Translation of "took down" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
We took a write down. | 私達は40億ドルの資産を持っていると思っていた |
That's what took down Washington. | そうやってワシントンを手に入れた |
He took her down to Chinatown | そいつは彼女をチャイナタウンに連れ出し |
She took down the speech in shorthand. | 彼女はその演説の速記をとった |
Yeah, you took down a 100pound woman, | ああ 45kgの女性だろ |
Today, they even took down my posters. | 私のポスターも 変えられた |
Shane took him down to the quarry. | シェーンが採石場に連れて行った |
The reporter took down everything that was said. | 記者は話されたことはすべて書き留めた |
The reporter took down everything that was said. | リポーターは言われたことをすべて書き留めた |
She took down a book from the shelf. | 彼女は棚から本を一冊降ろした |
Engines took a serious hit. Weapons are down. | エンジンが致命的な被害を受けました 武器システムもダウンしています |
I took a photo and wrote it down. | 写真に撮りました 筆記もしました |
I took down her telephone number in my notebook. | 僕は彼女の電話番号を手帳に書きつけた |
He took the heavy box down from the shelf. | 彼は棚から重い箱を降ろした |
I carefully took down everything that my teacher said. | 私は先生がおっしゃったことをすべて慎重に書き留めた |
The detective took down his testimony on the spot. | 刑事は彼の証言をその場で書き取った |
I guess it's time I settled down and took | そろそろ一所に 落ち着きます |
Strut down the street and have your picture took | Strut down the street and have your picture took |
I'm sorry it took so long to come down. | ごめんよ 降りるのが遅くて |
He puts down the rag, throws it down. I took out kicking the tire. | 窓拭きから 自然にフロントへと回らせて |
He took a slide down the hill on his sled. | 彼はそりで丘を滑り降りた |
The detective took down his oral testimony on the spot. | 刑事はその場で彼の口頭証言を書き取った |
He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves. | 棚 Eglow Eglonitz ここでは Egriaです |
He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves. | Eglow Eglonitz ここで我々は Egriaです それがドイツ語圏の国になって IN |
And he took lithium, and he went down the line. | ほぼ毎回ドンピシャです |
Rammed it forwards. Bounced down the runway. Just took off. | 片方のスキーが滑走路の端にある氷丘脈を打ちつけ 飛行機が傾きました |
I took two flights and turned down a fashion show. | ファッションショーをキャンセルして 飛行機で来たの |
After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap. | おじさんは家具をくくりつけた後寝ちゃったんだ |
My mom and i took mules down into the canyon. | 騾馬で下まで行ったんだ |
We sallied out at once. He took half and I took half, and we settled down to work. | 仕事に落ち着いて |
As soon as he took the medicine, his fever went down. | その薬を飲んですぐに彼の熱が下がった |
He reached out and took down a small leather bound book. | 彼は手を伸ばして小さな皮表紙の本をとった |
He took down his profile when he started dating Hot Toddy. | ほんと それってナイスじゃないか |
We took their three legs, we collapsed them down as one. | プリンストン大の著名な数学者の |
The joker took the best of us and tore him down. | ジョーカーは旗手を奪い 叩きのめした |
Hey, I took care of Bauer and Walker. They're pinned down. | バウアーとウォーカーを 動けないようにした |
They took your phone and held you down at one point? | お前の携帯を取り上げて 皆に押さえつけられたのか? |
But anyway, the probe took measurements of the atmosphere on the way down, and it also took panoramic pictures. | パノラマ画像の撮影も行いました 最初の写真を見たときの事は 言葉にできません |
The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word. | 刑事はその場で 彼の証言を一言一句正確に書き取った |
Well, when the financial system collapsed, it took AlG down with it. | AIGも道連れに することになりました しかしゴールドマンサックスの人たちは 権力を操る者の間で具合良い位置を占めていて |
That took a genome project from 13 years down to four months. | 13年から4ヶ月へ短縮させるような技術でした 今なら同様のヒューマンジノムプロジェクトを |
We went down there, and I took one look at this camel. | 900キロもある発情期のラクダです |
Yeah, you should've. You blew it. You took me down with you. | ああ 君はそうするべきだったさ 君は俺を欺いたんだ 俺を一緒に破滅させたんだ |
She cut 'em down like wheat. Took maybe 10, 15 minutes max. | ヤツは15分もあれば 敵を全滅させる |
I mean, it took him down fast. What the hell was it? | 彼はすぐ倒れたわ あれはいったい何 |
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