着陸させた コースに復帰した後 君が自爆させた |
Doctor Healy then subsequently became the first female director of our National Institutes of Health. | 国立衛生研究所 NIH の 初の女性所長となりました アメリカ国立衛生研究所というのは |
like dubious and indubitalbly, which were subsequently borrowed into English from the same Latin root, dubitare . | dubious や indubitably です 語源は同じラテン語の dubitare です この歴史上の繋がりを理解すると |
lose their testosterone, they're chemically castrated, and they're subsequently feminized because now they're making the female hormone. | 女性ホルモンを作るようになり メス化したのです 私は人間の問題にも目を向けました |
So much we know from what was heard at the time and from what was subsequently seen in the room. | 部屋 正午について彼は突然彼のパーラーのドアを開き 三時に固定的にまぶしい立っていた |
He subsequently got married again at 102, so he, you know, he had a lot of the life force in him. | 生命力の溢れる人だったわけですね インタビューの後で 電話がかかってきました |
And it was obviously a tragic moment for the thousands of people who lost their lives, there and then subsequently all over the world. | 世界中で命を失った何千もの人々にとって 悲劇的な出来事でした かつて起きたことのない事件でした |
The Parliament subsequently reacts and when it responds, as today, well, this institution happens to be composed of only 1 3 of its members. | この機構はどうも全メンバーの 1 3で構成されているようです フランス語を話す議員でいくと もっと少ないです |
In fact, there are two other women who were convicted on the basis of the evidence of this pediatrician, who have subsequently been released on appeal. | 有罪にされましたが 裁判によって結果的に釈放されています 多くの事件が再調査されました |
I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence, subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. | took a grim view of the voice's presence, subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. |
I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence, subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. | ここでも 声 が問題である という認識のもとで 私の話すことは全て妄想だと 解釈されました 私の話すことは全て妄想だと 解釈されました |
Dressed in a yak fur coat and a necklace of carved skulls, she hiked through the barren Himilayas all the way to Lhasa, where she was subsequently arrested. | 彫刻のある 頭蓋骨のネックレスを身に着け 荒涼としたヒマラヤ山脈を抜けて ラサまでたどり着きましたが |
As a result, it will be the same for both of these expressions, and I can obtain it by just adding these non normalized probabilities and then subsequently divide these non normalized probabilities accordingly. | そしてこの正規化されていない確率で除算します ではやってみましょう |
And then subsequently, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols, the word bollocks, the police decided was a rude word and so we were arrested for using the word bollocks on the Sex Pistols' album. | 勝手にしやがれ!! (Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols)で bollocks が卑猥だと判断されて捕まった 劇作家のジョン モーティマーが助けてくれて |
Subsequently, WMAP satellite, which is Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe was launched And its purpose was to do this measurement even more precisely, and today the best results we have come from analysis of the data from WMAP. | その目的はこの計測をより精密に行う事で 今日のもっとも良い結果は このWMAPの結果を解析して得られた物だ ここに それがどう機能するかを示した もし宇宙マイクロ波背景の写真をとったとすると それは極めて均一なので |
Details I am not telling you include that the trajectory that the planner generates is subsequently smoothed using a quadratic smoother so that we get rid of the kinks, and the car drives much nicer as a result. | 次に二次方程式の平滑化処理によって ぎこちなさがなくなり滑らかになります 結果的に車は非常にスムーズに走ります しかし最適経路を見つける作業を担当する 働き者は |
And if you have lost any of your wives to the disbelievers and you subsequently obtain something , then give those whose wives have gone the equivalent of what they had spent. And fear Allah, in whom you are believers. | あなたがたの妻が もしあなたがたの許を去り 不信心者の許に走るならば 先方 不信心者の夫 に勝利を納めた暁には 妻に去られた者にその戦利品の中から マハルとして贈ったものと同額を与えなさい あなたがたが信奉する アッラーを畏れなさい |
I then create a matrix for Omega and a vector for Xi, give it the appropriate dimensions, and subsequently I introduce the constraint that the initial positions have to be world size 2.0, with a strength value of 1.0, | 続いてロボットの初期位置を world sizeの半分とし 値の強度を1 0とします これは絶対的な制約なので 最終的な結果に影響を与えません |
But, though we had subsequently become extremely pally, all I really knew about him was that he was generally hard up, and had an uncle who relieved the strain a bit from time to time by sending him monthly remittances. | 彼は彼がハードまで一般的であったこと 及び歪みを少しホッと叔父を持っていた 彼に毎月の送金を送ることによって 時々 チズウィック公爵が彼の叔父である場合は 私はなぜ彼がタイトルをしていない と言った |
And those who accept Faith subsequently, and adopt exile, and fight for the Faith in your company, they are of you. But kindred by blood have prior rights against each other in the Book of Allah. Verily Allah is well acquainted with all things. | 遅れて信仰に入り 移住してあなたがたと共に奮闘努力した者たちは あなたがたの仲間である また血縁関係による近親者は アッラーの定めにより 互いに一段と近いのである 本当にアッラーは凡てのことを知り尽くされる |
As the baby hears a word in her language, the auditory areas light up, and then subsequently areas surrounding it that we think are related to coherence, getting the brain coordinated with its different areas, and causality, one brain area causing another to activate. | 聴覚領域が明るくなり それから その周囲の領域が明るくなります これは脳の異なる領域を協調させる結合と |
And subsequently the king said, Indeed, I have seen in a dream seven fat cows being eaten by seven that were lean, and seven green spikes of grain and others that were dry. O eminent ones, explain to me my vision, if you should interpret visions. | ェジプトの 王が言った わたしは7頭の肥えた牛が 7頭の療た牛に食われているのを 夢に 見ました また穀物の7穂が緑で 他 の7穂 が枯れているのを見ました 首長たちよ あなたがたが夢を解け得るならば このわたしの夢を解釈して下さい |
Except those of the Mushrikun with whom you have a treaty, and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor have supported anyone against you. So fulfill their treaty to them to the end of their term. Surely Allah loves Al Mattaqun (the pious see V. 2 2). | しかし あなたがたの盟約した多神教徒で 破約したことなく またその後 あなたがたに敵対する者を助けなかった者は別である これらの者に対しては 期間が満了するまで かれらとの盟約を果しなさい 本当にアッラーは 主を畏れる者を愛でられる |
(But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term for Allah loveth the righteous. | しかし あなたがたの盟約した多神教徒で 破約したことなく またその後 あなたがたに敵対する者を助けなかった者は別である これらの者に対しては 期間が満了するまで かれらとの盟約を果しなさい 本当にアッラーは 主を畏れる者を愛でられる |
The economics of this is to start with the federal governments and then later, to subsequently go to other whether it's child to child funding, so a child in this country buys one for a child in the developing world, maybe of the same gender, maybe of the same age. | 他へと広げていきます 子供から子供への支援なども考えられます この国の子供が途上国の子供に買ってあげるのです |
If any of your wives desert you to go over to the disbelievers, and you subsequently have your turn, by the coming over of a woman from the other side give to those who have been deserted by their wives the equivalent of the dowers they gave them. Fear God in whom you believe. | あなたがたの妻が もしあなたがたの許を去り 不信心者の許に走るならば 先方 不信心者の夫 に勝利を納めた暁には 妻に去られた者にその戦利品の中から マハルとして贈ったものと同額を与えなさい あなたがたが信奉する アッラーを畏れなさい |
The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah and Allah guides not people who do wrong. | 律法 守護 の責任を負わされて その後それを果たさない者を譬えれば 書物を運ぶロバのようなものである アッラーの印を嘘であるとする者も同様で 哀れむべきである 本当にアッラーは悪い行いの者を御導きになられない |
You are not the reporter of this problem report. It is much easier to mark a bug as a duplicate of another than to move your comments and attachments to a new bug. Subsequently, we recommend that you file a new bug report using apport bug and make a comment in this bug about the one you file. Do you really want to proceed? | あなたはこの問題の報告者または登録者ではありません 新しいバグとしてコメントと添付ファイルを提出するより 他のバグと重複したバグとしてマークするほうがより簡単です その後 apport bug を利用して新たにバグ報告を行い このバグの中で提出するものについてのコメントを行うことをお勧めします 本当に進めますか? |
First of all, we have all the statistical analyses from the Innocence Project work, where we know that we have, what, 250, 280 documented cases now where people have been wrongfully convicted and subsequently exonerated, some from death row, on the basis of later DNA analysis, and you know that over three quarters of all of those cases of exoneration involved only eyewitness identification testimony during the trial that convicted them. | 誤って有罪判決を受けた 死刑囚を含む囚人について 誤って有罪判決を受けた 死刑囚を含む囚人について 後のDNA鑑定による冤罪証明がなされた |
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