Translation of "three dimensionality" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Dimensionality - translation : Three - translation :

Three dimensionality - translation :
Keywords : 日間

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The dimensionality equals the number of large eigenvalues.
さらにこの固有ベクトルを使って 各データのベクトルを書き直せば
I am going to talk about linear dimensionality reduction.
You can add a third dimensionality to the film.
Essentially it becomes one dimensional, we lose our 2 dimensionality
They scale quadratically with the dimensionality of the state space.
There's a general problem of high dimensionality of the space that is not dissimilar from the way k nearest neighbor suffers from high dimensionality.
次元でk近傍法に起こる問題と変わりません また数学的基礎も欠落しています
You want to bring across the fabric and the three dimensionality of the garmet and what you also want is clear separation from the background.
衣類を立体的に見えるように配置する そして背景から切り取られているように見せる できれば背景は100 ホワイトが理想です
So what is the dimensionality of the state space for such a robot?
Dimensionality reduction is also a method for doing density estimation, and there are many others.
他にもいろいろな方法があります 教師なし学習はデータの中の 構造を見つけるために使われます
'Three.....'three'.....three.... the volunteer answers 'three'.....'three'
3 3 被験者の答え
Let's now talk about a 2nd class of unsupervised learning avenues that are called dimensionality reduction.
次元削減 と呼ばれるものです では直感を試す小テストから始めます
Three, plus three, plus three, plus three.
Three plus three plus three.
You learned about K means, you learned about expectation maximization, about dimensionality reduction and even spectral clustering.
次元削減や スペクトラルクラスタリングも学びました 最初の3つのk means法 EM法 次元削減は 頻繁に利用されます
The dimensionality reduction looks a little bit silly when you go from 2 dimensions to 1 dimension.
Three of Three
Three? Four? Three.
チャップリンからマージョリー ベネット そしてフレッド ウィラードからジャスティン ビーバー
Three of Three Arena
So three plus three.
さて 2 はどこへ行ったかな
What's three plus three?
6  だね
Three cards, three chances.
Three by three cube.
目標は この後ろの左上のマスから
Three cards, three chances.
1枚の5が10になり 10が20になり
Let's do three point three goes into forty three point two three.
One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.
And finally, three pawns, three pawns, and three pawns.
3つの歩 そして3つの歩です 3つの歩を取ることを6回繰り返します
This is a three by three by three cube.
これが NxNxnNのキューブではどうでしょう
One times three is three.
ここには何もたすものはありません そこでこれは単に3です
Three times one is three.
気をつけて下さい 3かける1は3で
One times three is three.
Three times three is nine.
Three times three is nine.
4 x4は 16 です
Three three of diamonds. Yes!
Three plus three is six.
6 3は 9 です
One times three is three.
100 x 1 つは
Three times three is nine.
Three times three is nine.
Three times three is nine.
Three times three is nine.
たすことの1 つまり3かける3たす1は
Three minus three is zero.
Sure, three bucks, three hundred.
Three. Three times the dosage.
So let me just go through this very quickly and give you an intuition how to do linear dimensionality reduction.
そして線形次元削減をするコツを教えます このようなデータ点があるとします


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