Translation of "zinc spraying" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
It's zinc. | 亜鉛だ |
I'd say zinc. | 亜鉛だよ |
Who's spraying water? | だれが水をまいてるんだ? |
This metal is called zinc. | この金属は亜鉛と呼ばれる |
No. It's nothing. I'm taking zinc. | 何でもない 亜鉛を飲んでるわ |
They are spraying the fruit trees. | 彼らは果樹に農薬を散布している |
Solid zinc, okay. And And bring me | それから |
Do you think the zinc really works? | 亜鉛が効くと |
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. | 真鍮は銅と亜鉛の合金である |
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. | 黄銅は銅と亜鉛の合金である |
Oxygen, hydrogen and zinc have their own signature. | さあここからもう一段階小さくなります |
It has to be galvanized or solid zinc. | 電気を通す金属で 亜鉛メッキがいい |
Why are you spraying that stuff in our sky? | ごく少数の人に莫大な富を 集めているのです |
We're flying through 2,000 lattice of atoms oxygen, hydrogen and zinc. | 原子格子の中を飛んでいます 三角形の原子結合が見えますね |
It's four blue zinc atoms bonding with one white hydrogen atom. | 白い水素原子1個が結合しています アーティストが科学者向けに作った流線に |
And I started spraying that on the streets in Cairo. | その後 No は連作になりました 本から現れた |
Of course, while spraying, I wear a mask and gloves, | 合羽を着てそれで浴びないようにしてるんですよ |
They been spraying the hell out of us all morning. | 朝からこんな状態だ |
So, maybe spraying DDT on crops is a really bad idea. | しかし マラリアを絶滅させるためには |
Nine months later I found myself spraying messages in Tahrir Square. | メッセージをスプレーしていました きっかけは |
So the question now remains, Why in the world are they spraying? | ジオエンジニアリングの 分野では |
Make high quality aluminum particles just by spraying aluminum vapor out, which oxidizes. | 高品質のアルミニウム粒子が 生成される 理論上では十分可能です |
Everything you see in this picture is commercial grade copper, lead, silver, zinc and gold. | 銅 鉛 銀 亜鉛 金です つまりイースターバニーは海底にもいろいろ隠していて |
I was being new, and Blauner was being this old tomcat spraying his territory. | 俺は新人でブラーナーは 年寄りの猫のように 領地を守ってた |
Basically, about half of the world's population is lacking in iron, zinc, iodine and vitamin A. | 鉄とヨウ素とビタミンAの欠乏に見舞われています 120億ドルを投資すると |
But what if we organized the spraying of graffiti throughout the night, all over Krakow. | 広めれば 街中の人がそれに気づきます イベントに合う戦略を選ぶのです |
like ammunition, and adding messages to them, and I started spraying them on the walls. | 壁にスプレーしていったのです いくつかお見せしましょう |
Here's the first battery a stack of coins, zinc and silver, separated by cardboard soaked in brine. | 硬貨形の亜鉛と銀が山積みにされ 塩水漬けのボール紙により 分けられています これが電池設計の |
I'll tell them we're spraying for bugs. It should just be a day or two, anyways. | I'm just putting a little tweak on it. |
And when you use indoor spraying with DDT and those nets you can cut deaths by over 50 percent. | 蚊帳をつることで 死亡数を半数以上 減らすことができます これは既に 多数の国々で実行されており |
The fly is printed in thermosensitive ink so you can make it vanish by spraying hot urine on it. | 笑 拍手 |
You can get on your Kinect and you can have unicorns dancing and rainbows spraying out of your mobile phone. | ユニコーン達を踊らせたり 携帯電話から虹を出したりしている最中に 404ページは出て欲しくありませんよね |
Since we released What in the World Are They Spraying, hundreds of people from around the world have began taking rain tests. | 世界中の人々が 雨水調査を始めました そこで検出されたのは |
Because in Mine golia, Chinese firms operate and own most of the mines copper, zinc, gold and they truck the resources south and east into mainland China. | 銅 亜鉛 金の鉱山の ほとんどを所有しています そして 採掘した資源を中国本土向けに運搬しています 中国はモンゴルを征服しているのではありません |
Geoengineers are proposing spraying 10 to 20 million tons of toxic aluminum and other substances into our sky for the stated goal of cooling our planet. | 1 2千万トンの物質を 大気中に散布することで 地球を冷却できると 主張しています ジオエンジニアリングの 2つの異なる部門について |
Now if you look at the top of the slide, you will see that two thirds of us do not take in enough calcium, magnesium, zinc or iodine. | 全体の2 3のアメリカ人がカルシウムと マグネシウム 亜鉛 ヨウ素の 摂取不足であることが見て取れるでしょう そして80 のアメリカ人が オメガ3脂肪酸を十分に取れていません |
Imagine spraying the precursors to a PV cell, to a solar cell, onto a roof, and having it self assemble into a layered structure that harvests light. | 光を取り入れる層構造が 自己組織化することを想像してください IT界にとって面白いのがバイオシリコンです |
Instead, scytodes sort of lurks around and waits for prey to get close to it, and then immobilizes prey by spraying a silk like venom onto that insect. | 糸状の毒を虫に吹きかけて 動けなくするのです クモ糸射出のおもちゃ で狩りをする感じです |
We may think it takes more time because of manual labor, but since we avoid unnecessary works, such as plowing, spraying chemicals, or anything, we don't spend that sort of labor time. | でも できるだけ余計なことをしないですので まあ あの 耕すとか 農薬を散布するとか いろいろなこと そういう労働時間はなくなるわけです |
The makers of this wash suggest spraying their product directly on firm produce for example, potatoes, oranges, bell peppers rubbing with your hands for about 30 seconds and then rinsing thoroughly under cool running water. | 例えば ジャガイモやオレンジ ピーマンといった硬い農産物に rubbing with your hands for about 30 seconds and then rinsing 手で擦りながら30秒間直接スプレーした後 冷水で濯ぐと良いようです |
And the latest infraction against these people is, as part of Plan Colombia, we're spraying Paraquat or Round Up, whatever it is we're defoliating thousands of acres of the Ecuadorian Amazon in our war on drugs. | プラン コロンビアの一部として パラコートやラウンドアップといった 除草剤がまかれ エクアドル アマゾンの 何千エーカーもの土地が |
This is an iron, you know, for your clothes, to which I added a spraying mechanism, so you fill up the vial with your favorite scent, and your clothes will smell nicer, but hopefully it should also make the ironing experience more enjoyable. | そこにスプレーの機能を取り入れてみました その容器を好きな香りで満たせば あなたの服もいい香りがするのです |
And so, if you have a system like HAARP working in conjunction with aerosols, chemtrails that are spraying in the air, you can actually create updrafts that are so powerful that you can have these hailstone circulation patterns going over and over again, where you get hailstones the size of baseballs, or even softballs. | エアロゾルを用いて ケムトレイルを散布すれば 強力な上昇気流の生成が 可能となり |
By doing these kinds of simulations, we want to eradicate or control malaria thousands of times in software before we actually have to do it in real life to be able to simulate both the economic trade offs how many bed nets versus how much spraying? or the social trade offs what happens if unrest breaks out? | 実際に対策を行う前に ソフトウェアの中で何千回も マラリアの根絶や制御を行い |
The reality is, there's the Woolworth Building in a veil of smoke from the site, but it's now like a scrim across a theater, and it's turning pink, you know, and down below there are hoses spraying, and the lights have come on for the evening, and the water is turning acid green because the sodium lamps are on, and I'm thinking, My God, who could dream this up? | 煙に包まれている でも 煙が紗の幕となって 舞台はピンク色に染まるのです 見下ろせばホースで 放水が行われていましたが |
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