Translation of "tucked" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Tucked - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Okeydokey. Beddiebye. All tucked in. | よぉし さっさと寝て 良い夢でも見ろ |
He tucked the handkerchief in his pocket. | 彼はそのハンカチをポケットに押し込んだ |
He tucked the napkin under his chin. | 彼はあごの下にナプキンをはさみ込んだ |
Tom tucked his shirt into his pants. | トムはシャツをズボンの中に入れた |
I guess she'll be safe now, tucked away. | これで 彼女は安全だ |
Tucked between the money that I wasted on you | And keep me in your phone |
Communities that are tucked away in villages across the world. | 自分たちには すごいアイデアや行動力を持つ人がいるんだと 世界に伝えるためです |
You tell anyone I tucked him in, I'll kill you. | 誰かに話したら 殺すぞ |
Martha tucked her feet under her and made herself quite comfortable. | thの'風wutherin ラウンドハウスに聞く 彼女は言った |
Had I known, I'd have tucked in me shirt. A cyborg! | いらっしゃるのがわかっていたら シャツを替えていましたのに ...サイボーグだ |
And you're all tucked in at night with your precious family. | あんたが家族と 寝てる間にな |
And our lander is safely tucked inside what we call an aeroshell. | アイスクリームのコーンのような形です |
As far as I know, they're tucked away in cargo, per regulations. | 付け加えれば そのどれかが 使われたとすれば |
I think we might have noticed a signature tucked in the corner. | 隅っこに押し込まれたサインなら気づいたと思うが |
The wireless telescope was a digital camera I had tucked in my pocket. | 僕がひとりで氷上にいた72日間の毎日 |
Found him tucked in the junkyard along with Tuco's own brotherinlaw, a.k.a. Gonzo. | 死体発見現場には トゥコの義兄弟 ゴンゾもいた |
Duchess, as she tucked her arm affectionately into Alice's, and they walked off together. | 一緒に立ち去った アリスはそのような快適な気性の彼女を見つけることは非常に嬉しかったです と彼女自身に考え |
If you didn't have a legitimate alibi tucked away someplace you'd be so scared. | 君はとても怖くなる なぜ俺がそうしていないと? |
this is tucked in some small solid, but the moment it evaporates, it's merged with the whole. | 蒸発した瞬間に 全体と一体化するっていうことなんです でも母は でも 何だか気に入らない |
Yeah, I don't think you're gonna find your answer tucked into a list of her eBay bids. | あのさ 彼女がイーベイで落札した物のリストに 君の答えが見つかるとは 思えないけど |
It's Alice Tully Hall, and it's tucked under the Juilliard Building and descends several levels under the street. | これはアリス タリー ホールで ジュリアードビルの下に隠れていますが ジュリアードビルの下に隠れていますが 通りの地下何階かまであります |
I was 14 years old, tucked away in myself, into myself, and I wasn't touched either, physically touched. | 誰にも触れられず生きてきたんです ここで立ち戻って報告します |
I was tucked into the corner furthest away from the television, but I strained to listen for information. | テレビからの情報に耳をそばだてていた その情報によると スマトラでM8.5の地震が起き |
If you didn't have a legitimate alibi tucked away someplace you'd be so scared. BENNY How come I'm not using it? | 疑問がごちゃごちゃあり 答がないんだ |
Just everything is lined, it incorporates every single thing that you could possibly imagine is tucked into this high performance skin. | 思いつくどんなものもすべて 高性能な表面で覆いました そしてさらにもう一つ |
But deeply tucked into the fabric of space itself, the idea is there could be more dimensions, as we see there. | 今見ているように より多くの次元があり得るのです これが 宇宙には我々の目に見えるよりも多くの次元があるかもしれない |
I stuffed a shirt or two into my old carpet bag, tucked it under my arm, and started for Cape Horn and the Pacific. | ホーン岬と太平洋のために開始 私は 古いManhattoの良い都市を終了する |
So she tucked it away under her arm, that it might not escape again, and went back for a little more conversation with her friend. | 彼女の友人と少し会話用 彼女はチェシャ猫に戻ったときに 彼女は非常に大群衆を見つけるために驚いた |
I then put him to bed, tucked him in, gave him a kiss on his forehead and said, Goodnight, mate, and walked out of his bedroom. | おやすみ ぼうや と おでこにキスをして 部屋から出て行きました その時です |
And if you look, tucked away inside the inner surface of the temporal lobes you can't see it there is a little structure called the fusiform gyrus. | ここには見えませんが... 紡錘状回と呼ばれる小さな組織です 脳の 顔のエリア とも呼ばれています |
And as I looked at it, it kind of tucked its arms under it, raised into a spherical shape and turned chocolate brown with two white stripes. | 球形に丸まって 2本の白い縞のある茶褐色に変わりました すごい こんな生物初めて 感動しました |
The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its | 取得に体はそので 彼女の腕の下に 快適に十分な 隠れ 同じように 一般的にぶら下がっていますが 足 |
I wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers, and tucked them all throughout the city, dozens and dozens of them. | 宛先は特にありません 街中に置いていきました 何十通もですよ カフェに図書館 |
Well, tonight he sleeps safely with a stack of letters just like this one tucked beneath his pillow, scripted by strangers who were there for him when. | こんな手紙の束が 枕元にあるはずです 助けが必要だった時 知らない人が綴ってくれた手紙です こういった物語を耳にして |
And the boy on the right, with his socks pulled up (Laughter) with his shirt tucked in, his top buttoned up, and a combover without one hair out of place, he is from Pluto. | 笑 ズボンにシャツを入れ ボタンを一番上まで止めて 髪をきっちりなでつけた子 |
Or a girl who decides that she is going to leave love letters around her campus in Dubuque, Iowa, only to find her efforts ripple effected the next day when she walks out onto the quad and finds love letters hanging from the trees, tucked in the bushes and the benches. | キャンパスにラブレターを 置いていったそうです 翌日 中庭に行ってみると 感化された人たちからの ラブレターが木に吊されてたり |
She was asked to enter the lofty Palace but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs. He said This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass. She said O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul I do (now) submit (in Islam), with Solomon, to the Lord of the Worlds. | それから かの女は 宮殿に入るよう告げられた だがそれを見た時 池だと思い 裾を上げて かの女は両脚を現わした スライマーンは言った 本当にこれはガラス張りの宮殴です かの女は 主よ 本当にわたしは自ら不義を犯しました 今 わたしは スライマーンと共に万有の主に服従 帰依いたします と言った |
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