Translation of "telegram" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Telegram - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

草壁さ ん
A telegram.
And a telegram.
それと電報が ロンドンのオフィスから
Send the telegram at once.
Please answer me by telegram.
You'll see. Steve, that telegram.
When did you receive the telegram?
She sent me an urgent telegram.
I received a telegram from her.
私は 彼女から電報を受け取った
Honey, I sent you the telegram.
君は 僕が来ないと知っていた筈だ
There was a telegram for you.
電報 留守だからって預かった 私ん家
Send us a telegram when you arrive.
He sent an immediate reply to my telegram.
Please let me know the results by telegram.
I'd like you to send this telegram at once.
An urgent telegram brought her hurrying back to Tokyo.
How about that urgent telegram to meet you here?
電報にあった 緊急の用件とは何だね
On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram.
ロンドンに着くとすぐに 彼は私に電報を打ってよこした
He received a telegram saying that his mother had died.
I received a telegram saying that my uncle had arrived.
Oh, a telegram it was phoned in for Senor Schuyler.
じゃ 僕が持って行こう そう
Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you.
君に電話をしようとしたら 丁度君の電報が届いた
The telegram was a trick to get her to come home.
I took one look at him and he told me about the telegram.
彼が電報のことを話したとき 結婚しているという話は
I'm sorry. They didn't need to send a telegram just for a cold.
ごめんなさい ただの風邪なのに 病院が電報を打ったりしたから
That's why I said in my telegram don't phone me, because everybody listens in.
I got a telegram from the paper, asking me to go back to London.
This morning I got a telegram from home saying that my father had been suddenly taken ill.
The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.
王子は すぐに 宮殿を作り直してくれるよう ウォンカさんに電報を打った じゃが ウォンカさんの方は それどころじゃなかったんじゃ
And he's summoned by his rich uncle, John Carter, to his mansion with a telegram saying, See me at once.
彼は大金持ちのおじ ジョン カーターからの すぐきてくれ という電報で豪邸に呼び寄せられます 訪ねて行ってみると
Telegraphy you could send in a query, like to a search engine, as a telegram and get it back by post.
そして郵便でその返事が戻ってきます 検索するためにどのようにテクノロジを利用するか 考えていた人はたくさんいました
And... it also made the Americans quite angry to realize that the Germans were trying to enside the Mexicans against them, so you have the Zimmermann... you have the Zimmermann telegram the Zimmermann.. ...telegram, is also a reason that the Wilson administration and why people in general were fairly angry about things.
ドイツはメキシコを取り込もうと しているのだと アメリカ国民は気づき 激怒しました その証拠に ツィンメルマン電報があり
And I've been able, through this wonderful Google and Internet, to find the text of the telegram sent back from President Buchanan to Queen Victoria.
当時の電報文を見つけました ブキャナン大統領からの返信の結びは こう書かれていました
Today, to send a telegram in the States to anywhere in the world, all you have to do is to give the message over the telephone.
今日では アメリカで世界中のどこへ電報を打つにも電話で通信文を告げるだけでよい
Arthur Zimmermann sends an encoded telegram to... the Mexicans and its encoded especially because it has to go over lines that are controlled by the Americans.
メキシコ駐在の ドイツ大使に対して 暗号電報を送ったのです 特に アメリカの目を 搔い潜らなければならなかったので
I was in Bangkok with a group of photographers and got a telegram back in those days, you got telegrams from Time magazine saying someone in Korea had died, and left their child in a will to me.
1通の電報を受け取りました タイムマガジン社からで 韓国の誰かが死んで その子供を私に遺言として任せるということでした
The real effect of this telegram was to... make the American public angry whether they were going to go back into the unrestricted submarine warfare and the Germans themselves talk about a ruthless... ruthless employment of the submarines.
無差別潜水艦攻撃戦略に 逆戻りしようとしまいが アメリカ国民を怒らせることに ありました ドイツ帝国自身が 容赦ない潜水艦攻撃の話を持ち出すのですが
And in it, he actually proposes an alliance to slow the Americans down so this is what he wrote... so this is the encoded telegram and then it was actually intercepted and decoded by British intelligence and then shared with the Americans and that was also then made public... to the American public.
同盟を組むことを提案しています これが 彼が書いた暗号電報です 実はこの暗号は イギリスの暗号解読班によって 解読され アメリカと内容を共有されていたのです
So when people talk about what were the causes what brought the US into war the ones that are typically cited are the unrestricted submarine warfare, the sinking of the Lusitania, the Zimmerman telegram , that was trying to get Mexico to somehow get into a war with the US and reclaim these territories.
参戦の原因について話す時 決まって 引き合いに出すのが 無差別潜水艦攻撃 ルシタニア号の沈没 ツィンメルマンの電報
Why, if I wanted him to dine with me, I used to post him a letter at the beginning of the week, and then the day before send him a telegram and a phone call on the day itself, and half an hour before the time we'd fixed a messenger in a taxi, whose business it was to see that he got in and that the chauffeur had the address all correct.
今週の そしてその後の日 彼に日に電報と電話通話を送信する前に それ自体 そして 時間30分前 我々は 固定したい そのビジネスそれは彼がで得たことを確認することだったとタクシーのメッセンジャーを


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