Translation of "undergoing restructuring" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Restructuring - translation : Undergoing restructuring - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Chapter 11 restructuring.
そして チャプター11では 会社の稼動を
They're undergoing renovation,
And restructuring says, you know what?
この工場はここです それは実際
That'a a prime spot...Are we restructuring?
第我々 が発生しています
Manager, he didn't talk about restructuring right?
彼女いるんですか 誰かと付き合ってるんですか
Well, the other type is reorganization or restructuring.
You are undoubtedly aware of our restructuring programs.
ご存知のように我が国では 再建計画が進んでいる
Those are actual patients undergoing a painful procedure.
Now, the second thing that I want to talk about was this idea of restructuring, that what the Web is doing is restructuring.
再構成であるという考えについてです お知らせしておきますが これから
Thank to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold.
抜本的に事業の再構築を行ったおかげで 当社の黒字は3倍に膨らんだ
And in Chapter 11 restructuring, you keep operating the company.
維持します あなたは この左側の方程式に
Maurice is gonna talk to you about some corporate restructuring.
This is a 21 year old Palestinian woman undergoing hymenoplasty.
処女膜再生手術を受けているところです 処女膜を処女の状態に戻す外科手術です
Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled three fold.
抜本的な合理化のおかげで わが社の利益は3倍に増えた
It's an information process that was restructuring and making new order.
新しい秩序を創り出す情報プロセスです アインシュタインは エネルギーと物質が同等だと発見しました
But the Tasmanian devil population has been undergoing a really extremely fast decline.
ものすごい勢いで減少しています 実際に20 30年以内に
The way it works is this is actually a system called BrainPort undergoing
これはBrainPortという FDAが行なっているシステムで 盲目の人が
His injuries were the most severe. He's undergoing rehabilitative physical therapy at Walter Reed.
負傷が最もひどく 今も海軍病院にてリハビリを
Research in Motion announced the layoff of 2000 employees and a restructuring of the company.
リサーチ イン モーションが約2千人の従業員解雇と組織再編を発表した.
And again, you have billions of cells undergoing this process right now inside of you.
何十億という細胞がこうして分裂しています では少し巻き戻して 染色体だけに着目して
We just might be undergoing the biggest paradigm shift in knowledge that humanity has ever seen.
パラダイムシフトを 経験しているのかもしれません
We just might be undergoing the biggest paradigm shift in knowledge that humanity has ever seen.
経験しているのかも知れません 音楽
When the worldwide blackout occurred earlier today, people were undergoing brain scans at that exact moment.
さきほど世界中でブラックアウトが起きたとき 人々は全く同じ時に 脳のスキャンをされたみたいです
If it's going to require a total restructuring, I'm sure they will be satisfied with the old system.
もし システムの完全な入れ替えが必要ということになれば 彼らは古いシステムで満足することと思う
It was '94.I was working for the indonesian government. I was in jakarta.I was restructuring the national bank.
94年に国立銀行の再建を任され ジャカルタにいた
PRlME MlNISTER MARlO MONTl Great pleasure. As we sit here, Greece is undergoing yet another 24 hour general strike.
24時間のストライキ 資金調達状況hasn tが解決されて 結果は何ですか
By traveling in packs, the students on the outside of the pack insulate those in the middle from undergoing any collisions.
衝突時に内側にいる生徒を守っています それをばらばらにすることによって より多くの生徒がさらけ出されることになり
Yeah, we have a lot, but I mean, at the moment, we are undergoing a sort of serious fundraising and engineering effort.
作業に追われ ここ数ヶ月は
Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring.
会議の席で常務は 開口一番何を言ったと思う 大規模なリストラ計画を発表したんだよな
And when we talked to her, she said that when she was undergoing chemotherapy, she had to go to the hospital every month for her infusions.
化学療法を受けていたときは 点滴のために毎月病院に行かなくてはならず 副作用が起こって治るまで
After undergoing biopsies that further increased her risk for cancer and losing her sister to cancer, she made the difficult decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy.
癌になりそうな事が はっきりと分かった事と 姉を癌で失った事から 彼女は予防的乳房切除という
He was undergoing a treatment chemotherapy treatments and there's a related treatment called brachytherapy, where tiny, radioactive seeds are placed into the body to treat cancerous tumors.
他に 近接放射療法という治療法がありました 近接放射療法は小さな放射性の種を 体に埋め込み 癌腫瘍を治療するものです
there's been approximately 400 cases so far just in the part of Sweden that I come from that has been undergoing virtual autopsies in the past four years.
過去4年の間だけでも バーチャル解剖をされた例は 約400例あります
Let's start at the center coordinates of our circle, because our robot is undergoing circular motion, and we can look at the (x, y) coordinates of our robot before the motion.
その理由はロボットが円の動きをしていて 動作前のロボットの x y 座標を見ることができるためです ここで問題です x y 座標とロボットの配向角θを基に
Time permitting we will include some optional videos with the notion of rotations which do more fundamental restructuring of search trees so that they can maintain the four invariants, and stay nearly perfectly balanced.
ツリーの回転によって もっと根本的な探索木の再構築を 行い 4つの不変条件を維持してバランスした状態を保つための 解説をします では ここに赤黒木があって 全部のノードが黒
In the forensic case and this is something that ... there's been approximately 400 cases so far just in the part of Sweden that I come from that has been undergoing virtual autopsies in the past four years.
これらは私の出身である スウェーデンだけで 過去4年間において
So it appears that all three primary caregivers myself, my wife and our nanny were systematically and, I would think, subconsciously restructuring our language to meet him at the birth of a word and bring him gently into more complex language.
私 妻 おばあさん のだれもが いつも 何げなく 言葉遣いを調整してあげて
One is, think about the amount of suffering that is saved from patients undergoing noninvasive surgery, and also the economical and emotional burden removed from their families and communities and the society at large and I think also from their physicians, by the way.
非侵襲的な手術を受けた患者が どれ程苦しみから解放されるか考えて欲しいということです そして患者の家族や地域社会 更に社会全体としても
They are symbolically fed and cared for, and the family at this time will begin a number of ritual injunctions, which communicates to the wider community around them that one of their members is undergoing the transition from this life into the afterlife known as Puya.
この段階で 家族は 儀式に関する様々な決め事に 着手します それによって 家族の中に
Do you think that you will enter Paradise without undergoing such trials as were experienced by the believers before you? They met with adversity and affliction and were so shaken by trials that the Prophet of the time and his followers cried out When will Allah's help come ? (Then they were comforted with the good tidings) Yes, Allah's help is near.
それともあなたがたは 先に過ぎ去った者たちが出会ったような 試みが まだ訪れない先に 至上の幸福の 園に入ろうと考えるのか かれらは災難や困窮に見舞われ 不安の中に 動揺させられて 使徒も 一緒の信者たちも アッラーの御助けは 何時 来る だろう と叫んだ程であった ああ 本当にアッラーの御助けは近付いている


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