Translation of "surrendered" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Surrendered - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He surrendered.
The enemy has surrendered.
They have already surrendered.
He finally surrendered to her.
Prime Minister, the surrendered generals,
宰相殿 将軍
He surrendered of his own accord.
This is the rebel that surrendered.
I wasn't even aware we surrendered.
And some of us have surrendered, and some of us have deviated. Those who have surrendered sought rectitude
わたしたちの中には アッラーに 服従 帰依する者もあり また正道から逸れる者もいる 服従 帰依した者は正しい道に志向を定める
Some of us have surrendered (Muslims) and some of us have deviated. Those who surrendered sought the Right Path,
わたしたちの中には アッラーに 服従 帰依する者もあり また正道から逸れる者もいる 服従 帰依した者は正しい道に志向を定める
The army surrendered its arsenal to the enemy.
In fact this day they have all surrendered.
いや 今日ばかりは かれらも 審判に 服する
It would be better if we just surrendered.
Perchance the unbelievers will wish that they had surrendered
信じない者たちは 自分たちがムスリムであったならばと 望む時が ほ 々あろう
(Ye) who believed Our revelations and were self surrendered,
わが印を信じて われの意志に 服従 帰依していた者よ
This is Sadua who came and surrendered his bear.
He surrendered himself to 'em about an hour ago.
Once I surrendered to that, it's not hard any more.
Completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally surrendered to us.
When they had surrendered, and he flung him upon his brow,
そこでかれら両人は 命令に 服して かれ 子供 が額を 地に付け うつ伏せになった時
even those who believed in Our signs, and had surrendered themselves
わが印を信じて われの意志に 服従 帰依していた者よ
those who believed in Our revelations and surrendered themselves to Us.
わが印を信じて われの意志に 服従 帰依していた者よ
Surrendered people obey God's words, even if it doesn't make sense.
これはリック ウォレンの言葉です
Surrendered people obey God's word, even if it doesn't make sense.
She gave up her innocence when she surrendered herself to you.
彼女は無実を放棄した おまえにー 屈した時に
Before we surrendered ourselves over to Juma, I opened the valves.
The guards surrendered, we took their guns, we lined them up...
降伏した奴らの銃を取って 並ばせた...
And what have we surrendered really, apart from our nuclear ambition?
実際 核以外は何も 折れてないだろ
What, shall we make those who have surrendered like to the sinners?
われは信心深い者たちを 罪人のように扱うとでもいうのか
you who believed in Our Signs and had surrendered yourselves (to Us)!
わが印を信じて われの意志に 服従 帰依していた者よ
But We found there but one house of those surrendered (to Allah).
しかし その 町の 中で見出したムスリムの家は 只の一軒だけであった
Robert E. Lee's army has surrendered he knows that victory is imminent.
しかし南軍に同情的だったジョン ウィルクス ブースという男は
When we got through the gates of Dachau, the SS guards surrendered.
俺達がダッハウの門を通り抜けたとき 警護のナチ親衛隊は降伏した
Shall We then treat those who have surrendered as We treat the guilty?
われは信心深い者たちを 罪人のように扱うとでもいうのか
The great Lakota warrior and chief named Crazy Horse surrendered at Fort Robinson.
ロビンソン砦で降伏しました 彼は拘留中に殺されました
but We found not therein except one house of those that have surrendered themselves.
しかし その 町の 中で見出したムスリムの家は 只の一軒だけであった
But We found in it only one household of those who had surrendered themselves,
しかし その 町の 中で見出したムスリムの家は 只の一軒だけであった
And there are among us some who have surrendered (to Allah) and there are among us some who are unjust. And whoso hath surrendered to Allah, such have taken the right path purposefully.
わたしたちの中には アッラーに 服従 帰依する者もあり また正道から逸れる者もいる 服従 帰依した者は正しい道に志向を定める
When both surrendered (to Allah's command) and Abraham flung the son down on his forehead,
そこでかれら両人は 命令に 服して かれ 子供 が額を 地に付け うつ伏せになった時
But in fact, Christians, too ... glory in the fact that they have surrendered to God.
You know where I stand. We've already surrendered too much in the name of peace.
すでに我々は 平和の名の下 降伏 してきた
likely to win the war that the major Confederate armies had already surrendered to the Union.
ほとんどユニオン軍 北軍 に降伏していました 公式には行われていませんでしたが
He places surrendered troops on the frontline, while his own trusted army remains in the back
彼は降伏した部隊を 最前線に配置する 彼自身の信頼する部隊を 後方に置いておく一方で
Then, when they had both surrendered (to Allah), and he had flung him down upon his face,
そこでかれら両人は 命令に 服して かれ 子供 が額を 地に付け うつ伏せになった時
When his Lord said unto him Surrender! he said I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.
主がかれに向かって 服従 帰依しなさい と仰せられた時を思い起せ かれは わたしは 万有の主に服従 帰依します と申し上げた


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